VARSITY AND PREP-SCHOOL FASHIONS D ON'T wear your Prep-school hat-band, or flash your High-school Fraternity pin upon your almost manly chest. These are stock idiosyncrasies of the Freshman. Just remember that School fashions do not prevail at College. THE "SPORTY" DRESSER Don't dress too "sporty," during the first term. The effects you try to imitate at this period of the game are apt to be only the superficial and amusing ones. A SHORT WORD ABOUT LONG HAIR Don't wear long hair. Hair, if left to grow as it listeth, may attain to a surprising length within a single season. The Freshman year is not the time to test WHISKERS AND SUCH Don't feel it incumbent upon you to wear a beard or a moustache, if you happen to have raised one on the farm or in England, during the summer. Whiskers are the plus sign of masculinity. Upper-classmen do not appreciate them in Freshmen. ABOUT THOSE SPARKLERS Don't wear too much jewelry; as an over-amount of it suggests trips to places where they loan money. Young man dressed up in hat, tie, coat, lapel pins, pocket handkerchief, carrying a cane DONT DRESS TOO SPORTY HORSY ORNAMENTS Don't affect stick-pins bearing large horses' heads or horseshoes, thinking these will demonstrate that you keep a gig. The horsy ornament connotes the coachman's white tie and the odor of the stable. THAT CANE Don't carry a cane in your Freshman year; something is very likely to happen to it. THAT TALL HAT Don't be found displaying a tall hat. A tall hat is a mighty nice thing for Sister's wedding at home; but better leave it there. Its dignity is liable to fade, like the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome. It was only because those nations got too chesty, you remember, that the Vandals of old worried them. CRAZY MEN—CRAZY CLOTHES Don't think that crazy or odd clothes are necessarily "College" clothes. Lots of College men do wear crazy clothes; but it isn't so much because they're College men, as because they're crazy. SANE DRESS Don't forget to dress neatly and up to your means. You owe it |