GLADIOLUS REHMANNI. Transvaal. Iridaceae. Tribe Ixieae. Gladiolus, Linn.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. 709. Gladiolus Rehmanni, Baker; Handb. Irid. p. 216; Fl. Cap. vol. vi. p. 153. This species of Gladiolus is here figured for the first time. Rehmann collected it between the Elands River and Klippan, and it was then lost sight of until rediscovered by Dr. I. B. Pole Evans at Nylstroom, Waterberg District, in February, 1917, and has now been established in the Gardens of the Division of Botany, Pretoria. We are indebted to Mrs. Frank Bolus for identification. Description:—Corm small, 2 cm. in diameter, subglobose, with light brown membranous tunics. Leaves 4-6, basal, 30-60 cm. long, 1·2 cm. broad, linear, glabrous, rigid, with prominent ribs. Peduncle, including the inflorescence, 60-65 cm. long. Spike 20-25 cm. long, lax. Outer spathe-valve 7-9 cm. long, oblong-lanceolate, at first bright green, then turning to dark slate-violet (R.C.S.). Perianth white to pale mauve (not red as stated in the Flora Capensis); tube curved, 2-2·5 cm. long, funnel-shaped in the upper half; lobes 4-4·5 cm. long, the 3 upper 2-2·3 cm. broad, obovate-spathulate; the 3 lower 1·8 cm. broad, oblong, with yellow-green markings at the throat. Filaments arcuate; anthers purple. Style filiform, with 3 cuneate stigmas. Plate 20.—Fig. 1, bulb and leaves, reduced; Fig. 2, outer spathe-valve; Fig. 3, stamens, front and side view; Fig. 4, apex of style with stigmas. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 21. K. A. Lansdell del. PACHYPODIUM SUCCULENTUM. |