Greetings to the Visitor


We hope you will enjoy your stay in Williamsburg. This is the only historically important town in America which has changed so little in two hundred years.

We who live in Williamsburg love it. We hope you will stay long enough to get sentimental over it, too.

To help you get the most out of your visit we offer the following suggestions:

1. Williamsburg is not a museum. It is a living community.

2. The chief value of Williamsburg is its atmosphere. But for our having a few automobiles and new-fangled clothes, there has been mighty little change in this atmosphere since Thomas Jefferson and George Washington helped to make it what it is.

3. If you come from New York or Chicago don’t think of going inside any ancient building until you have spent at least one day in getting calmed down to our tempo and learning to wander about instead of hustling. Get into the spirit of the place.

4. Then, when you begin to feel at home and wish to see some interiors, take it easy. Go to the Church one day, the Palace another day, and so on. Imagine rushing through the Governor’s Garden!



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