Acorn, magic growth of [Jack and the Beanstalk incident], 146, 388
Age of giants, xxix.
——, hero grows old in his travels, 107
Agricultural, xli., see "plough"
Agriculture, giants' dislike of, xxviii.
Ague, cure for, 403
Allegorical story, 91-95
Alligator in Serbian folk-lore, 325
American Indians, folk-tales quoted, 364
—— notions of, as to dreams, 376
Ananci folk-tales, quoted, 379, 394
Angels, allegory of, 93
Animal superstitions, lx-lxiii.
Animals, grateful, assistance by, 158, 160, 249, 303-306, 323, 342, 371, 373, 374, 384, 392, 409
——, king of the, 106-107, 108
——, language of, 301, 421-422
——, magic, in service of fairies, xxxiii.
——, marriage of, with human beings, 225
——, sacrifice of, to stay the plague, 381
—— servants, 111
—— skins of, worn at Magyar weddings, 367
——, witch's life contained in, 205
——, &c., transformation of, into human beings, see "boy," "eagles," "falcon," "fish," "horses," "mares," "pig," "pigeons," "oranges," "snake"
Anthony's (St.) fire, cure for, xlix.
Apple, castle transformed into, 74, 247, 248, 353
—— smiling, 130
Apple tree, miraculous growth of, 11
Apricot, tinkling, 130
Arabian folk-tales, quoted, 381
Arabian Nights, quoted, 347, 352, 353, 355, 360, 362, 364, 368, 371, 375, 377, 389, 392, 395, 396, 400, 402, 406, 408, 415, 418
Argilus and Helen, story of, 345
ÁrpÁd, the founder of modern Hungary, viii.
Arrow, shooting of, as test of strength, 120
Arthur, morte d', quoted, 351, 352
Ashes, strewed, used for finding way through forest, 145
—— (house), youngest brother sits among, 97
Asia, migration from, into Europe, viii.
Assembly of the giants, xxix.
Astronomy superstitions, lxiv.
Attila, conquest of Hungary by, vii.
——, story of, quoted, 342
Austrian folk-tales quoted, 370
Avaricious, allegory of the, 94
Avars, ethnology of, x.
Baa-lambs (the), story-title, 90-95
Bachelors' funeral at Magyar weddings, 367
BÆdnag-njudne, giant beings, Lapp, 340
Bag which never gets full, 141
Baptism, allegory of unbaptised children, 94
Basket, to give the, that is to dismiss, Magyar, 366
Bath used to produce youthfulness, 110, 349
Bathing custom in Hungary, 308
Bathing in mare's milk, task set hero, 276
Bathing of fairy maidens, 101
Battlefields, silver and copper, created for fighting, 349
Battles, legends of, in Lincolnshire, 382
Beanstalk (Jack) parallel incident, 146, 388
Beating of wife, story incident, 23
Beauty, delicate skin a feature of, 354
Beauty and beast stories, 385
Bed, Madeys, devils dread, Slavonic tale, 310
Bede (St.), well of, at Jarrow, 373
Bees, assistance of, to hero, 153
——, honey brought by, restores life, 374
Beetles, witch's life and power contained in, 205
Beggar character in story helps hero, 251
Beggar's presents, story of, 161-163
Bells, church, ringing of, a hero-task, 228-229
Bells, magic, in giant assemblies, xxix.
Belt, strength-giving, 353
Berries, youth-giving qualities of, 373
Betrothal in Magyar marriage, 366
Bible quoted, 375, 411
Biblical characters, see "God," "Joseph," "Peter"
Birds having power to restore youth, 251
——, hero transforms himself into, 286
——, iron, made alive by hero's singing, 317
——, leading of hero by, 99; carrying of hero by, 108-109
——, enticing of boys by, 362
——, hero assisted by, 201, 249
——, moral rebuke by, 20
Birth, signs of luck at, 120
Black, colour of the giants, xxx.
