The Physiographic Diagram: Atlantic Ocean, Sheet 1, which portrays the North Atlantic between 17° and 50° North Latitude, is the first of a projected series of diagrams. The diagram is based on continuous echo-sounding traverses made by research vessels. The relief shown on the profiles was sketched in perspective using the technique introduced by Lobeck. Between sounding profiles the relief is speculative, based on extrapolation of trends noted in the profiles. The area of the diagram is divided into three major physiographic regions which are in turn subdivided into the following categories of provinces.
Each province is defined, briefly described, and illustrated with profiles and photographs of echo-sounding records. The boundaries of the physiographic provinces, defined solely by bottom topography, show good correlation with variations in crustal structure as determined by seismic-refraction measurements and with anomalies of the gravity and magnetic fields. In addition, the province boundaries correlate well with |