CYRTANTHUS ROTUNDILOBUS. Transkei. Amaryllidaceae. Tribe Amarylleae. Cyrtanthus, Ait.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. p. 729. Cyrtanthus rotundilobus, N.E. Br. sp. nov. Cyrtanthus rotundilobus; Bulbus ovoideus, 3 cm. diametro, in collo productus. Folia 4, erecto-recurva, 16-30 cm. longa, 1·7 cm. lata, lineari-lanceolata, apice attenuata, subtus carinata, glabra. Pedunculus circa 14 cm. longus, teres, solidus, glaber. Umbella 9-11-flora. BracteÆ 2·5 cm. longae, ovatÆ acuminatae. Pedicelli 1·7 cm. longi, teretes, glabri. Perianthium plus minusve nutans rubro-cinnabarinum; tubus 2·5 cm. longus, infundibularis, ad apicem 8-9 mm. diametro; lobi circa 7 mm. longi et 5 mm. lati, elliptici vel suborbiculari, minute apiculati. Stamina ad faucem perianthii inserta, biseriata, superioria subexserta; antherae 4 mm. longae. Ovarium 4 mm. longum, ellipsoideum; stylus 2·2 cm. longus, filiformis, stigmatibus tribus minutis.—N. E. Brown. Transkei, Wickens. This is not such a conspicuous plant as some other species of the genus, yet the brilliant colouring of the perianth is sufficient to warrant attention being given to this species in collections. Our plate was figured from specimens grown by Mr. Wickens from bulbs collected in the Transkei, where it is known as the “Red Dobo-lily.” Description:—Bulb ovoid, 3 cm. in diameter, produced into a neck about 3 cm. long, with fleshy cylindrical roots from the base. Leaves 4, 16-30 cm. long, 1·7 cm. broad, strap-shaped or linear-lanceolate, tapering to the apex, keeled beneath, channelled above, glabrous. Peduncle arising at the side of the leaves, 14 cm. long, terete, solid, glabrous. Plate 37.—Fig. 1, leaf and flowers, natural size; Fig. 2, bulb and base of leaves; Fig. 3, perianth laid open; Fig. 4, portion of style showing the stigmas. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 38. S. Gower del. OROTHAMNUS ZEYHERI, PAPPE. |