htm.html#p405" title="go to p. 405" class="pginternal">405; from Lake-dwellings, 402; Lycian, 410; Mexican, 39; Patagonian, 400; Persian, 394, 396; Peruvian, 407; Russian, 404; Scottish, 386; Scandinavian, 353, 404; Spanish, 403; Swiss, 409; Virginian, 37; barbed, 380–390; bone, 210, 361; bronze, scarce in England, 368; chisel-ended, 409; crescent-shaped, 396; detachable from shaft, 370; double-pointed, 386; featherless, 410; iron-tipped, 394, 396; leaf-shaped, 373–378, 484; lozenge-shaped, 378, 484; manufactories of, 268, 280, 359, 401, 402; methods of shafting, 408, 410; modern use of, for fire-producing, 397; in necklaces, 10, 300; notched, 372, 396, 406; poisoned, 361, 370; single-barbed, 385, 393, 306; stemmed, 370; successive developments of, 369; superstitions concerning, 362–367; triangular, 390; in human vertebrÆ, 375, 226 Barrows, - bronze and flint found together in, 397, &c.;
- chambered, bone chisel in, 433;
- cups of shale in, 445;
- fossils in, 466, 467, 469;
- gold cup in, with bronze dagger, 449;
- jet ornaments in, 265, 454, &c.;
- long, leaf-shaped arrow-heads in, 377;
- necklaces in, 456–463;
- pebbles in, 443;
- pyrites and flint in, 265, 467;
- spindle whorl of clay in, 439;
- stag’s horn hammer in, 434
Barry, Mr. F. Tress, 227 Barter, - flint an Australian article of, 80;
- flints at Cissbury probably formed for, 80;
- finely worked daggers procured by, 414
Bartlett’s “History of Manceter” referred to, 187 Basalt, - axe hammer of, in interment, 467;
- heads of, 186, 194, 197, 202, 208, 211, 214;
- celts of, 106, 114, 140;
- hammers of, 25, 223;
- hatchets, 34, 85, 170;
- late use of, for anvils, 232;
- maul of, 234
Basaltic rock, African flakes of, 288 Bastard gouges, 180–182 Bast-fibre, - its use in arrow shafting, 409;
- used in weaving, 436
Bate, Mr. Spence, 266, 279 Bateman, Mr., on pebbles in interments, 467 “BÂtons de commandement,” in La Madeleine caves, 484 Bats, stone, possibly used for preparing hemp, 257 “Batting-staff,” 256 Battle axes, Carvings in caves, 484, 523 Cassava bread, stone slabs for cooking, 440 Catlin, Mr., on American flaking-tools, 24 Cattle, - elf-arrows the cause of disease among, 365, 366;
- protection of, by witch-stone, 470;
- snake-bitten, how to treat, 437
Cave-bear, age of the, 481 Cave-deposits, rarity of large implements in, 641 Cave-dwellers, their mode of living, 657 “Cave-earth,” 479, 492 Cave-implements, 473, &c. Cave-remains prior to Neolithic times, 482 Caves, - alternate tenancy of, by man and beasts, 479;
- chronological sequence of contents of, 475, 481–485;
- deposits of, compared with river gravels, 474;
- early use of for habitations, 126;
- formation of, 477, 480;
- ossiferous, 474, 476;
- sepulchral, 126;
- stalagmite of, 479
- French, arrow-heads in, 396;
- bone and horn objects in, 177, 321;
- character of implements of, 53;
- flint flakes in, 292;
- hammer-stones, 248;
- quartzite flakes, 281, 292;
- serrated flakes, 296
- Gibraltar, bone objects in, 177, 433;
- long flake in, 287;
- saddle-quern in, 252;
- sandstone plate in, 428;
- stone chisel-gouge in, 182
">of deer’s horn, 434;
- distribution of, 177;
- Maori hafting of, 178;
- and picks, 173–177
Chlorite, - whetstone of, 269;
- slate, plates of, in interment, 398
Chloritic albite, - celts of, 109;
- stone, hatchet and haft made of one piece of, 171
Chronology - of Neolithic Period, difficulty of ascertaining, 471;
- of the River Drift attempted, 705, &c.;
- of stone implements, purely retrogressive, 473
