

1. Physiographic diagram: Atlantic Ocean, Sheet 1 (In separate tube)
2. Preliminary chart of Hudson Submarine Canyon 20
3. Representative PDR records from continental rise of northeastern United States 32
4. PDR records from continental slope and Blake Plateau 32
5. PDR records from outer ridge east of the Blake Plateau and from the Blake-Bahama Abyssal Plain 32
6. PDR record of outer ridge showing sub-bottom horizon 32
7. Tracings of PDR records across continental slope and part of the Blake Plateau 36
8. PDR records European continental rise and Biscay Abyssal Plain 38
9. Representative PDR records of continental margin and abyssal floor southwest of Canary Islands 38
10. PDR record of abyssal hills, southeast of Bermuda Rise 38
11. Ocean bottom photographs of the continental margin and ocean basin floor 38
12. PDR record of Biscay Abyssal Plain 52
13. PDR records of Madeira Abyssal Plain and the Madeira Rise 52
14. PDR records of Mid-Ocean Canyon No. 2 and canyons at Vema Gap 58
15. Ocean-bottom photographs of seamounts 58
16. Representative PDR records from Bermuda Rise 78
17. PDR record, Bermuda Scarp Zone 78
18. PDR record, Upper Step Mid-Atlantic Ridge 78
19. Ocean-bottom photographs; Mid-Atlantic Ridge 78
20. Physiographic provinces, Atlantic Ocean 122
21. Control chart 122
22. Six trans-Atlantic topographic profiles 122
23. Index chart showing locations of profiles of Plates 24, 25, 26 and Figure 45 122
24. Thirty-four profiles of the continental margin: western North Atlantic 122
25. Twenty-three profiles of the continental margin of Europe and Africa 122
26. Crustal structure and continental-margin provinces 122
27. Five topographic profiles, western North Atlantic 122
28. Distribution of deep-sea sands in relation to physiographic provinces 122
29. Earthquake epicenters, North Atlantic 122
30. Location of PDR records and bottom photographs reproduced as illustrations. 122


1. Method of preparation of physiographic diagram 4
2. Precision depth recorder (PDR) sounding lines obtained by research vessels 6
3. Good, but nonprecision sounding lines obtained by research vessels 7
4. Major basins of the North Atlantic, after WÜst (1940) 12
5. Sound-velocity corrections for echo soundings 13
6. Conversion diagram for degrees, per cent grade, feet per statute mile, and gradient 14
7. Gradients from 1:5 to 1:8000 shown at 40:1 vertical exaggeration

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