—— cloth, town draped in, 374
Blindness, cure for, in story incident, 37; by mud from well, 152
Blood flowing from finger post sign of disaster, 257
——, human, wine mixed with, 121
—— letting for restoration to life, 344
—— stains, indelible, 125, 382
Blood feud, incident, Arabian nights, 360
Blowing upon wound to heal, 95
Blue Beard incidents, 129, 383
Blue cross, hero changed to, on divulging secret, 314
Bohemian folk-tales, quoted, 323
Boiling skull with millet seed used as omen, 279
Bones, human, hatched by crow, 299
—— of boy collected by sister, 299
——, skeleton, miraculous joining of scattered, 12
Boy killed for dinner by mother, 298
Boy who could not shiver nor shake, type story, 228-232
Bramble, dragon's wife takes form of, 202
Bread, operation of making, used as story incident, 79
Breathing on old things, causes change, 349
Bridal customs, Magyar, 365
Bride, false, given to prince, 214
——, gipsy personates, 214
Bride-capture, evidence of, Magyar, 366, 368; PalÓcz, 413, 414
—— and pursuit, story incident, 32-35
——, symbolic customs representing, 369
Bride purchase, evidence of, Magyar, 365
Bridges, fights between hero and dragon, on, 199-201
——, in folk-tales, 399
—— of copper, silver, and gold, 64, 196; of gold, 74
Britain, Teutonic conquest of, xi.
Britanny, were-wolves, 344
Brocklesby, Roman camp near, Lincolnshire, 382
Broom, red hot, ridden by witch to pursue hero, 273
—— seller, story character, 22
Brothers, elder, separate from hero on journey, 257
Brothers, three, story title, 152-154
Brothers and sisters, marriage of, 137
Brush, used as obstacle to pursuit of hero, 160
Building, immuration during, 376-377
Building legends, 333-334
Bulgarians, origin of, xiii.
Bullet, magic, to kill a giant, xxx.
Bullocks with gilt horns, roasted at Magyar weddings, 367
Bulls used for rescuing treasure, 405
Burial feasts, 370
Cake, hero shares with beggar, 252
——, millet, used in story incident, 28-29
Cakes made with woman's milk, 379
Cannibalism, 25, 352, 388-389, 403
Cannibal-giant story character, 25
Cannibal-man in Lapp stories, 352
Castle built by magical command, 16
—— built and inhabited by fairies, xxxv.-xxxvi.
—— built by giants, xxvii.
—— turned into golden apple, 206, 247
—— weeping and laughing, 409
Cat, accompanies hero, 258
——, a servant of fairies, xxxiii.
Cat, the lazy, story title, 23-25, 317
——, troll, 346
——, witches assume the shape of xli.
Cataract, cure for, xlviii.
Cats, witch's carriage drawn by, 204
Caul, superstition as to being born with, 378
Caves as the haunts of fairies, xxxvii.
Caves, the three, riddle solved by hero, 259
Changed bride incident in folk tales, 386
Chap-books, xx.
Chapel and hermit, pursued heroine and hero turn themselves into, 33
Charitable (the) allegory of, 94
Charles XI., legend of, 381
Charming, fairy means of, xxxiii.
Charms, singing, used for restoration of life, 341
Chest, magic, incident in folk-tales, 401
Child, first-born, dedication to devil, 7, 189, 384
Child-marriage incident, 80
"Child born to be a King" type stories, 307-309
Children, substitution of, xlv., 52
Children's rhymes, Cumanian, xvi.
Chopping, symbolic action of, for cure of wrist disease, 332
Christ, see "God."
Christianity, influence of, on folk-tales, xx., xl.
Christmas customs, li.