Cidares, fossil, in interments, 469 Cilix, myth of, 313 Circles, concentric, on stones, 463 Circular habitation, stone cup in, 450 Circumcision, use of stone knives in, 9 Cissbury, - flint manufactory at, 33;
- objects found at, 32, 81;
- Neolithic fauna at, 80;
- General Pitt Rivers’ explorations at, 78–82
Cists in barrows, objects found in, 248, 330, 453–456, &c. Civilization - of maritime tribes in time of CÆsar, 10;
- degree of, among the cave-dwellers, 657
Clach-nathrach, 437 Clalam Indians, 105, 166 Clan Chattons, stone charm in the possession of the, 469 Claudian, - religiosa silex of, 10;
- flint and steel mentioned by, 16;
- on the ceraunia of Pyrenean caves, 481
Clavigero - on the rate of obsidian working, 24;
- on metal Mexican axes, 155
Clay, - burnt, loom weights of, 443
- ironstone, celt of, 120
- pipe, implement found in, 602
- slate, celts of, 65, 106, 114, 136
- valley-forming in, 677
- vessels, instruments possibly used in shaping, 266, 432, 434
Climate, zoological evidences as to change of, 686; ossiferous, in caves, 478; in valleys, varying with the elevation, 699, 701 Depressions for holding, worked in cutting tool, 344 Desor, Professor, - on method of boring stone, 51;
- referred to, 159, 161, 310
Detritus, amount of, brought down by rivers, 667, 705 Deventer, modern use of stone axe at, 157 Devonian limestone, caverns in, 491, 512 Dickinson, the late Mrs., - on collective burial of celts, 75;
- her collection referred to, 93, 465
Diodorus Siculus - on the use of stone in embalming, 8;
- on the implements of the Ichthyophagi, 288
Diorite, - axe-hammer of, 205;
- axe-head of, 213;
- bastard-gouge of, 182;
- polished celt of, 107;
- ring of, 465
Discs, - imperforate, 440
- perforate, of dolerite, 230;
- as fly-wheels of drilling-sticks, 231;
- of jet, 455;
- ovoid, in Kent’s Cavern, 493;
- possible uses of, 244, 439;
- quoit-like, 440;
- sharp-rimmed, 216
Discoidal implements possibly used as missiles, 648 Discoloration of flints, evidence afforded by, 659, 660, 661 Dish with lid, 451 Dishes, Distaff and spindle, recent use of, 436, 437 Divining, grooved stone used in, 470 Dog, - bones of in cist, 426;
- first appearance of, in Neolithic times, 486
Dolmens of Brittany, - arrow-heads in, 385, 400;
- axe-hammer in, 212;
- carved illustration of celt in, 153;
- jadeite celts in, 109;
- implement found by, 72;
- Dr. Philip Norman, drift implements found by, 518, 617, 635, 636
Evolution of arrow-heads, 369 Experiments - on arrow-flaking by pressure, 39;
- on arrow-shaft forming, 320, 408;
- on fashioning a hatchet, 36;
- on drilling bone, 321, 322;
- on drilling stone, 48, 50;
- on sawing stone, 45;
- on tree-cutting, 69, 162;
- on the wearing of flint flakes, 504;
- on woodcutting, 297
External flakes defined, 641 F Fabricators and flaking-tools, 412–416; - dagger-hilts used as, 413, 414
Faces of celts, definition of, 66 Fairy darts, - effect of on cattle, 365, 366;
- mill-stones, 437
Falconer, the late Dr. Hugh, - on the “bulb of percussion,” 274;
- his work at Brixham cave, 512;
- on tooth found at Wookey, 520;
- on worked flints at Abbeville, 527
Fauna, - climatal changes shown by, 486, 584, 631, 689;
- mammalian, altered by man, 482;
- Brixham, 513;
- of the caves, 479, 483–486;
- Creswell, 524;
- French, 510;
- Happaway, 517;
- Kent’s Cavern, 507, 508;
- Long Hole, Gower, 520;
- PalÆolithic and Neolithic compared, 485;
- Tor Bryan, 517;
- Welsh, 521;
- Wookey hyÆna den, 519;
- of the River drift near Aylesford, 611;
- Bury St. Edmunds, 658, 659
“Fort,” cup found in, 444 Fossils, - ascription of, to diabolical agency, 363;
