CYRTANTHUS CONTRACTUS. Transvaal. Amaryllidaceae. Tribe Amarylleae. Cyrtanthus, Ait.; Benth. et Hook. f. Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. p. 729. Cyrtanthus contractus, N.E. Br. Cyrtanthus contractus; Bulbus 4-6 cm. diametro, ovoideus, brunneus. Folia 2-3, adscendentia, 30-50 cm. longa, 8-12 mm. lata, linearia, longe et acutissime acuminata, basi in petiolum teretem angustata, glabra. Pedunculus 18 cm. vel ultra longus, ad 1 cm. diametro, teres, fistularis, glaber, purpurascens, ad apicem 4-10-florus. Bracteae 4·5-5 cm. longae, basi 8 mm. lati, lineari-attenuatae, membranaceae. Pedicelli adacendentes, 2-4 cm. longi, rubri. Perianthium nutante, coccineum; tubus 5-6 cm. longus, ad medium leviter ventricosum et circa 8 mm. diametro, basi longe et valde contractus et circa 1·5-2 mm. diametro; lobi 1·3 to 1·5 cm. longi, 7 mm. lati, elliptico-ovati, acuti. Stamina perianthii lobis breviora; antherae luteae. Ovarium 1 cm. longum, ovoideum. Stylus inclusus, stigmatibus recurvis. Semina complanata, atrata.—N. E. Brown. Transvaal: on kopjes near Mooi Plaates farm, in the vicinity of Pretoria, Miss J. Stuart. The specimens from which our drawing was made were collected by Miss J. Stuart of Pretoria, on the slopes of stony kopjes near the farm “Mooi Plaates,” about 5 miles out of Pretoria. During the spring months the plant is very conspicuous on the kopjes when it flowers freely, usually after the Description:—Bulb 4-6 cm. in diameter, ovoid; tunics brown, membranous. Leaves 2-3, contemporary with or appearing after the flowers, 30-50 cm. long, 0·8-1·2 cm. broad, linear, acuminate, acute, tapering to a terete petiole above the flattened base, glabrous. Peduncle vandyke red (R.C.S.), 18 cm. long, lengthening in the fruit, 10 mm. in diameter, terete, hollow, glabrous. Spathe-valves 4·5-5 cm. long, 8 mm. broad near the base, linear, acute, membranous, glabrous. Inflorescence, a 4-10-flowered umbel. Flowers pendulous, scarlet-red to carmine (R.C.S.), faintly scented; pedicels 2-4 cm. long, strawberry-pink (R.C.S.), jointed at the apex; perianth-tube 5-6 cm. long, tubular, narrowed at the base, with an inflated portion about the middle; lobes 1·3-1·5 cm. long, 7 mm. broad, ovate-ellipsoid, acute, with a small tuft of white hairs on the inner surface just below the apex. Stamens inserted just below the throat, a little shorter than the perianth-lobes; anthers chrome-yellow (R.C.S.), oblong. Ovary 1 cm. long, 0·5 cm. in diameter, ovoid; style about the length of the perianth-tube, included; stigmas recurved. Seeds black, flattened.—E. Percy Phillips. Plate 4.—Figs. 1 and 2, anthers back and side view; Fig. 3, apex of the perianth, showing the tufts of hairs. F.P.S.A., 1920. [Image unavailable.] 5. K. A. Lansdell del. GERBERA JAMESONI, BOLUS. |