
(Established in 1887)

gives frank and honest advice to writers of MSS. on any subject, sells MSS. on commission, revises MSS., makes typewritten copies if desired, and directs MSS. into their proper channels—fulfils, in short, every function required between author and editor or publisher. The Writer's Literary Bureau and its work are known in every publication office in the country. In the seven years of its existence the Bureau has acquired an enviable reputation for ability, honesty, promptness, painstaking, and trustworthy judgment. It refers to editors everywhere.

The number of writers who know where to find the best market for their productions is exceedingly limited. Such a knowledge implies a long and familiar acquaintance with periodical literature.

A manuscript, to be acceptable, must fit the publication to which it is offered as a glove to the hand. If it does not, the editor will decline it as "unsuitable," usually adding that "this does not necessarily imply lack of merit."

It occasionally happens that an article, otherwise acceptable, is refused because at one or two points it fails to meet requirements.

The editor seldom cares to make necessary explanations in such cases, and therefore simply "begs leave to decline with thanks."

It was with a view to rendering much-needed assistance to authors in marketing their manuscripts that The Writer's Literary Bureau was organized in September, 1887, under the management of a gentleman who for many years had been connected with one of our largest publishing houses. The enterprise has prospered and developed, until now the Bureau is prepared, and offers, to undertake every sort of work between author and publisher.


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