“A Bazaar,”145. À Beckett, Gilbert, 223. Abinger, Lord, 252. Aboukir, Battle of, 13. “Achitophel,” 159. “A Constitutional Plum Pudding,” 298. Actors, their position in France, 386. “A Day at Biarritz,” 317. “Adelaide Mill, The,” 213. Adelphi Theatre, 110. “A Discussion Forum,” 310. Adulteration of Tea, 152. “Adventures of Brown, Jones,” etc., 391. “A Fine Old English Gentleman,” 251. “A Great Subject,” etc., 249. “Ah, sure such a Pair,” etc., 155. “A Hint to Duellists,” 248. Ainsworth, Harrison, 194, 198, 199. Ainsworth’s “Auriol,” 349. “Crichton,” 344. Albert, Prince, 294. Alexander, The Emperor, 133, 139. “Alice in Wonderland,” 400. “All My Eye,” 97. Allied Sovereigns. Visit of the, 133. Alliteration, Graphic, 177. Almack’s, Lady patronesses of, 213. Althorp, Lord, 269. “A Match for the King’s Plate,” 154. America. Causes of Difference between her and England in 1812, 41. England offers to Revoke Orders in Council, 42. Her anxiety to fix a Quarrel on England, 42, 43. Desire of the Americans to Invade Canada, 42. Invasion of Canada, 43. Defeat and Surrender of the American General Hull, 43. Naval Successes of the Americans, 43. Americans driven out of Canada, 45. English assume the Offensive, 45. Burning of Washington, 46. Alexandria placed under Contribution, 46. Capture of British Naval Force, 48. Retreat of Prevost, 48. Attack on New Orleans, 48. Amiens, Peace of, 14. “A Morning Call,” 285. “A Musical Genius,” 209. “Anstey’s New Bath Guide,” 176. “A Paper of Tobacco,” 340. “A Patriot Luminary,” etc., 151. “Apollyon, the Devil’s Generalissimo,” etc., 131. “A Prospecte of Exeter Hall,” 385. “A Race for the Westminster Stakes,” 251. “Argus, The” (an English Newspaper in the pay of Bonaparte), 15. “Arrogance or Nonchalance of the Tenth Reported,” 100. “Art of Walking the Streets of London,” 152. Arthur À Bradley, 162. “Arthur O’Leary,” 200. “A Select Specimen of the Black Style,” 262. “A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing,” 374. “A Shot from Buckingham to Bedford,” 97. “Assisting, Resisting, and Desisting,” 218. “A Student of the Old Masters,” 393. “At a Concert,” 220. “Auld Lang Syne,” 247. Authors and Artists, Quarrels between, 233. “A Venomous Viper poisoning the R——l Mind,” 132. “A View of the Regent’s Bomb,” 151. Ball, Hughes (see “Hughes Ball.”) “Bank Restriction Note,” 152. Barossa, Battle of, 21. Bath, Queen Charlotte at, 57. Baylen, Battle of, 20. Beaconsfield, Lord, 283. “Beau Clerk for a Banking Concern,” 106. “Belle Alliance,” etc., 154. Bellingham, John, 27. “Bell’s Life,” Origin of, 115. Bennett, C. H., 371-375. Benningsen, General, 22. “Bentley’s Miscellany,” 284, 290. Berkeley, Colonel, 101, 102, 118. Berlin Decree, 18. Bernard Blackmantle (see “Westmacott, C. M.”). Betty, Master, 28. “Bill of Pains and Penalties,” 149. “Birds’-eye Views of Society,” 385. Black-mail, 105. Blandford, Marquis of, 235. “Bleak House,” 347. “Blessings of Peace; or, the Curse of the Corn Bill,” 136. Bloated Men of the Last Century, 2. “Bombardment Extraordinary,” 240. Bonaparte, Napoleon (see “Napoleon”). “Boney and his New Wife,” etc., 21. “Boney’s Meditations on the Island of St. Helena,” 142. “Boney returning from Russia covered with Glory,” 23. “Boney the Second,” 21. “Boney’s threatened Invasion brought to bear,” 142. “Bonnie Willie,” 