OROTHAMNUS Zeyheri. Cape Province. Proteaceae. Tribe Proteeae. Orothamnus, Pappe; Benth. et Hook. f. vol. iii. p. 171 (under Mimetes). Orothamnus Zeyheri, Pappe in Bot. Mag. t. 4357; Fl. Cap. vol. v. sect. 1, p. 650. This species is another rara avis of the Cape Flora. It was figured for the first time in 1848 (Botanical Magazine t. 4357) from a painting sent by Dr. Pappe to Kew. Carl Zeyher discovered the species on the Hottentots Holland Mountains, and for very many years afterwards it remained unknown to botanists in the fresh state. Mr. E. J. Steer, of Cape Town, some years ago purchased specimens from a coloured flower-seller and photographed it, and this year (1920) it was met with more than once exposed for sale among the wild flowers in Adderley Street, Cape Town. Every effort of botanical collectors to discover the locality in which the species grows has up to now proved unsuccessful, and no information can be obtained from the coloured flower-pickers. The plant has no local name as far as we have been able to ascertain, and we propose the name “Zeyher’s Orothamnus” for this species. Our plate was made from a fresh specimen bought in Cape Town by Mr. T. P. Stokoe. Description:—An erect shrub, 6-8 ft. high. Branches pilose with long hairs. Leaves 1-2¼ in. long, ¾-1¼ in. broad, slightly imbricate, obovate or oblanceolate-spathulate, with a very obtuse blackish apex, slightly narrowing at the base, or rarely the upper leaves attenuated, distinctly 5-6 nerved, rigidly sub-coriaceous, densely ciliate when young, otherwise glabrous or more or less scantily pilose. Heads sessile, 2-2½ in. long, many-flowered. Involucral bracts petaloid, 4-5-seriate, 1¾-2 in. long, 4-12 lin. broad, spathulate-oblong, rounded at the apex, many-nerved, membranous, pilose, ciliate, rose-red, the outermost densely shaggy-pilose. Perianth-tube 3 lin. long, Plate 38.—Fig. 1, portion of plant, natural size; Fig. 2, a single flower; Fig. 3, upper portion of a perianth-lobe showing a stamen; Fig. 4, apex of style. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 39. K. A. Lansdell del. CEROPEGIA RENDALLII, N.E. BR. |