- use of, as ornaments, 470, 657;
- in interments, 466, 469
Foster, Dr. C. Le Neve, drift implement found by, 610 Fox, Rev. W., as to origin of Solent Sea, 690 Fracture of flint, natural and artificial compared, 273 Fragments of implements, use of, 223, 242, 339 Frankish Cemeteries, objects found in, 283, 307 Frankland, Prof., on climatal conditions of glacier formation, 698 Franks, Sir A. Wollaston, - on an abraded pyrites nodule, 318;
- on hafting of American flint blades, 349;
- on perforated discs, 439;
- on present use of stone vessels, 450
French, Mr. J., drift implements found by, 578 Frere, Mr. John, his discoveries at Hoxne, 573, 576 Friction, polish of stone saw by, 295 Frost, disintegrating effect of, 672 Fuegians, - their arrow chipping, 39, 406;
- their use of arrow-heads as knives, 334;
- their mode of fire-producing, 15, 317;
- their mode of using scrapers, 299
Fungus, its use as tinder, 16, 317 Fustibalus, Roman use of the, 418 Future existence, belief in, implied by objects in interments, 84, 283 G Gabbro, tools for flint-working made of, 22 Gaillard, M. F., Breton finds of pyrites and flint by, 318 Gallas, form of scraper among the, 299 Games, possible use of stone balls in, 244, 245 Ganges, estimate of detritus carried by, 667 Gastaldi, Prof., Gatty, Rev. Reginald A., on minute flint tools, 325 Gaudry, M., sections of San Isidro valley by, 529 261–271; - in interments, 83, 84;
- fixed, not revolving, 43, 261;
- Scandinavian, 43, 261
Grit, from mill-stones, teeth worn by, 253 Grooved hammers, 233–236; - sharpening stone from La Madelaine, 484
Grooves - worked on axes, 168, 169, 211, 212;
- for hafting, on hammer stones, 233;
- on rocks, due to sharpening tools, 262;
- pebbles with, 271
Grottoes, funereal, 160 Ground-ice, formation of, 671 Guanches, obsidian knives used by the, 8 Guernsey, manufactory of arrow-heads in, 401 Gum, Australian implements hafted with, 97, 137 Gun-flints, present manufacture of, 14, 18 Gutsmuths on ancient stone-boring, 49 Gutteridge, Mr. William, drift implement found by, 598 H Habits of PalÆolithic Period, 656–658 HÂches À bouton and À tÊte, 135 Hacket, Mr., Indian quartzite implement found by, 651 Hacquet, M., on the manufacture of gun-flints, 18, 21 HÆmatite, Haft - of celt, carved, 152;
- of Mexican blade, jewelled, 355
Hafts, - club-like, 155;
- forked, for hatchets, 163, 164
Hafted celts, discoveries of, 151–155 Hafting, Kahun, manufacture of stone implements at, 45 Keller, Dr., - on the tools of Moosseedorf, 22;
- on sawing stone implements, 44;
- on tube-boring, 49, 50;
- referred to, 159, 162, 242, 310, 323;
- on weights for weaving, 443
Kemble, Mr., on stones in Teutonic tombs, 468 Kennett, Bishop, quoted as to slickstones, 441 Kentmann, thunderbolts described by, 63, 64 Kent’s Cavern, Torquay, - awl of bone from, 506;
- bone, objects of, 504–506;
- bones, mineral condition of, 508;
- bronze objects in upper layer, 492;
- charcoal in, 492, 511;
- co-existence of man with extinct animals in, 510;
- cores and hammers from, 503;
- correlation of, with foreign caves, 511;
- deposits of, 491;
- examinations of, 488–491;
- fauna of, neolithic, 508;
- fauna of, palÆolithic, 507;
- flakes from, 498, &c.;
- flint implements from, 492–503;
- harpoons, 504;
- human remains, 492;
- implements below the stalagmite, 489;
- implements, neolithic, from upper layers, 492;
- needle of bone, 321, 506;
- pin, 506;
- sabre-toothed tiger, 508;
- scrapers, 500, 502;
- whetstone, 504
