The Union and Confederate siege-lines are well marked and readily visible from Union and Confederate Avenues. Information and free literature, as well as the service of park historians, are available in the museum which contains exhibits explaining and illustrating the Vicksburg operations. An electrical relief map synchronized with a recorded lecture affords a full explanation of the campaign and siege to each visitor. Educational groups may receive a guided tour of the park. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 O-586734 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE HISTORICAL HANDBOOK SERIES (Price lists of National Park Service publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C.) - Antietam
- Bandelier
- Chalmette
- Chickamauga and Chattanooga Battlefields
- Custer Battlefield
- Custis-Lee Mansion, the Robert E. Lee Memorial
- Fort Laramie
- Fort McHenry
- Fort Necessity
- Fort Pulaski
- Fort Raleigh
- Fort Sumter
- George Washington Birthplace
- Gettysburg
- Guilford Courthouse
- Hopewell Village
- Independence
- Jamestown, Virginia
- Kings Mountain
- The Lincoln Museum and the House Where Lincoln Died
- Manassas (Bull Run)
- Montezuma Castle
- Morristown, a Military Capital of the Revolution
- Ocmulgee
- Petersburg Battlefields
- Saratoga
- Scotts Bluff
- Shiloh
- Statue of Liberty
- Vanderbilt Mansion
- Vicksburg
- Yorktown
Memorial column