Church building legends, 333-334
Church to be built in one night task set heroine, 193
Church, heroine takes form of, 194
——, youth-giving bird kept in, 259
Church bells, ringing of, task of hero, 228-229
Church marriage, 4, 7
Cinder Jack, story title, 149-152
Cinderella incident occurring with hero, 97, 150; with heroine, 148; in folk-tales, 207-216, 389
Cinders, burning, drop from devil's hair, 192
Clan feuds, Lincolnshire, 382
Cloak given to hero for singing, 299
——, giving power of invisibility to its wearer, 141
——, giving power to transport wearer to any place, 156
Cloth, magic, provides food, 161
Clothes, stealing of fairy maiden's, 101
Club, used by giant for killing, Dust, figures drawn in, come to life, 103, 104
Dutch witchcraft, 343
Dwarf, assistance to heroine by, 47
—— outwits strong men, 245, 246
Eagle, pursuing-father takes the form of, 32, 33
Earthenware pot, skull boiled in, used to obtain news of lover, 279
Eating taboo, 9
Egg (black) presented to hero by fairy godmother, 197
Egyptian story quoted, 340, 341, 400
Eldest brother hero of tale, 262-277
Elk, coffin of heroine, carried about by, 174
—— with gold and silver hairs in Russian story, 304
Embroidery, an occupation of the fairies, xxxiv.
Enchantment by spitting, 395
English folk-tales, quoted, 354, 356, 360, 383, 396, 404, 406
Envious sisters, story title, 49-54
Epilepsy, cures for, xlviii.
Eskimo folk-tales quoted, 331, 341, 362, 363, 364, 375, 386, 387, 389, 391, 393, 400, 408, 411
Esthonian folk-tales quoted, 326
Ethnology of giants in Magyar folk-lore, xxvi., xxviii.
—— of Hungary, viii.
Ewe, hero suckled by, 244
Executioner, functionary at a wedding, 303
Eye in forehead, giantess with, 146
Eye, one, monster, 388
Eyes, affection of, story incident, 59
Eyes of King unlike each other, raison d'Être of story, 250
Eye-sight restored by herb, 322
Fairies in Magyar folk-lore, xxxii-xl.
Fairies, marriage of, with the giants, xxix.
——, descent of witches from, xli.
Fairies' well, youth-giving water from, 289
Fairies' well, story title, 288
Fairy dancing, 142
Fairy Elizabeth, story title, 95-110
Fairy godmother, present from, to hero, 197
Fairy, house, origin of, 136
"Faithful John," variants of, 313-315
Falcon, shooting at, story incident, 40
Falcon, pursuing mother takes the form of, 33
False champion, story character, 43, 112
Falsehood, personification of, story character, 36
Family feuds, Lincolnshire, 382
Family life of the fairies, xxxvii.
Farmer, story character, 7
Farming life in story incident, 80
Father eats flesh of his boy, 298
—— murdered by son in Finnish story, 307
—— throws knives and forks to frighten hero, 251
Father's (my) wedding, story title, 86-90
Faust type stories, 306-312
Fays, kissing by, causes oblivion, 322
Fear, hero unable to learn, 228
——, shown by pillows dropping from the seat, 45, 114
Feather picking festival, 215
—— picking, peasant occupation, 402
Feathers, copper, gold and silver, from tail of wood grouse in Karelian story, 305
Feet, silver, child born with, 337
—— washing at weddings in Scotland, 367
Feet and hands of hero renewed by rubbing with blood and dust, 261
Feuds, clan or family, Lincolnshire, 382
Fight between hero and dragons, 199, 200, 201, 247, 248
Finger-lore, 331
Finger-post as trysting place for hero and brothers, 257
Finger songs, 330
Finn giant beings, 340
Finnish folk-tales, quoted, 307, 314-315, 318, 321, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329, 331, 332, 334, 335, 337, 342, 346, 347, 349, 350, 352, 353, 355, 356, 372, 373, 374, 379, 384, 385, 386, 389-390, 392, 393, 396, 399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 409, 410, 411, 414, 416, 421
—— marriage custom, 365, 369
—— names for stars, 410
Fire, ever-burning, story incident, 41
Fire camp, in story incident, 99
—— customs, liv., lviii., see "hearth"
Fire, obtained by youngest brother, 40
Firpole ridden by witch to pursue hero, 272
Fish, gold, princess turns into, when pushed into well, 135
——, king of, assists hero in task, 252, 254
——sung out of lake by hero, 316
——, transformation of, into lovely girl, 16
——, witch's daughters change to, 254
Fisher Joe, notes to, 313
—— story title, 15-22
Fishing, story incident, 16
Flame, red, dragon takes form of, 201
Flame, white, hero takes form of, 201
Flattery, applied to witches, 400
Flint, falling from falcons' rock, story incident, 40
Flint hoop, dragon takes form of, 201
Flintshire wells, 373
Flower gardens belonging to the fairies, xxxvii.