Kerr, Mr. Richard, ovate implement found by, 621 Kilkenny, modern use of quern in, 258 Kimmeridge coal, - beads of, 309;
- buttons of, 455;
- “coal money,” how made, 465;
- shale, bead of, 463;
- shale, ring of, 620
- Martha’s Hof, celt kept in a granary at, 58
- Martin, Mr. C. Wykeham, scraper found by, 309
- Mas d’Azil, painted pebbles in cave of, 484, 485
- Mason, Mr. Otis T., “on aboriginal skin-dressing,” 299
- MassagetÆ, their bronze arrow-heads, 368
- Materials of which British celts are made, 65, 66, &c.;
- relative durability of, 655
- Matter, solid, amount of in turbid water, 667
- Mauls, stone, method of hafting, 169;
- in old copper workings, 233
- Mealing-stones,
- Absent in PalÆolithic Times, 657;
- and muller, 251;
- from Swiss Lake-dwelling, 246, 250;
- on the site of Troy, 253
- Medicinal powers, supposed, of stone implements, 271, 365, 437
- Meillet, M.,
- referred to, 327;
- on the causes of alteration in flint, 497
- “Mell” for preparing barley, 451
- Memnon, bronze sword of, 4
- Mentone, intermediate age of deposits in caves near, 475, 487
- Mercati, his suggestion as to the origin of celts, 62
- Meres,
- New Zealand, difficulty of boring, 52;
- mode of using, 118;
- as denoting chieftainship, 226
- Merewether, the late Dean, implements found by, 309
- Meriones, bronze arrow of, 4
- Merovingian interments,
- flint chips in, 283;
- flint implements in, 144, 145;
- iron arrow-heads in, 394;
- iron-mounted scrapers in, 314;
- stone objects in, 470
- Mesolithic, use of term deprecated, 702
- Metal-working,
- possible use of, small hammers for, 223;
- stone discs perhaps connected with, 257
- Meteoric iron, probably the first used, 5
- Mexican arrow-heads, 24, 39;
- English appearance of, 406;
- blade with original handle, 355;
- flakes of obsidian, 288;
- hafting of metal axes, 613;
- Edinburgh, National, passim;
- Exeter, Albert, 192, 407, 445, 639;
- Geneva, 113, 185;
- Ghizeh, 359, 369;
- Grierson, at Thornhill, 200;
- Kelso, 119;
- Keswick, Crosthwaite collection, 106, 117;
- Kirkcudbright, 442;
- KÖnigsberg, 403;
- Lausanne, 185, 292, 327;
- Leeds, Bateman collection, passim;
- Philosophical Society, 187, 191, 221;
- Leicester, 103, 230, 254, 470;
- Leipzig, 191, 220;
- Le Puy, 101, 296, 411;
- Leverian, 212, 441, 575, &c.;
- Lewes, 101, 174;
- Leyden, 114, 128, 205, 403, 405;
- Egyptian, 174, 354;
- Liverpool, Mayer collection, 96, 151, 235, 354;
- Lund, 418;
- Lyons, 109;
- Madras, Central, 569;
- Mainz, 109, 160, 268;
- Montrose, 224, 421;
- Morbihan, SociÉtÉ Polymathique de, 109;
- Namur, 402;
- Nancy, MusÉe Lorrain, 59;
- Naples, 354;
- NeuchÂtel, 361
- Personal ornaments, amulets, &c., 452–472
- Perthes, M., Boucher de,
- discoveries in Somme valley, 12, 490;
- on celt handle, 160;
- on uses of pointed implements, 655;
- on worked flints at Abbeville, 526
- Peru, obsidian working in, 24
- Pestle and mortar, 252, 254
- Pestle-like implements, 135, 149
- Petrie, Prof. Flinders,
- on Egyptian blades, ripple-marked, 359;
- on fibre-hafted knife, 293;
- flint hatchets, hafting of, 169, 170;
- lance-head, 354;
- palÆolithic implements found by, 652, 653;
- on sickles, 297;
- on tube-boring, 51
- Pfahl-bauten,
- Swiss, flint workshop in the, 22;
- sawing on celts of, 43
- Philip II. of Macedon, imitations of coin of, found with arrow-head, 397
- Phillips, Mr. B., on softening amber, 449
- Pickel, Conrad, his name Latinized into Celtes, 56
- Picks of red deer horn used for flint extraction, 33
- Picks and chisels, 173–182
- “Picts’ Castle,” 138
- “Picts’ houses,” see Brochs.
