
I. Laboratory Regulations 1
II. Glass Apparatus in Common Use 3
The Selection, Preparation, and Care of
Glassware, 8—Cleaning of Glass
Apparatus, 18—Plugging Test-tubes and
Flasks, 24.
III. Methods of Sterilisation 26
Sterilising Agents, 26—Methods of
Application, 27—Electric Signal Timing
Clock, 38.
IV. The Microscope 49
Essentials, 49—Accessories, 57—Methods
of Micrometry, 61.
V. Microscopical Examination of Bacteria and Other
Apparatus and Reagents used in Ordinary
Microscopical Examination, 69—Methods of
Examination, 74.
VI. Staining Methods 90
Bacteria Stains, 90—Contrast Stains,
93—Tissue Stains, 95—Blood Stains,
97—Methods of Demonstrating Structure of
Bacteria, 99—Differential Methods of
Staining, 108.
VII. Methods of Demonstrating Bacteria in Tissues 114
Freezing Method, 115—Paraffin Method,
117—Special Staining Methods for
Sections, 121.
VIII. Classification of Fungi 126
Morphology of the Hyphomycetes,
126—Morphology of the Blastomycetes,
IX. Schizomycetes 131
Anatomy, 134—Physiology,
136—Biochemistry, 144.
X. Nutrient Media 146
Meat Extract, 148—Standardisation of
Media, 154—The Filtration of Media,
156—Storing Media in Bulk, 159—Tubing
Nutrient Media, 160.
XI. Ordinary or Stock Culture Media 163
XII. Special Media 182
XIII. Incubators 216
XIV. Methods of Cultivation 221
Aerobic, 222—Anaerobic, 236.
XV. Methods of Isolation 248
XVI. Methods of Identification and Study 259
Scheme of Study, 259—Macroscopical
Examination of Cultivations,
261—Microscopical Methods,
272—Biochemical Methods, 276—Physical
Methods, 295—Inoculation Methods,
315—Immunisation, 321—Active
Immunisation, 322—The Preparation of
HÆmolytic Serum, 327—The Titration of
HÆmolytic Serum, 328—Storage of
HÆmolysin, 331.
XVII. Experimental Inoculation of Animals 332
Selection and Care of Animals,
335 —Methods of Inoculation, 352.
XVIII. The Study of Experimental Infections During Life 370
General Observations, 371—Blood
Examinations, 373—Serological
Investigations, 378—Agglutinin,
381—Opsonin, 387—Immune Body, 393.
XIX. Post-mortem Examination of Experimental Animals 396
XX. The Study of the Pathogenic Bacteria 408
XXI. Bacteriological Analyses 415
Bacteriological Examination of Water,
416—Examination of Milk, 441—Ice Cream,
457—Examination of Cream and Butter,
457—Examination of Unsound Meats,
460—Examination of Oysters and Other
Shellfish, 463—Examination of Sewage and
Sewage Effluents, 466—Examination of
Air, 468—Examination of Soil,
470—Testing Filters, 478—Testing of
Disinfectants, 480.
Appendix 492
Index 505


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