161. “Book of Christmas,” 220. “Book of Days,” 369. Booth, Lucius Junius, 54. “Born a Genius, and born a Dwarf,” 173. “Bottle, The,” 201. “Braintrees, The,” 171. Brereton, Colonel, 223 (note). Bright, John, 398. Brighton Pavilion, 164. “Bringing up our Bill,” 243. “Britannia Discovering the Source of the Nile,” 399. “British Cookery; or, out of the Frying-pan,” etc., 21. “British Spread Eagle,” 134. Brooks, Shirley, 201, 321, 328, 373, 374. Brougham, Lord, 236, 237, 243, 258-266, 297, 384 (and see “Jemmy Twitcher”). Browne, H. K., 283, 336-354, 412-416. “Bubble Burst; or, the Ghost of an old Act of Parliament,” 106. Buckingham, Duke of (see “Duel”). Buckingham, Marquis of, 27. “Bunsby,” 342. Burdett, Sir Francis, 249-251, 253, 269. “Burking Old Mrs. Constitution,” 83. Busby, Dr., 35. Buss, R. W., 363-366. “Buz in a Box,” etc., 35. Byron, Lord, 164. “Caleidoscope; or, Paying for Peeping.” 59. Canada, Invasion of (see “America”). Caricature. Dr. Johnson’s Definition, 1. Francis Grose’s Definition, 1. Modern Meaning, 2. Causes of its Decay in England, 2. Period of its Decline, 83. Injurious Effect of Wood-Engraving on, 5. Caricaturist, Peculiarity of his Wares, 90. Caricaturists and Critics, 9. Caricaturists, French, 8. Caroline of Brunswick, 62-81, 95, 132, 134, 149, 155, 156-159. Caroline, Queen (see “Caroline of Brunswick”). Carpenter, Mr., 39. Castlereagh, Lord, 149. Catalani, Madame, 102. Catholic Association, The, 106. Catholic Emancipation (see “Catholic Relief”). Catholic Relief Bill, 83, 106, 248. Cawnpore Massacre, 398. Champ de Mars, 140. Changes in Political Opinion, 251. Charles I., Discovery of his Remains, 132. Charlotte, The Princess, 40, 50, 61, 134, 145, 150, 164. Chobham, Camp at, 303. “Chronicles of Clovernook,” 362. Churchill, Charles, 7. Cider Cellar, 87. “City Scavengers Cleansing the London Streets of Impurities,” 76. “Civic Louse in the State Bed,” 102. “Clement Lorymer,” 205. Coates (see “Romeo Coates”). Cobbett, William, 235 (note). Cobden, Richard, 383. Cockton, Henry, 361. “Coke upon Albemarle,” 97. Colburn’s “Kalendar of Amusements,” 122. “Collegians at their Exercises,” 95. “Colonel Fitz-Bastard,” 103. Comic Journalism in 1831, 223. “Comic Magazine, The,” 229. “Comicalities” (“Bell’s Life”), 281. “Comic History of England,” 287. “Comic History of Rome,” 288. Commercial Distress of 1825-6, 81. “Commons versus the Crown of Martyrdom,” 100. “Comparative Anatomy,” 152. “Congress Dissolved before the Cake was cut up,” 139. Connyngham, Marchioness of, 118, 134, 164. “Conspirators; or, Delegates in Council,” 148. “Corinthian Auctioneer,” 102. “Corinthians,” Sham, 93. Corn Laws, 135. “Corsican Bloodhound beset by the Bears,” 22. “Corsican’s Last Trip,” 142. “Court at Brighton, À la Chinese,” 164. “Craven’s Head” (Drury Lane), 86. Cremorne, Aristocratic fÊte at, 311. “Cribbage, Shuffling, Whist,” etc., 161. “Crithannah’s Original Fables,” 122. Critics and Caricaturists, 9. Croker, John Wilson, 245 (note). Crowquill, Alfred (see “Forrester.”) Cruikshank, George, 107, 125-207, 281 (note), 281, and note. Mistakes of those who have written on him, 4. Curious Criticism on, 125. Why his Caricatures possess so much interest, 127. Quarrel with Dickens, 192. ” ” Bentley, 194. ” ” Ainsworth, 198. Final Leap in the Dark, 201. Declines to draw for