A Text-Book of Human Histology. Including Microscopic Technic. By Dr. A. A. BÖhm and Dr. M. Von Davidoff, of Munich, and G. Carl Huber, M.D., Professor of Embryology at the Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania. Handsome octavo of 528 pages, with 361 beautiful original illustrations. Flexible cloth, $3.50 net. SECOND EDITION, ENLARGEDThe work of Drs. BÖhm and Davidoff is well known in the German edition, and has been considered one of the most practically useful books on the subject of Human Histology. This second edition has been in great part rewritten and very much enlarged by Dr. Huber, who has also added over one hundred original illustrations. Dr. Huber's extensive additions have rendered the work the most complete students' text-book on Histology in existence. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal "Is unquestionably a text-book of the first rank, having been carefully written by thorough masters of the subject, and in certain directions it is much superior to any other histological manual." |