TULBAGHIA VIOLACEA. Cape Province, Natal. Liliaceae. Tribe Allieae. Tulbaghia, Linn.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. 798. Tulbaghia violacea, Harv. Bot. Mag. t. 3555. Fl. Cap. vol. vi. 407. This beautiful little Tulbaghia has a special interest attached to it, inasmuch as it flowered in Baron von Ludwig’s garden at the Cape of Good Hope, and was there illustrated and described by Harvey, who sent his description and drawing to the Botanical Magazine for publication. In this respect it differs from most of the other Cape plants, which were described and figured from specimens grown in Europe. The present illustration was made from specimens cultivated at the Botanic Gardens, Durban, Natal, from tubers presented by Mrs. Todd of Pietermaritzburg. Notwithstanding the unpleasant odour of garlic, the species is worth cultivation. It is commonly known as the “Wild Garlic.” Description:—Rootstock tuberous. Leaves crowded; basal leaves rudimentary and membranous; upper leaves 6-10, erect, 20-30 cm. long, 5-8 mm. broad, linear, acute, glabrous, concave on the upper surface, rounded beneath. Peduncles erect, 30-60 cm. long, terete. Inflorescence a 10-20-flowered umbel. Spathe-valves 2-2·5 cm. long, 5 mm. broad at the base, ovate-linear, acuminate, acute, membranous. Pedicles 2·5-4 cm. long, terete. Flowers pale ampare-purple to light haryense-violet (R.C.S.). Perianth-tube 1·1-1·5 cm. long, 4 mm. in diameter, cylindrical, slightly inflated at the base; lobes 1-1·1 cm. long, 3-5 mm. broad, elliptic or lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Corona-lobes 3, 1·5 mm. long, opposite the inner segments. Stamens subsessile, in 2 whorls about halfway down the perianth-tube; anthers sub-globose. Ovary sessile, sub-globose; style 2 mm. long, thick; stigma capitate. Plate 9.—Fig. 1, perianth laid open to show corona lobes and stamens × 1½. F.P.S.A., 1920. [Image unavailable.] 10. K. A. Lansdell del. RICHARDIA ANGUSTILOBA, SCHOTT. |