STREPTOCARPUS DUNNII. Transvaal. Gesneraceae. Tribe Cyrtandreae. Streptocarpus, Lindl.; Benth. et Hook. Gen. Plant. vol. ii. p. 1023. Streptocarpus Dunnii, Hook. f. Bot. Mag. t. 6903; Fl. Cap. iv. sect. 2, p. 442. This species of Streptocarpus, which belongs to a section of the genus characterised by the development of one leaf only, was first brought to the notice of horticulturists in 1884 by Mr. E. G. Dunn, who sent seeds to Kew from Spitzkop in the Transvaal. The seeds germinated freely, and in May and June of 1886 the plants were a feature of the Succulent House at Kew. The genus Streptocarpus is well represented in South Africa, and at least 24 distinct species are known. Our illustration was made from plants grown by Mr. C. E. Gray, Pretoria, from specimens collected by Dr. Pole Evans on Mr. Geo. Heys’ farm, Weltevreden, Machadodorp, where it grows on rocks at the side of a stream. Description:—Leaf sometimes up to 1 m. long and 45 cm. broad, hairy beneath, sometimes shaggy on the upper surface, with crenate margins. Peduncles up to 15 cm. long, terete, pilose, bearing many flowers arranged more or less in a cymose manner. Calyx divided almost to the base; lobes 5 mm. long, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, subacute, ciliate. Corolla-tube 2·2 cm. long, pubescent in bud, becoming more or less glabrous with age, gradually widening from the base upwards; lobes 4 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, more or less transversely oblong, broadly rounded at the apex. Style densely pilose below. Plate 27.—Fig. 1, inflorescence; Fig. 2, plant reduced F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 28. K. A. Lansdell del. SENECIO STAPELIAEFORMIS, P. HILL. sp. nov. |