- “Picts’ knives,”
- flakes resembling, 281, 292;
- not of flint, 345;
- recent use of, 348;
- possible use of in whaling, 348
- Pierre de tonnerre, 57
- Pig, Roman sacrifice of, with flint weapon, 10
- “Pikelet stones” now made of iron, 440
- Pins or awls, 433;
- bone, in interments, 83;
- from Kent’s Cavern, 488, 506;
- bronze, 214;
- possible use of, in interments, 432
- Pipes of erosion, 548, 602, 707
- Pisander, bronze axe of, 4
- “Pisky grinding-stones,” 437
- Pitcairn on the diabolical origin of elf-arrows, 467;
- scored, in Trou de Chaleux, 318, 501;
- use of with flint for fire-producing, 5, &c.;
- its use evidenced by its name, 16
- Pyrodes, myth as to his introduction of fire, 16, 313
- Q
- Quarries of stone for implements, 80
- Quartz,
- American arrow or harpoon heads of, 407;
- Australian hafting of flakes of, 293;
- beads of, 465;
- celt of, 136;
- crystals of, used for boring, 322;
- Egyptian celt of, 113;
- flat disc of, 244;
- pebbles, association of, with flint flakes, 25;
- hammers of, 243, 248;
- pebbles in interments, 467;
- slickstones of, 442;
- Swiss arrow-head of, 402;
- implements, African, 653;
- implements from Portugal, 529
- Quartzite,
- axe-hammer of, 207;
- celt of, 113;
- flakes of, 281;
- hammer-heads of, 225, 228, 229;
- implements of, 587, 593, 650, 651, 654;
- implements from Somaliland, 653;
- mauls of, 234;
- pebbles of, battered glacial, 561;
- pebbles, implements of, 566, 579, 594;
- pebbles in Little Ouse valley, 682;
- plano-convex disc of, 231;
- qualities of, for implement making, 581;
- Scotch arrow-head of, 377;
- spherical implement of, 244
- Quaternary beds,
- freshwater origin of, 679;
- first discovery of implements in, 581;
- in Portugal, 529;
- reported human remains in, 703;
- fauna, continental conditions of in England, 707;
- gravel, character of flint implements from, 12
- Queen Charlotte Islands, basalt hammer
960-h-39.htm.html#p491" title="go to p. 491" class="pginternal">491;
- of Lark valley, 543;
- of Ouse valley, 531, 551;
- of Rea valley, 579;
- of Reculver cliffs, 617;
- at Shrubhill, 569;
- of gravels at Southampton, 623
Seeley, Mr. H., on an incised bone, 539 Sehested, Mr., his experiments with stone implements, 50, 69 Selci romboidale, 325 Sellers, Mr. G. E., on stone-chipping, 24 SÉrifontaine, pits for flint extraction at, 35 Serpentine - arrow-head, Swiss, 402;
- axe-hammers, 206, 213;
- celts, 66, 125, 130, 138;
- chisel, Swiss, 177;
- Merovingian pendants, 470;
- ovoid implement, 467;
- perforated discs, 216;
- hammers, 221, 224;
- ring, 465
Serpula limestone, instruments of, 128, 227 Serration, varying, of flint saws, 294, 297 Seton-Karr, Mr. H. W., - discoveries in Somaliland, 652, 653;
- palÆolithic Egyptian implements found by, 652
Sets or punches, 24, 25 Shafting of arrow-heads, methods of, 408–411 Shafts of arrows, - compound, 410;
- concave scrapers for, 320;
- grooved pebbles for straightening, 268;
- South American, 407
Shale, - cups of, 445;
- pendants of, 463;
- rings of, 466
Sharpening-stones, 161–171 Sharp-rimmed implements, classification of, 646 Shasta Indians, arrow-chipping among, 39, 40 Shelley, Mr., flakes collected by, 278 Shell-gouges, Carib use of, 34; stag’s horn hammers at, 35 Spindles, upright, of corn-mills, 242 Spindle-whorls, 436, &c.; - absent in palÆolithic times, 657;
