| PAGE | Abraham and Isaac | 185 | Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12th) | 281 | Absalom | 322 | Adventures of Perseus, The, Part One | 43 | Adventures of Perseus, The, Part Two | 46 | Adventures of Theseus, The, Part One | 92 | Adventures of Theseus, The, Part Two | 94 | Adventures of Thor, The | 103 | All Fools’ Day (April 1st) | 346 | An Army of Two | 130 | Androclus and the Lion | 17 | Antonio Canova | 196 | Apple Tree’s Children, The | 39 | Bad-Tempered Squirrel, The | 8 | Baker Boys and the Bees, The | 409 | Barmecide Feast, The | 353 | Beautiful Hand, The | 1 | Beauty and the Beast, Part One | 260 | Beauty and the Beast, Part Two | 262 | Bell of Atri, The | 344 | Benny in Beastland | 269 | Beowulf Conquers the Marsh Monster | 187 | Beowulf Slays the Fire Dragon | 192 | Beowulf Slays the Water Witch | 189 | Binding of Fenrir, The | 110 | Birth of Jesus, The | 156 | Blind Man and the Elephant, The | 5 | Blue Ribbon, The | 41 | Bobbie, the Powder Boy | 89 | Boyhood of George Washington, The (Feb. 22nd) | 315 | Boy Who Cried Wolf, The | 279 | Boy Who Wanted To Play Always, The | 34 | Bruce and the Spider | 21 | Ceres and Her Daughter | 218 | Cinderella | 383 | Columbus (Discovery Day, Oct. 12th) | 48 | Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The | 405 | Damon and Pythias | 133 | David and Goliath | 50 | Death of Beowulf, The | 194 | Dick Whittington and His Cat, Part One | 369 | Dick Whittington and His Cat, Part Two | 371 | Dirty Tom | 19 | Discontented Members, The | 3 | Discontented Tailor, The | 180
@html@files@49240@49240-h@49240-h-1.htm.html#Page_32" class="pginternal">32 | Tiny Tim, Part One | |   |