Quho is at my windo? who? who? Goe from my windo; goe, goe: Quha calles there, so like ane stranger? Goe from my windo, goe. Lord, I am heir, ane wratched mortall That for thy mercie dois crie and call Vnto thee, my Lord Celestiall. See who is at my window, who. “I saw Pape Julius manfullye Passe to the feild tryumphantlye With ane rycht aufull ordinance Contrar Lowis, the kyng of France.” “His lymmis wes lyk twa rokkis; ... Ran vpoun vtheris lyk rammis; ... Bet on with barrow trammis;” and in “The Justyng” we find— “Quod Jhone, ‘Howbeit thou thinkis my leggis lyke rokkis ... Yit, thocht thy braunis be lyk twa barrow-trammis, Defend thee, man!’ Than ran thay to, lyk rammis.” “Who gaze on thine eyes in the stream’s recess Till they die of their own dear loveliness.” |