WITSENIA MAURA. Cape Province. Iridaceae. Tribe Sisyrinchieae. Witsenia, Thunb.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. p. 701. Witsenia maura, Thunb. Nov. Gen. pl. p. 34; Fl. Cap. vol. vi. p. 46. This interesting plant, the only species known in the genus, was first found by Dr. Carl Thunberg at Noordhoek and False Bay on the Cape Peninsula and described by him in 1782. It appears to be confined to damp habitats in the Cape Province, and has been found by the late Dr. Bolus at Houw Hoek in Caledon Division. It has also been recorded from the Tradouw Mountains in Swellendam Division, and this year (1920) Mr. T. P. Stokoe has discovered the plant on the Klein River Mountains near Caledon. It is a rare species and would only interest enthusiastic cultivators on account of its rarity. We are indebted to Mr. Stokoe for the living specimens from which this plate was prepared. The plant is known locally as “Waaiertje.” Description:—Stems woody. Leaves distichous, about 18 cm. long, 5-7 mm. broad, linear, tapering to an acute point, amplexi-caul, glabrous. Flowers in terminal heads. Bracts 4·5 cm. long, boat-shaped, shorter than the flowers. Perianth-tube 2·7 cm. long, brown below, becoming blue-black above; lobes 1·4 cm. long, 5·5 mm. broad, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, densely tomentose with yellow hairs outside, glabrous within, with a tuft of yellow hairs at the apex of the inner segments and marginal hairs round the apex of the outer segments. Stamens inserted near the throat of the perianth-tube; filaments 5 mm. long, linear and slightly dilated at the base; anthers 6 mm. long, linear. Ovary small; style 4 cm. long, slightly bifid at the apex. Plate 34.—Fig. 1, plant natural size; Fig. 2, unopened flower; Fig. 3, lobes of perianth; Figs. 4 and 5, stamens; Fig. 6, ovary and style; Fig. 7, tip of style, showing the three stigmas. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 35. S. Gower del. CYRTANTHUS OBLIQUUS, Ait. |