CRASSULA FALCATA. Cape Province. Crassulaceae. Crassula, Linn.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. i. p. 657. Crassula falcata, Wendland, Bot. Beobachtungen, p. 44 (1798), Willd. Enum. p. 341 (1809); Fl. Cap. vol. ii. p. 338. Among rock plants there are few which equal this fine Crassula for brilliant colouring. It is easy to propagate and flowers freely. The species is common in the Eastern Province, and is found in flower during the month of June. The specimen from which our illustration is made was collected by Mr. P. J. Pienaar at Grahamstown and flowered in the Gardens of the Division of Botany. Description:—Stem succulent, 30-55 cm. high, simple. Leaves connate at the base, fleshy, 6-9 cm. long, 1·5-2·5 cm. broad, decreasing in size upwards, obliquely falcate, obtuse, glaucous. Peduncle reddish in colour. Inflorescence a dense trichotomous cyme. Calyx-lobes 3 mm. long, ovate or oblong, obtuse, canescent. Petals 1 cm. long, connate at the base; lobes linear-lanceolate, subobtuse. Stamens nearly as long as the petals. Styles 5, subulate. Squamae minute. Plate 12.—Fig. 1, carpels and squamae × 5. F.P.S.A., 1921. [Image unavailable.] 13. K.A. Lansdell del. CLIVIA MINIATA. HEGEL. |