ARCTOTIS FOSTERI. Clanwilliam. Compositae. Tribe Arctotideae. Arctotis, Linn.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 458. Arctotis Fosteri, N.E. Br. Arctotus Fosteri; Herbacea, 60-90 cm. alta. Folia inferiora lyrato-pinnatisecta, 30-40 cm. longa, 7-9 cm. lata, longe petiolata, ambitu obovato-oblonga, lobis lateralibus utrinque 3-4, oblongis subacutis dentatis, lobo terminali latissime ovato obtuso grandidentato; folia superiora sessilia, lanceolata, acuta, subintegra; omnia supra parce pubescentia, subtus albo-lanata. Pedunculi 17-19 cm. longi, striati, pubescentes. Capitula 7-9 cm. diametro. Involucri bracteae exteriores ovatae, subulato-caudatae, virides; interiores oblongo-obovatae, obtusae, apice membranaceae, rubescentes. Radii flores acuti, albi vel carnei, subtus purpurei, quisque basi maculo nigro et aurantiaco instructi. Disci flores nigro-brunnei, antheribus luteia. Pappi squamae lanceolatae, acutae vel subobtusae. Ovarium villosum.—N. E. Brown. Cape Province: Clanwilliam Division, near Clanwilliam, Foster. This handsome species of Arctotis was raised in the Garden of the Division of Botany, Pretoria, from seed received in 1916 from Mr. C. Foster, of Clanwilliam, after whom I have much pleasure in naming it. The large size of the flower Description:—A herbaceous perennial 60-90 cm. high. Leaves many, lyrate; lower leaves 30-40 cm. long, 7-9 cm. broad, lanceolate in outline, obtuse, produced at the base into a long petiole, sparsely pubescent on the upper surface, white-woolly on the lower surface; leaf-lobes about 4 cm. long, 1-5·2 cm. broad, oblong, obtuse, with toothed margins; the terminal lobe much larger, otherwise similar; petiole up to 16 cm. long, flat on the upper surface, convex beneath, sparsely glandular-pilose; upper leaves sessile, lanceolate, acute, sparsely pilose, with more or less entire margins. Peduncles pale in colour at the base, gradually becoming indian purple (R.C.S.) towards the apex, 17-19 cm. long, terete, striate, pilose, the hairs becoming reddish and denser towards the apex. Capitulum solitary, 7-9 cm. in diameter when fully expanded. Involucral bracts many-seriate; the outer green, ovate, with a hairy subulate appendage; the inner reddish and membranous at the apex. Receptacle slightly convex. Ray-florets female. Corolla limb white or shrimp-pink (R.C.S.) above, with a golden-yellow and purple spot near the base, and eugenia red to vandyke red (R.C.S.) beneath. Pappus of several membranous scales as long as the corolla-tube. Ovary with a dense tuft of basal hairs. Disc-florets hermaphrodite. Corolla-tube 4-5 mm. long, campanulate above, cylindrical below; lobes lanceolate with black tips. Pappus of several membranous scales about half length of the corolla-tube. Ovary villous, with a dense basal tuft of hairs. Fruit villous, crowned with the persistent pappus scales.—E. Percy Phillips. Plate 3.—Fig. 1, portion of ray-floret; Fig. 2, pappus-scale of ray-floret; Fig. 3, disc-floret; Fig. 4, pappus-scale of disc-floret; Fig. 5, apex of style showing the stigmas; Fig. 6, fruit; Fig. 7, involucral-bracts (all enlarged). F.P.S.A., 1920. [Image unavailable.] 4. K. A. Lansdell del. CYRTANTHUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS, AIT. |