Punch, 201. Cruikshank, Robert, 3, 89-124, 226, 401-404. Cruikshank, The Brothers, 89. Cruikshankian Feet, 170. “Cruikshankiana,” 107. “Cruikshank’s Comic Album,” 121. “Cruikshank’s Fairy Library,” 205. “Cruising on Land,” etc., 95. Cumberland, Duke of 100, 241, 242. Curtis, Sir William, 141, 159. “Cut at the City Cauliflower,” 102. “Dame Partington and the Ocean of Reform,” 243. “Dandies at Tea,” 92. “Dandies Diving,” 93. “Dandies having a Treat,” 93. “Dandies in France,” 154. “Dandies on their Hobbies,” 94. “Dandies, Parisian,” 91. “Dandy Cock in Stays,” 93. “Dandy dressing at Home,” etc., 94. “Dandy Henpecked, The,” 93. “Dandy put to his Last Chemisette,” etc., 93. “Dandy Shoemaker in a Fright,” 93. “Dandy Sick,” 94. “Dandy Tailor planning a new Hungry Dress,” 154. “Dandyess, A,” 94. D’AngoulÈme, Duc, 162. Darwin (see “Origin of Species”). “Deaf Postillion,” 169. “Death of the Property Tax,” 164. “Death of Sikes,” 185. DÉesses de la Revolution, 25. “Defenders of the Faith,” 106. “Delivering a Prophetess,” 40. Depression in Trade in 1819, 60. “Descent of the Great Bear,” 82. Devils, 182. Dickens, Charles, 191, 206, 230, 232, 282, 347-349. “Diogenes,” 371. Dissenting Ministers, Proposal to amend their qualifications, 130. “Doctors Differ,” 36. “Dog and the Shadow,” 251. “Doings in London,” 120. “Dombey and Son,” 345. Dominie Sampson, 176. Double Bass, 132. Doyle, John (see “HB”). Draconian Laws, 152. “Drilling one-tenth,” etc., 162. “Drunkard’s Children, The,” 202. Drury Lane Theatre, 34. Between the Duke of Wellington and the Earl of Winchelsea, 248. Between Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. Paull, 249. “Duel that did not take place,” 262. “Duelling,” 106. Dumbiedikes, 176. “Dying Clown, The,” 233. East Retford Bill, 236. Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, 386. “Economical Humbug of 1816,” 144. Egypt, French driven out of, 13. Eldon, Lord, 70. Elgin Marbles, 145. Ellenborough, Lord, 66, 67, 70. Elliston, Life and Enterprises of, 205. “England’s Hope Departing,” 151. English Graphic Satire, Change in, 4. English hostility to Napoleon, 16. English Officers at the time of the Crimean War, 305. English Parliamentary Representation in 1830, 235. “English Spy, The,” 116. E. O! 161. “Equipt for a Northern Visit,” 161. “Etching Moralized,” 9. EugÉnie, The Empress, 317. Evans, Sir de Lacy, 253. “Examination of a Young Surgeon,” 130. “Exile of Louisiana,” 197. “Fagin in the Condemned Cell,” 185. Fairy Tales, Origin of, 205. “Fall of Icarus,” 264. “Fall of the Leaf,” 177. “Fall of Washington, or Maddy in Full Flight,” 46. “Fashionables of 1817,” 151. Fashions in the early part of the Century, 91, 92. Fechter, 330. “Female Lancers,” etc., 94. Ferdinand VII., 98. “Figaro in London,” 222-229, 232. “Fine Lady, or The Incomparable,” 152. “Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic,” 113. “Fitzalleyne of Berkeley,” 118. “Flat Catcher and the Rat Catcher,” 106. Foley, Mr., 39. “Following the Leader,” 250. “Football,” 107. “Foot on the Stage and Asses in the Pit,” 102. Foote v. Hayne, 118. “Foreign Affairs,” 285. “Foreign Rivals for British Patronage,” 105. Forrester, A. H. (Alfred Crowquill), 194, 368-371, 410. “Four Mr. Prices,” 164. France, Evacuation of, 55. “France the Great Nation,” etc., 162. “Frank and Free, or