PAGE | Scottish Poetry of the Sixteenth Century, | 1 | Sir David Lyndsay, | 9 | The Dreme, | 29 | The Testament and Complaynt of our Soverane Lordis Papyngo, | 40 | The Justing Betuix James Watsoun and Jhone Barbour, | 64 | Kitteis Confessioun, | 67 | Squyer Meldrumis Justyng, | 72 | The Squyeris Adew, | 84 | Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, | 85 | Daybreak in May, | 102 | John Bellenden, | 105 | Virtew and Vyce, | 115 | Nobilnes, | 129 | Address to Bellona and King James V., | 132 | The Excusation of the Prentar, | 134 | Anno Domini, | 136 | King James the Fifth, | 139 | Peblis to the Play, | 159 | Chrystis Kirk on the Grene, | 168 | The Gaberlunzieman, | 176 | The Jolly Beggar, | 180 | Sir Richard Maitland, | 183 | Satire on the Age, | 195 | Satire on the Toun Ladyes, | 199 | Na Kyndnes at Court without Siller, | 204 | On the Folye of ane Auld Manis Maryand ane Young Woman, | 206 | Aganis the Theivis of Liddisdaill, | 208 | Advyce to Lesom Mirriness, | 212 | Alexander Scot, | 215 | The Justing and Debait vp at the Dram betuix William Adamsone and Johine Sym, | 221 | Hence, Hairt, | 229 | Oppressit Hairt Indure, | 231 | To Luve Vnluvit, | 234 | Lo, Quhat it is to Lufe, | 236 | Alexander Montgomerie, | 237 | The Cherrie and the Slae, | 245 | The Night is Neir Gone, | 263 | An Admonitioun to Young Lassis, | 266 | To His Maistres, | 267 | To His Maistres, | 268 | To ThÉ for Me, | 269 |