Scottish Poetry of the Sixteenth Century, 1
Sir David Lyndsay, 9
The Dreme, 29
The Testament and Complaynt of our Soverane Lordis Papyngo, 40
The Justing Betuix James Watsoun and Jhone Barbour, 64
Kitteis Confessioun, 67
Squyer Meldrumis Justyng, 72
The Squyeris Adew, 84
Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, 85
Daybreak in May, 102
John Bellenden, 105
Virtew and Vyce, 115
Nobilnes, 129
Address to Bellona and King James V., 132
The Excusation of the Prentar, 134
Anno Domini, 136
King James the Fifth, 139
Peblis to the Play, 159
Chrystis Kirk on the Grene, 168
The Gaberlunzieman, 176
The Jolly Beggar, 180
Sir Richard Maitland, 183
Satire on the Age, 195
Satire on the Toun Ladyes, 199
Na Kyndnes at Court without Siller, 204
On the Folye of ane Auld Manis Maryand ane Young Woman, 206
Aganis the Theivis of Liddisdaill, 208
Advyce to Lesom Mirriness, 212
Alexander Scot, 215
The Justing and Debait vp at the Dram betuix William Adamsone and Johine Sym, 221
Hence, Hairt, 229
Oppressit Hairt Indure, 231
To Luve Vnluvit, 234
Lo, Quhat it is to Lufe, 236
Alexander Montgomerie, 237
The Cherrie and the Slae, 245
The Night is Neir Gone, 263
An Admonitioun to Young Lassis, 266
To His Maistres, 267
To His Maistres, 268
To ThÉ for Me, 269


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