Clerical Characters in 1825,” 106. “Frank Fairleigh,” 205. Freewill Offerings of the Faithful, 39. “French Cock and the Roman Eagle,” 298. French Colonels and the Moniteur, 310. French driven out of Egypt, 13. French interposition in Spain, 98. French light wines, 313. French military imbecility, 307, 309. French Revolution, End of, 17. French Revolution of 1830, 213. French Royalist Caricatures on Napoleon, 24. “Friends in Need,” 143. “Gambols on the River Thames,” 135. Gas, Introduction of, 29. “Gavarni in London,” 369 (note). Genius, 187. “Genius of France Expounding her Laws,” etc., 142. George IV., 52, 72, 79, 95, 111, 117, 143, 144 (note), 153, 155, 159, 164, 210 (and see “Caroline of Brunswick”). “General Frost Shaving Boney,” 22. “General Janvier,” 306. “German Popular Stories,” 180. “Gheber Worshipping the Rising Sun,” 261. “Ghosts,” 181. “Giant Grumbo,” 154. Gillray, James, 3, 4, 24, 25, 33, 84. “Gin Shop, The,” 168, 172, 184. Gladstone, Mr., 398. “Going it by Steam,” 209. “Going to Hobby Fair,” 95. “Golden Foot-Ball,” 99. “Gone!” 178. “Good Effects of Carbonic Gas,” 29. Government Spies, 53. Grafton, Duke of, 27. “Grand Entrance to Bamboozlem,” 80. Graphic Alliteration, 177. “Great Unknown lately discovered in Ireland,” 104. Greek War of Independence, 81. Green Bag, Opening of the, 73. “Greenwich Hospital,” 171, 175. Habeas Corpus Act, Suspension of the, 52. Hamilton, Lady Anne, 73. “Hare Presumptuous,” 106. “Harp” (in Russell Street, Drury Lane), 87. Haydon, B. R., 173. Haynau, General, 298. Hayne (see “Pea-Green Hayne”). Heath, H., 84. Hervieu, A., 194. “Hint to the Blind and Foolish,” 162. Hobbies, The, 59. “Hobby-Horse Dealer,” 154. Hogarth, William, not a Caricaturist, 6. Absurdity of comparing him with Modern Comic Artists, 6. Holy Alliance, The, 98. “Homburg Waltz,” 58. “Horse Chancellor obtaining a Verdict,” 159. “Horse Marine and his Trumpeter,” 91. “Hostile Press, or Shakspeare in Danger,” 104. “How do you like the New Whig?” 296. How to set up as a Prophet, 39. Hughes Ball, 99. “I’ll be your Second,” 241. “Illuminated Magazine,” 286. Incroyables, The, 91. “Impostor, or Obstetric Dispute,” 134. Indian Mutinies, 396. Informers of 1817, 148. “Ingoldsby Legends,” 289, 400. “Interesting Scene on Board an East-Indian,” 152. “Interior View of the House of God,” 130. “Introduction to the Gout,” 152. “Ireland”: an Artist’s Dream, 384. Irish Coercion Bill of 1833, 269, 270. “Irish Decency,” 154. Irish Disaffection in 1833, 266. Irish Festa, 178. “Jack o’ Lantern,” 181. “Jack Sheppard,” 172, 199, 343. “Je vous n’entends pas,” 122. “Jemmy Twitcher” (Lord Brougham), 265 (note). Jerrold, Douglas, 387. Jim Crow, 252. “John Bull buying Stones,” etc., 146. “John Bull brought up for a Discharge,” etc., 147. “John Bull Done Over,” 60. “John Bull flourishing in an attitude of Strict Neutrality,” 99. “John Bull in Clover,” 60. “John Bull versus Pope Bull,” 106. “Jonathan Wyld discovering Darrell,” 172. “Johnny Bull and his Forged Notes,” 154. “John’s Dream,” 143. Josephine, The Empress, 3, 20, 25. Judge, Mr., 102. Kaleidoscope, The, 58. “Kean’s Head” (Russel Court), 86. Kenny Meadows, 355-363. Kenyon, Lord, 241. “Key to the Investigation,” 67. “King at Home, The,” 117. “King Gourmand XVIII.,” etc., 99. “La Belle AssemblÉe,” 151. LabedoyÈre, Colonel, 138. “Ladies’ Accelerator,” 95. La Diligence, 159. La Douane, 159. “Lancashire Witches,” 200. “Landing at Dover and Overhauling the Baggage,” 95. Lane, Theodore, 84-88. “L’aprÈs-dÎner des Anglais,” 24. “Last Cab-driver,” 176. “Leap Year, or John Bull’s Establishment,” 50. Leech, John, 233, 277-335, 337, 407-409. “Sketches in Oil,” 315. Leigh, Percival, 282. Leipzig, Battle of, 24. Lemon, Mark, 201. Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, Prince, 145. Les Graces, 151. Lever, Charles, 200, 352, 375. “Lewis Arundel,” 337. “Libra—Striking the Balance,” 177. “Life of an Actor,” 85. “Life of Sir John Falstaff,” 205. “Life in London,” 109. Egan’s Share of the Work, 113. Lines and Dots, 151. Literary Black-Mail, 115. “Little Boney gone to Pot,” 132. “Lolly Pop,” etc., 162. “London Barrow Woman, The,” 169. Londonderry, Marquis of: Scene between him and Lord Brougham, 262. “Louis the Fat troubled with the Nightmare,” 162. “Love, Law, and Physic,” 154. “Loyalist Magazine,” 131. McConnell, 372. Maddison, President, 46. “Man of Taste and Feeling,” 209. “Manners and Customs of ye Englishe,” 385. “Manslaughter Men, The,” 158. “March to Finchley, The,” 7. Marriage Act, The, 81. “Martin Chuzzlewit,” 341, 344. Massena, 21. “Master Cook and his Black Scullion,” etc., 96. “Master of the Ordnance Exercising his Hobby,” 95. “Mat de Cocagne,” 143. “Matheworama,” 106. “Mauger Sharpening his Axe,” 186. Maxwell’s “History of the Irish Rebellion,” 186. Mayhew, H., 201. Meadows (see “Kenny”). Medical Profession, Satire on, 35. “Meditations Amongst the Tombs,” 132. Melbourne, Lord, 252. Melville, Lord, 28. “Mer de Glace,” 159. Mercandotti, Madamoiselle, 100. “Meteor, The,” 128. Methodism, Spread of, 129. Metternich, Prince, 150. Milan Commission, 96. “Miss endeavouring to excite a Glow with her Dutch Plaything,” 41. “Miss Foote in the King’s Bench Battery,” 102. “Miss Foote putting her Foot in it,” 102. Mitford, Jack (Editor of the “Scourge”), 129 (note). Mob, A Cowardly, 247. “Moments of Prattle,” etc., 102. Moray Minstrels, 374. “More Plots!!!” 53. “Morning after Marriage,” 97. “Morning Journal,” 240. Moscow, Retreat from, 22. “Mother’s Girl Plucking a Crow,” etc., 91. “Mr. Punch’s Fancy Ball,” 287. “Murder of Sir Rowland Trenchard,” 185. “Mysterious Fair One,” 95. “Nap nearly Nabb’d,” 22. Napoleon Bonaparte. His Policy towards England, 13-18. Proclaimed Emperor, 17. Intention to invade England, 17. Lampooned by English Caricaturists, 19, 24, 26. Dislike to the Revolutionists, 26. His Star begins to Wane, 22. Retreat from Moscow, 22. Narrowly escapes Capture, 22. Leaves his Troops in Russia, 22. At Elba, 132. Return from Elba till his Fall, 137-142. French Royalist Caricatures on, 24. Napoleon, Louis, 299, 300-302, 396, 397. Napoleon III. (see “Napoleon, Louis”). “Nap’s Glorious Return, or the Conclusion of the Russian Campaign,” 24. Navarino, Battle of, 82. “Nest in Danger,” 82. “New Chancery Suit Removed,” etc., 95. “New Irish Jaunting Car,” 95. New Orleans, Attack on (see “America”). “New Readings of Old Authors,” 221. Newspaper Stamp Duty, 255. Newspapers, Cheap, Curious Arguments against, 256. Ney, Marshall, 139. “Nicholas Nickleby,” 340. Nicholas, The Emperor, 303, 306, 395. “Night Mayor,” 146. Nile (see “Britannia”). “Non Mi Recordo,” 128. “Nosing the Nob at Ramsgate,” 