CLIVIA MINIATA. Natal. Amaryllidaceae. Tribe Amarylleae. Clivia, Lindl.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. iii. p. 729. Clivia miniata, Regel, Gartenflora?, 1864, p. 131, t. 434; Fl. Cap. vol. vi. p. 229. Imantophyllum (?) miniatum, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4783. This species, indigenous to Natal, represents only one of many of our native plants, which have been brought to the notice of horticulturists by English Nurserymen. A living plant was exhibited at a meeting of the Horticultural Society in February 1854 by Messrs. Backhouse, who imported the plant from Natal. The specimen from which our illustration was made was collected by Miss K. A. Lansdell at Ifafa on the South Coast of Natal. The species is a shade lover, and is usually found flowering in the shelter of rocks and trees. The size and number of the flowers have been much improved by cultivation, and several hybrids have been raised from the species. The flowers may vary in colour from a red to a yellowish-red. Description:—Rootstock a fleshy rhizome, 1·5-2 cm. in diameter, with numerous fleshy cylindrical roots. Leaves many, 40-50 cm. long, 5-6·5 cm. broad, strap-shaped, acute, slightly narrowed at the base, the leaf bases forming a distinct swelling just above the rhizome, glabrous, bright green. Peduncles shorter than the leaves, compressed, sharply 2-edged. Inflorescence a 12-20-flowered umbel. Spathe-valves 4 cm. long, 7-8 mm. broad, ovate-oblong, membranous. Floral bracts 2·5 cm. long, linear. Flowers erect. Perianth divided almost to the base; tube about 5 mm. long; segments 5-7 cm. long; the inner 1·1 om. and the outer 1·8-2·1 cm. broad at the widest part, oblanceolate; the inner emarginate; the outer minutely thickened at the apex; all obtuse, gradually narrowed to a claw; bright red, with white margins at the lower half. Plate 13.—Fig. 1, section of peduncle; Fig. 2, bract; Fig. 3, transverse section of ovary; Fig. 4, style and stigmas; Fig. 5, fruit. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 14. K. A. Lansdell del. GARDENIA GLOBOSA, THUNB. |