- cidares used as, 469;
- in Kent’s Cavern, 492;
- varieties of, 438
Spinning and weaving, - early practice of, 436;
- method of, 437
Spinning-wheel, possible classical use of, 436 Spiral ornament - on bone bead, 211;
- on glass bead, magic virtue of, 437
Splinters and flakes of flint, distinction between, 275 Springs in the chalk, 664, 675 Spurrell, Mr. Flaxman C. J., - flint flakes replaced on cores by, 20, 606;
- on final flaking of Danish daggers, 42;
- implements found by, 572, 605, 606;
- on ripple-marked Egyptian blades, 359;
- on stone implement making at Kahun, 45;
- on flakes mounted for sickles, 297
Staff-sling, its use in Roman times, 418 Stag’s horn, - axe or hoe of, 434;
- bone-tipped implement of, 416;
- for hafting celts, 128;
- for hafting flakes, 292;
- hammers of, 35, 41, 186, 434;
- implements for arrow-flaking, 41, 393;
- in interments, 148, 398;
- in mines, 233, 234;
- picks of, 33, 34;
- punch of, for obsidian working, 25;
- sockets of, 158, 161;
- in Swiss Lake-dwelling, 321
Stalactite, - formation of, 479;
- piece of in barrow, 466
Stalagmite, - deposition of, 479;
- of Kent’s Cavern, 511
Stan-Æx and stan-bill, 145
the Hallstatt graves, 7 Vulgate, occurrence of Celte in, 55 W Wallong, the Australian, 243 Walrus, remains of, in Whittlesea Mere, 681 Walrus tooth used for tipping flaking tools, 24 Wapiti, chisels made from horn of, 434 War-axe - of GaveoË Indians, 156;
- of Nootka Sound Indians, 157
War, - blunting of axes for, 196;
- or chase, probable use of stone balls in, 422;
- decorations on weapons of, 226
War maces, - possible use of circular pebbles as, 231;
- paint, interment of, with the dead, 264
Waring, Miss, drift implement found by, 608 “Warp and trail,” 593, 698 Warren, Mr. Hazzeldine, implements found by, 139, 603 Washing linen, “batting staff” employed in, 256 “Wasters,” presence of, in flint implement manufactories, 385, 649 Water, - its action on flint, 497;
- carbonic-acid-charged, its action on chalk, 477, 557;
- fresh, drift beds deposited by, 662;
- transporting power of, 513;
- transporting power dependent on rate of flow, 667
Water-mills, stone pivots and sockets for, 242 Watson, Mr. Knight, on the word Celte in Vulgate, 56 Wauwyl, flint manufactory at, 22 Way, the late Mr. Albert, - his finds at Bournemouth, 635, 637;
- on the submerged forest at Bournemouth, 695;
- referred to, 74, 160, 254, 340, 347;
- Miss, drift implement found by, 636
Weapons, - association of, with decorations in graves, 460;
- bronze, in the heroic times, 4;
- elaboration of, a mark of dignity, 216, 226;
- hammer-heads as, 224;
- probable use of perforated axes as, 215;
- Scandinavian form of, found in Britain, 213;
- wearing and re-chipping of, 349
Wear on implements, its evidence as to mode of use, 311 368 Y Yew, - flake-handle of, 292;
- in Hoxne beds, 575;
- probable use of for British bows, 411
Young, Mr. Lambton, C.E., drift implement from the Thames found by, 588 Yun-nan, jade-working in, 110 Z Zinck, M., his criticisms on distinctions between palÆo- and neo-lithic forms, 649 Zigzag - incised lines on sandstone cup, 444;
- ornamentation on stone bracer, 430
Zunis of New Mexico, arrow-head charms among the, 367
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