159. “Notice to Correspondents,” 226. “Novels by Eminent Hands,” 375. “Nun of Arronca,” 254. O’Connell, 106, 236, 237, 252, 270-272, 295, and note. “Old Bags” (see “Eldon, Lord”). “Old Bumblehead the 18th,” 162. “Old Curiosity Shop,” 341, 345. “Old St. Paul’s,” 199. “Old Thirty-nine shaking hands with his good Brother the Pope,” 153. “Oliver Twist,” 192. “O! O! There’s a Minister of the Gospel,” 159. “Opening of Sir William Curtis’ Campaign,” 141. “Oppidans’ Museum, The,” 117. Origin of Species, 371. Orsini Plot, 311. “Ostend Packet in a Squall,” 163. “Our tough old Ship,” 154. Oxenford, John, 201. “Pair of Spectacles, or The London Stage in 1824-5,” 106. “Palais Royal,” 152. “Parisian Luxury,” 163. “Paul Pry,” 84 (and see “Heath, William”). “Paving the way for a Royal Divorce,” 70. “Paying Off a Jew Pedlar,” 175. Pea-green Hayne, 101. Peace-at-any-price Party, The, 383. “Pedigree of Corporal Violet,” 143. Peel, Sir Robert, 272, 295, 296. “Peel’s Dirty Little Boy,” 296. “Peep at the Gaslights in Pall Mall,” 29. “Peep at the Pump Room,” 57. Pellegrini, Carlo, 5. “Peter Schlemihl,” 174. Phiz (see “Browne, H. K.”). “Pickwick Papers,” 230-234, 340, 364. Pius IX., 298. “Plebeian Spirit, or Coachee and the Heiress Presumptive,” 40. “Point of Honour, The,” 171. “Points of Humour,” 119. “Points of Misery,” 119. “Polish Diet with French Dessert,” 22. “Political Champion turned Resurrection Man,” 95. “Political Fair, A,” 19. “Political Shaver,” 106. Poole, John, 230. Popple v. Stockdale, 106. Popular Discontent of 1816, 51. “Portrait of a Noble Lord in Order,” 297. “Portraits of the English,” 354. “Preachee and Floggee Too,” 153. “Premier’s Fix,” 296. “Premium, Par, and Discount,” 162. “Preparing for a Duel,” 163. “Preparing for the Match,” 145. “Preparing for the Witnesses,” 96. “Presenting a Bill of Indemnification,” 83. Prince of Wales’ Theatre, its former titles, 225. Prince Regent (see “George IV.”). “Prisoners of War,” 269. “Probable Effects of Good Living,” etc., 295. Rivals of, 367. Purchase System, 305. “Put Out,” 297. “Queen Caroline running down the Royal George,” 78. “Randolph and Hilda dancing at Ranelagh,” 173. Rawkins, 279. “Recollections of the Court of Common Pleas,” 171. “Redgauntlet,” 185. Reform Bills of 1831-32, 242-245. Regent (see “George IV.”). “Religion À la Mode,” 311. Religious credulity of English people, 37. “Results of a Northern Excursion,” 161. “Return of Hercules from a Fancy Ball,” 279. “Revolution at Madame Tussaud’s,” 178. Rice, the American Comedian, 251. “Rival Newsmongers,” 258. Rival Richards, 55. Robinson, Mr. Frederick, 135. Robson, Thomas Frederick, 325. “Roland Cashel,” 350. Romeo Coates, 49. Roscius, The Young, 28. “Rose Maylie and Oliver,” 192. Rowlandson, Thomas, 3, 83, 84 and note, 118. “R-y-l Condescension,” 149. “Royal Extinguisher,” 159. “Royal Laundress,” 143. Royal LevÉes, 308. “Royal Nuptials,” 145. “Royal Red Bengal Tiger,” 154. “Royal Rushlight,” 156. Russell, Lord John, 236, 237, 242, 243, 244, 253, 254, 300, 306, 321, 398. “Russian Bear’s Greece,” 82. “Russian Condescension,” 133. “Russian Dandy at Home,” 56. “Sailors Carousing,” 175. “Sailors’ Description,” etc., 162. “Saint Shela,” 162. “Sales by Auction, or Provident Children,” etc., 153. Sandford and Merton, 121. “Satirist, or Monthly Meteor,” 131. “Scene