
Source.—Camden: Annales (1615). English translation, 1625, sub anno.

The Sentence Declaratory of the Holy Father Pope Pius the Fifth against Elizabeth the pretended Queen of England and those Heretics adhering to her: And finally all such as obey her, to be ensnared in the same:

Pius, Bishop, a servant of the servants of God, for the future memory of the business.

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He that rules in the Heavens above, and to whom all power is given both in heaven and earth, gave unto one only upon earth, viz. to Peter, the chiefest amongst the Apostles, and to the Pope of Rome, Peter’s successor, a Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (without which there is no salvation) to govern it in the fulness of power. And this he ordained as chief above all nations and kingdoms, to pull down, destroy, dissever, cast off, plant and erect, to combine in the unity of spirit his faithful people, connext together through mutual charity, and present them whole and sound to his Saviour. Which charge We, who through the grace of God are thereunto called, submitting ourselves to the government of the same Church, cease not with all our best labours and endeavours to preserve this unity and Catholic Religion, which He who was the Author thereof so suffered to be encumbered for the trial of the faith of his,[36] and for our correction. But the number of the ungodly is so great in power, that there is not a corner left upon the whole earth now untainted with their wicked doctrines. Amongst which Elizabeth, pretended Queen of England, is above all the shelter and refuge of error and most noisome enemies. It is she, who, after she had possessed the Kingdom, usurping (monster-like) the place of the chief Sovereign of the Church in England and the principal jurisdiction and authority thereof, hath thrown into miserable ruin the whole kingdom, when it was even brought to the Catholic Faith, and began to bring forth good fruits. For she with a powerful hand forbiddeth the exercise of the true religion (which was heretofore overthrown by Henry VIII., the forsaker thereof, and afterwards repaired, with the help of this See, by Mary, lawful Queen of England, of famous memory), and embraceth the heresies of obscure persons; the Royal Council, once composed of the English nobility, she hath broken off, oppresseth such as made profession of and exercised the Catholic Religion, re-established the wicked ministers and preachers of impiety, abolished the sacrifice of the Mass, prayers, fastings, the dividing of the meats, the celibate, and all Catholic ceremonies, sent books over her whole kingdom containing manifest heresies, commended to her subjects the profane mysteries and institutions which she had received and observed from the decree of Calvin, displaced the Bishops, Rectors and Catholic Priests from their Churches and Benefices, and disposed of them to heretics, and is bold to take upon her to judge and determine ecclesiastical affairs; forbade the Prelates, the Clergy, and People, to acknowledge the Roman Church or observe her commandments and canonical duties, enforced divers to swear obedience to her detestable Ordinances, to renounce the authority due to the Roman dignity, and acknowledge her the only sovereign over temporal and spiritual things; imposed penalties and taxes upon such as were refractory to her Injunctions; inflicted punishments upon those who persisted in the unity of the faith and obedience; imprisoned the Prelates and Governors of the Catholic Churches, where divers being, with a tedious languishing and sorrow miserably finished their unhappy days. All which things being thus evident and apparent to all nations, and so manifestly proved by the grave testimony of divers, that there is no place left for any excuse, defence, or tergiversation: Wee, perceiving that these impieties and mischiefs do still multiply one by another, and that the persecution of the faithful and the affliction of the Church doth daily increase and wax more heavy and grievous, and finding that her heart is so obstinate and obdurate, that she hath not only despised the wholesome prayers and admonitions which the Christian Princes have made for her better health and conversion, but that she hath denied passage to the Nuncios who for this end were sent from this Siege[37] into England; and being compelled to bear the arms of justice against her, We cannot moderate the punishment that We are bound to inflict upon her, whose ancestors merited so well of the Christian Commonwealth. Being thus supported by His Authority, who hath placed us upon this sovereign throne of Justice, howsoever incapable of so great a charge, out of the fulness of our Apostolical power do pronounce and declare the said Elizabeth an heretic and favourer of heretics, and those who adhere unto her in the aforesaid things, have incurred the Sentence of Anathema, and are cut off from the unity of the Body of Christ. That she is deprived of the right which she pretends to the foresaid kingdom, and of all and every Seigniory, Royalty and privilege thereof; and the Peers, Subjects, and People of the said kingdom, and all others upon what terms soever sworn unto her, freed from their oath and from all manner of duty, fidelity and obedience: As We do free them by the authority of these presents and exclude the said Elizabeth from the right which she pretendeth to the said kingdom, and the rest before mentioned. Commanding moreover and enjoining all and every the nobles, as subjects, people, and others whatsoever, that they shall not once dare to obey her, or any her directions, laws, or commandments, binding under the same curse those who do anything to the contrary. And for as much as it may seem difficult for them to observe these presents in every place where they have occasion for them, Our will is, that copies hereof being written by some public notary, and sealed with the seal of some ecclesiastical Prelate, or of his Court, shall be of as good effect through the whole world, as these presents might do, if they were exhibited and represented.

Given at Rome, at S. Peter’s, the 5 of March,[38]
in the year of the incarnation of our Saviour
1569,[39] and of our Pont[ificate] the 5.



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