1IT was in the old days. There were no towns with houses and streets and towering church-steeples. There were no schools. For there were not many boys and those there were learnt from their fathers to shoot with a bow and arrow, to hunt the deer in his hiding-place, to kill bears in order to make clothes of their hides and to get fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. When they knew all this thoroughly, their education was completed. Nor were there any railways, or There was hardly anything but trees. But then of trees there were plenty. They stood everywhere, from coast to coast, mirrored themselves in every river and sea and stretched their mighty branches up into the sky. They stooped out over the sea-shore, dipped their branches in the black water of the marshes and looked out haughtily over the land from the tall hills. They all knew one another, for they belonged to one big family and they were proud of it. “We are all oak-trees,” they said and drew themselves up. “We own the land and we govern it.” 2Then, one day, the bear came trudging along and lay down at full length under a great oak-tree. “Are you there again, you robber?” said the oak and shook a heap of withered leaves over him. “You really ought not to be so wasteful with your leaves, old friend,” said the bear, licking his “If you don’t like me, you can go away,” replied the oak, proudly. “I am lord of the land and, look where you may, you will find none but my brothers.” “True enough,” growled the bear. “That’s just the tiresome part of it. I’ve been for a little trip abroad, you see, and have been a bit spoilt. That was in a country down south. I there took a nap under the beech-trees. Those are tall, slender trees, not crooked old fellows like you. And their tops are so close that the sunbeams can’t pierce through them at all. It was a real delight to sleep there of an afternoon, believe me.” “Beech-trees?” asked the oak, curiously. “What are they?” The bear lay down and closed his eyes, but there was no sleep for him this time. For the other trees had heard what he had said and there came such a chattering and a jabbering and a rustling of leaves as had never been known in the forest. “Heaven knows what sort of trees those are!” said the one. “Of course, “What can trees be like whose leaves are so close together that the sunbeams can’t pierce through them?” asked a little oak who had been listening to what the big ones were saying. But next to him stood an old, gnarled tree, who slapped the little oak on the head with one of his lower branches. “Hold your tongue,” he said, “and don’t talk till you’ve got something to say. And you others need not believe a word of the bear’s nonsense. I am much taller than you and I can see a long way over the forest. But as far away as I can see there is nothing but oak-trees.” The little oak remained sheepish But the bear got up and rubbed his eyes. “Now you have disturbed my afternoon nap,” he growled, angrily, “and I shall have my revenge on you, never fear. When I come back, I shall bring some beech-seed with me and I’ll answer for it that you will all turn yellow with envy when you see how handsome the new trees are.” Then he trotted away. But the oaks talked to one another for days at a time of the queer trees which he had told them of. “If they come, we’ll do for them!” said the little oak-tree. “If they come, you shall be civil to them, you puppy,” he said. “But they won’t come.” 3Now this was where the old oak was wrong, for they did come. In the autumn, the bear returned and lay down under the old oak. “I am to give you the kind regards of the people down below there,” he said and picked some funny little things off his shaggy hide. “Just look what I’ve got for you.” “What’s that?” asked the oak. “That’s beech,” replied the bear. “Beech-seed, as I promised you.” Then he trampled them into the earth and prepared to leave again: When the bear had jogged off, the trees looked at one another seriously. “Let us now see what happens,” said the old oak. And thereupon they betook themselves to rest. The winter came and tore all their leaves from them. The snow lay high over all the land and every tree stood plunged in his own thoughts and dreamt of spring. And, when the spring came, the The oaks alone still stood with leafless branches: “It is very distinguished to come last,” they said to one another. “The king of the forest does not arrive before the whole company is assembled.” But at last they did arrive. All the leaves burst forth from the fat buds and the trees looked at one another and complimented one another on their good appearance. The little oak had grown a decent bit. This made him feel important and think that he now had the right to join in the conversation: The old oak heard what he said and so did the others. But they said nothing. None of them had forgotten what the bear had said and every morning, when the sun shone, they peeped down secretly to see if the beeches had come. At bottom they were a little anxious, but they were too proud to talk about it. And, one day, at last, the little sprouts shot up from the ground. The sun shone upon them and the rain fell over them, so that it was not long before they grew to a good height. “I say, how pretty they are!” said “You are welcome among us,” said the old oak and gave them a gracious nod. “You shall be my foster-children and have just as good a time as my own.” “Thank you,” said the little beeches and not a word more. But the little oak did not like the strange trees: “It’s awful, the way you’re shooting up,” he said, in a vexed tone. “You’re already half as tall as I am. May I beg you to remember that I am much older than you and of a good family besides?” The beeches laughed with their tiny little green leaves, but said nothing. “Shall I bend my branches a little “Much obliged,” replied the beeches. “We can grow quite nicely in the shade.” 4And all that summer passed and another summer and still more. The beeches went on growing steadily and at last grew right over the little oak’s head. “Keep your leaves to yourselves!” cried the oak. “You’re standing in my light; and that I can’t endure. I must have proper sunshine. Take your leaves away, else I shall die.” The beeches only laughed and went on growing. At last, they met right above the little oak’s head and then he died. But the old oak stood up for his foster-children. “Serve him right!” he said. “That’s the reward of his bragging. I say it, although he is my own flesh and blood. But you must be careful now, you little beeches, for else I shall slap you on the head too.” 5The years passed and the beeches kept on growing and gradually became slim young trees that reached right up among the old oak’s branches. “You’re beginning to be rather intrusive for my taste,” said the old oak. “You had better try to grow a “Every one grows in his own manner and we in ours,” replied the young beeches. “This is the way it’s done where we come from; and we dare say we are just as good as you.” “That’s not a very polite remark to make to an old tree with moss on his branches,” said the oak. “I am beginning to regret that I was so good to “We can’t quite see what that has to do with us,” replied the beeches. “Every one has enough to do to look after himself. If he is industrious and successful, then things go well with him. If not, he must be content to go to the wall. Such is the way of the world.” And the oak’s lower branches died and he began to be terribly frightened. “You’re nice fellows, you are,” he said, “the way you reward me for my hospitality! When you were little, I “Fudge!” said the beeches. Then they blossomed and put forth fruit and, when the fruit was ripe, the wind shook their branches and spread it all around. “You are active people, like myself,” said the wind. “That’s why I like you and will gladly give you a hand.” And the fox rolled at the foot of the beech and filled his coat with the prickly fruit and ran all over the country with it. The bear did the same and moreover laughed at the old oak while he lay and rested in the shadow New little beeches shot up round about and grew just as quickly as their parents and looked as green and happy as if they did not know what a bad conscience was. But the old oak gazed out sadly over the forest. The light beech-leaves peeped forth on every hand and the oaks sighed and told one another their troubles. “They are taking our power from us,” they said and shook themselves as well as they could for the beeches. “The land is no longer ours.” One branch died after the other and the storm broke them off and flung them to the ground. The old oak had “The end is at hand,” he said, gravely. But there were many more people in the land now than before and they hastened to cut down the oaks while there were still some left: “Oak makes better timber than beech,” they said. “So at last we get a little appreciation,” said the old oak. “But we shall have to pay for it with our lives.” Then he said to the beech-trees: “What was I thinking of, when I helped you on in your youth? What an old fool I have been! We oak-trees used to be lords of the land and now, year after year, I have had to see my brothers all around succumb in the struggle against you. I myself “That’s soon said, old friend!” replied the beeches. “We call it competition and it’s no discovery of ours. It’s that which rules the world.” “I don’t know those foreign words of yours,” said the oak. “I call it rank ingratitude.” Then he died. THE WEEDS |