after the Battle,” 132. “Scene in the New Farce as performed at the Royalty,” 155. “Scene in the New Farce called the ‘Rivals,’” 61. “Scene in the Farce of ‘Lofty Projects,’” 164. “Scene from the Pantomime of ‘Cock-a-Doodle-Doo,’” 103. “Scotch Fiddle,” 161. Scott, Sir Walter, 105. “Sealing up the People,” 38. “Secret Insult, or Bribery and Corruption Rejected,” 95. “Sergeant introducing his Dutch Wife,” 169. Seurat, Claude Ambroise, 104. Seymour, Robert, 208-234, 405. “Seymour’s Humorous Sketches,” 218. “Shadows,” 372. Shannon and Chesapeake, 44. Shiel, Mr., 269. “Shortshanks” (Robert Seymour), 208. “Showing Off,” etc., 162. “Sick of the Property Tax,” 143. “Sikes and the Dog,” 172. Silver Ball, 102. “Simon Renard and Winwike,” 172. “Simpkin Dancing,” 175. Skeleton, The Living, 104. Smith, Albert, 287-289. Smithfield, 297. “Smoke Jack the Alarmist,” 154. “Snuffing and Smoking,” 220. “Snuffing out Boney,” 133. Southcott, Joanna, 36-40, 134. “Spa Fields Orator Hunting for Popularity,” 151. Spa Fields Riot, 51. Spain, Invasion of, by Duc d’AngoulÈme, 81. “Spanish Flies, or Boney taking an Immoderate Dose,” 20. “Spanish Mule and a French Jackass,” 162. Speculation Mania of 1825, 163. “Spirit Moving the Quakers upon Worldly Vanities,” 59. “Sprig of Shelalegh,” 171. St. Albans, Borough of, 301. St. Dunstan, 183. “St. James’s, or the Court of Queen Anne,” 179, 199. St. John Long the Quack, 214-217. “St. Swithin’s Chapel,” 168. Stanley, Lord, 252. “State Physicians Bleeding John Bull to Death,” 147. “Steward at Sea in a Vain Tempest,” 95. “Steward’s Court of the Manor of Torre Devon,” 78. “Stroller’s Tale” in “Pickwick,” 232. Sue’s “Orphan,” 122. Sullivan, Arthur, 374. “Sunday under Three Heads,” 342. Surgeon, An Eccentric, 279. Surtees, R. W., 320. Sussex, Duke of, 249. “T Trade in Hot Water,” 152. “Table Book,” 201. “Tables Turned,” 162. “Taking an Airing in Hyde Park,” 247. Tallien, Madame, 25 (and note). “Taurus, a Literary Bull,” 177. “Tea Just Over,” 27. Tenniel, John, 394-400. Terry, Kate, 375. Thackeray, W. M., 92, 201, 285, 316, 318, 387. As a Book-illustrator, 375-380. “Theatrical Fun Dinner,” 378. “Three Courses and a Dessert,” 171. “Through the Looking-glass,” 400. Toleration Acts, Motion to amend them, 129. Tom and Jerry, 110. Tom Thumb, 173. “Tower of London,” 172. Tozer, Mr., 39. Tract Droppers, 112. Transit, Robert (Robert Cruikshank), 117. Treadmill, 97. Trenton’s Porter, 2. “Triumph of Cupid,” 182. Two Elves, The, 180. “Urgent Private Affairs,” 307. “Vagaries in Quest of the Wild and Wonderful,” 218. “Vaux and the Grapes,” 265. “Venus de Medici,” 159. “View in Cumberland,” 100. “Virginians,” 377. “Vis-À-Vis,” 151. “Visit to Vesuvius,” etc., 159. “Voila t’on Mort,” 154. “Waiting on the Ladies,” 164. “Waltzing,” 107. Wardle, Colonel, 31. “Washing Boney’s Court Dresses,” 143. Washington, Burning of (see “America.”) Watts Phillips, 372. Wellington, Duke of, 55, 141, 246-249, 395. Westmacott, C. M., 100, 115, 119. Wilkes, 7. Williams, C., 84. “Windsor Castle,” 199. “Witches’ Frolic,” 181. “Wolves Triumphant,” 103. Wood, Alderman, 73. Wood Engraving, its injurious effect on Caricature, 5. “Worship of Bacchus,” 203. “Wrekin” (Long Acre), 87. “Xit,” 186. Year 1848, 383. York, Duke of, 30. Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London. |