BOLUSANTHUS SPECIOSUS. Transvaal, Rhodesia, Portuguese East Africa. Leguminosae. Tribe Sophoreae. Bolusanthus, Harms in Fedde Repert. Nov. Sp. vol. ii. p. 14 (1906). Bolusanthus speciosus, Harms. l.c. Lonchocarpus speciosus, Bolus in Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxv. p. 161 (1889). This remarkable and handsome leguminous plant was collected by the late Dr. Bolus near the Komati River Drift in 1886, and described by him as Lonchocarpus speciosus. Dr. Harms of Berlin, when examining a collection of Rhodesian plants, came across the same species on which he founded the genus Bolusanthus. The free stamens would indicate that it is not a species of Lonchocarpus. Our illustration was made from material collected by Dr. Pole Evans at Chunies Poort, Transvaal, in October, 1919. The tree, which frequently reaches a height of 30-40 feet, is locally known as “Van Wyk’s Hout,” or “Wild Wisteria.” It is frequent along the northern foothills of the Zoutpansberg range of mountains and in the low veld bush country along the Selati River. When in full bloom it is one of the most beautiful sights seen in the veld, and is a species which should certainly be introduced into cultivation. Description:—Tree up to 30-40 ft. high. Branchlets pubescent. Leaves 10-27 cm. long; leaflets petiolate; petiole 5 mm. long; leaflet 2·5-7·5 cm. long, ·5-2·5 cm. broad, ovate-elliptic or lanceolate, very often sub-falcate, long-acuminate, acute, oblique at the base, villous when young, becoming pubescent with age. Inflorescence a raceme 14-20 cm. long; rachis pubescent. Pedicels up to 2 cm. long, pubescent. Calyx 7 mm. long, densely tomentose. Corolla dark blue; vexillum 1·5 cm. long, about 1·3 cm. broad, obovate; alae 1·3 cm. long, carina as long as the alae. Stamens free. Plate 23.—Fig. 1, branch with flowers; Fig. 2, leaf; Fig. 3, legumes; Fig. 4, calyx; Fig. 5, vexillum; Fig. 6, alae; Fig. 7, carina; Fig. 8, ovary. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 24. K. A. Lansdell del. ACOKANTHERA SPECTABILIS, HOOK. F. |