PART I. GLASS, | 10 | Quality—Preparation—Albumenizing. | COLLODION, | 14 | Positive Process—Formula for Positive—How to Coat Plates With —Exposure of the Plates—Development of Plates—Developer—Fixing Solution—Dry Plate Ferrotypes. | COLLODION PROCESS FOR NEGATIVES, | 24 | Negative—Formula A—Formula B—Formula C. | COLLODION COTTON, | 28 | Formula for Making Collodion with Above. | NEGATIVE SILVER BATH, | 29 | Preparation of—Contaminations of—Renovating, &c. | THE NEGATIVE DEVELOPER, | 33 | FormulÆ for Developing Solution. | FIXING SOLUTIONS FOR NEGATIVES, | 35 | INTENSIFYING NEGATIVES, | 36 | THE BROMO ARGENTIC DRY PLATE PROCESS, | 37 | GELATINO EMULSION, | 38 | Emulsion A, Paget Prize—Emulsion B, Jarman—Emulsion C, Ever—Emulsion D, Ever—Apparatus for Making—Preparation of Glass—Coating Plates. | APPARATUS USED IN MAKING EMULSIONS, | 44 | Cooling Table—Drying Room. | DEVELOPING ROOM FOR DRY PLATES, | 48 | DEVELOPMENT OF DRY PLATES, | 54 | DRY PLATE DEVELOPERS, | 55 | Alkaline Pyro—Developer, a Sal Soda. | FIXING SOLUTION, | 57 | CLEARING SOLUTION, | 58 | DRY PLATE DEVELOPMENT, | 58 | Ferrous Oxalate—Ammonia Pyro—Intensification—Solution A—Solution B. | PRACTICALITIES, | 63 | RETOUCHING NEGATIVES, | 63 | Apparatus Furniture. | SILVER PRINTING, | 70 | Printing Room—Silvering Room—Silver Solution for Paper—Sensitizing Paper—Fuming Paper—Toning the Prints—Toning Solution—Fixing the Prints—Mounting the Prints—Spotting the Prints—Preparation for Burnishing. | THE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, | 80 | THE CAMERA LENSES, | 84 | Optics of Photography. | CAMERA BOXES, | 99 | For Positives, the Multiplyer—For Negatives, Wet or Dry. | THE BENSTER PLATE HOLDER, | 109 | CAMERA BOXES, | 110 | For Copying and Enlarging—For Viewing and Out-Door Work—The Novel View Camera—The Klauber Camera. | CAMERA STANDS, | 116 | The Lever Stand—The Knickerbocker Stand—The Balance Stand—The Bowdish Stand—The Automatic Stand—The Gem City Stand—The Handy Stand—The Magic Stand—The Iron Centre Stand. | PNEUMATIC SHUTTERS, | 124 | The Cadett Shutter—The Lightning Shutter—The Garland Shutter—The Invisible Shutter. | HEAD RESTS, | 130 | Success Head Rests—The Rigid—The Spencer. | POSING CHAIRS, | 133 | The Bowdish Chair—Other Chairs. | PART II. FIELD PHOTOGRAPHY, | 140 | Amateur Outfit—Constituents of Viewing Outfit—Dry Plates—Handling Dry Plates—Dry Plate Holder—View Cameras—Detective Camera—Satchel Detective Camera—Bijou Camera. | AMATEUR EQUIPMENTS, | 153 | Equipment No. 1—The Fairy Camera—The Novel Camera—The Novelette Camera. | THE VIEW LENS, | 157 | Single Combination Lenses—Double Combination Lenses—The Platyscope—Dallmeyer's Rapid Rectilinear—Wide Angle Lenses—Dallmeyer's Wide Angle. | THE TRIPOD OR VIEW CAMERA STAND, | 162 | THE INSTANTANEOUS SHUTTER, | 164 | The Drop Shutter—The Prosch Shutters. | THE CARRYING BOX, | 167 | DEVELOPING OUTFIT FOR AMATEURS, | 167 | Chemical Constituents of—Ferrous Oxalate Development—Cooper's Developer. | EASTMAN'S IMPROVED NEGATIVE PAPER, | 179 | THE ROLL HOLDER, | 181 | How to Use them. | THE ROCHE PAPER FILM, | 187 | ENLARGING AND DUPLICATING SMALL NEGATIVES, | 188 | The Copying and Duplicating Camera—Duplicate Negatives by Contact. | PRINTING PROCESSES, | 192 | On Anthony's Gelatino Bromide Paper—Anthony's Collodio Chloride. | THE ENLARGING CAMERA, | 203 | PRINTING WITHOUT SALTS OF SILVER, | 207 | The Blue Process—Another—The Cyanotype Process with Salts of Uranium—Process for Red Pictures—Process for Green Pictures—Process for Violet Pictures. | TRANSPARENCIES ON GLASS OPAL, | 212 | Development of—Ferrous Oxalate Development—By Wet Collodion. | BICYCLE CAMERA, | 222 | PHOTO MICROGRAPHY, | 224 | p7