Plates 7 and 8



Cape Province.

Proteaceae. Tribe Proteeae.

Leucadendron, R. Br.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. p. 169.

Leucadendron Stokoei, Phillips sp. nov.

Leucadendron Stokoei; Rami et ramuli glabri. Folia 7-8·5 cm. longa, 1-2·1 cm. lata, oblonga vel oblongo-lanceolata, apice obtusa, basi paullo angustata, glabra. Inflorescentia ? 2 cm. longa, 2·5 cm. lata; bractae involucri 1·1 cm. longae, apice obtusae, glabrae viscidaeque, eximae reflexae; bractae floris 1 mm. longae, lanceolatae, acuminatae, apice subacutae, basi villosae. Inflorescentia ? 2·5 cm. longa, 1·7 cm. lata; bractae involucri reflexae; bractae floris 6 mm. longae, 1·1 cm. latae, apice obtusae, sericeae. Fructus 7 mm. longus, 6 mm. latus, obovatus, anguste alatus.

Cape Province: Caledon Division, Standford, near Caledon, Stokoe in National Herbarium.

The remarkable group of South African plants—the Proteaceae—still continues to yield interesting novelties, though it was monographed as recently as 1910. This is especially true of the genus Leucadendron, on which much work remains to be done.

The specimens from which our illustration was made were collected by Mr. T. P. Stokoe in the Klein River Mountains at Sinkerhausgat, near Standford, in the Caledon Division. Mr. Stokoe has made some interesting discoveries in this region, amongst which was this new Leucadendron which he forwarded to the Division of Botany in September, 1918. It is quite distinct from any other species of Leucadendron, inasmuch as the male inflorescence is surrounded by large bracts giving it the appearance of a Protea.

Description:—Branches and branchlets glabrous. Leaves 7-8·5 cm. long, 1-2·1 cm. broad, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, bluntly mucronate, slightly narrowed at the base, glabrous, very finely glandular when seen under a lens; leaves surrounding the inflorescence longer. Male inflorescence hidden by the upper leaves and quite surrounded by brown bracts, shortly peduncled, 2 cm. long, 2·5 cm. in diameter; the inner bracts 1·1 cm. long, oblong, obtuse, glabrous, viscid, longer or as long as the inflorescence; the outer situated on the short peduncle, viscid and reflexed; receptacle 7 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, subglobose. Floral bracts 1 mm. long, lanceolate, acuminate, subacute, villous at the base. Perianth 2 mm. long, glabrous. Stigma clavate, much thicker than the style. Female inflorescence hidden by the upper leaves, very shortly stalked, 2·5 cm. long, 1·7 cm. broad, the short peduncle bearing brown reflexed bracts; receptacle 1·6 cm. long, 3 mm. broad, cylindrical. Floral bracts 6 mm. long, 1·1 cm. broad, transversely oblong, villous above. Fruiting head 3·5-4 cm. long, 3·5 cm. in diameter; scales 1·5 cm. long, 1·2 cm. broad, suborbicular, slightly narrowed at the base, tomentose without, except near the apex. Fruits 7 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, obovate in outline, flat on one side, convex on the other, honeycombed, with a narrow membranous wing.

Plate 7.—Fig. 1, male inflorescence; Fig. 2, longitudinal section of male inflorescence.

Plate 8.—Fig. 1, young female inflorescence; Fig. 2, longitudinal section of female inflorescence; Fig. 3, fruiting head; Fig. 4, floral bract × 4; Fig. 5, fruit × 4.

F.P.S.A., 1920.

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K. A. Lansdell del.



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