Fluid, strength-giving, 353
Flute, powers of, to compel dancing, 13-15
Flying, power of, by giants, xxx.
Foal, half rotten, of hero, demands for wages for performing tasks, 252
——, magic power of, 263; helps hero, 263-277
Foals, the three, riddle solved by hero, 240
Folk-tales, origin of, xix.
Food, enchanted, causes oblivion, 321
——, magic supply of, 284
Forbidden chamber stories, 326, 384
Forest, filling of, by devils, 28; clearing of, for ploughing, 96
Forgetfulness, curse of, story incident, 34
Formulae, conjuring, of the fairies, xxxiv.
Fortunatus' story, 141
Foundation sacrifice, 376-377
Foundling child becomes hero of tale, 244
Fox, a story character, 1, 316
—— in Russian Puss-in-Boots story, 304; in Finnish story, 305
French folk-tales quoted, 306, 347, 418
—— invasion appearing in folk-tales, xx., 5
Friar, ghost, in shape of, guardian of buried treasure, 231
Friday, efficacy of, in folk-medicine, 37
Frisian variants of Fisher Joe, 316
Frog, grateful, for hero's kindness, assists him, 150
——, the wonderful, story of, 224-226
Frog prince story, Lincolnshire, 404-405
Frogs, witches assume the shape of, xli.
Fruit, fairy maiden concealed in, 386
Funeral of heroine, 171, 173
Gallows, devil carries off man hanging from, 289
——, legend of, 382
——, resort of devils at night, 37
——, secrets heard under, 323
Gangrene, cures for, xlviii.
Garter, unloosing of, at weddings, 369
George (St.) legend of, quoted, 374
Gepidae, Ardaric King of, vii.
German folk-tales quoted, 306, 312, 321, 323, 324, 339, 341, 346, 347, 349, 350, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 364, 372, 373, 374, 377, 378, 383, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 391, 394, 395, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 415, 416 417, 421
—— wedding customs, 369
—— witchcraft, 343
Gesta Romanorum quoted, 375
Ghost, story character, 142
——, wishing to marry bride, 282
Ghost lovers, story title, 278-282, 417
Ghosts, xlv; guard buried treasure, 232
Giant objects in folk-tales, 361
—— story, xxvi.-xxvii.
Giants, northern, 340
——, identified with Huns, x.
——, origin of, as sons of witch, 57
——, story characters, 9, 25, 55, 72, 101, 147
—— in Magyar folk-lore, xxiv.-xxxi.
—— and giantesses, 388
Giantess, cannibal story characters, 146
Gift to hero by fairy godmother, 197
Gifts, wonderful, 394
Gipsy tales quoted, 375
Gipsy women in folk-tale, 213
Girl with the golden hair, story-title, 262-277
—— without hands, story of, 182-252
——, witches assume the shape of, xli.
House, folk-lore of the threshold, 410-411
—— tidying incident in folk-tales, 386
House-fairy, origin of, 136
Human sacrifice in story incident, 112
—— to stay the plague, 381
Hundetyrk, giant beings, Swedish, 340
Hunes, a tribe who came over with Saxons to Britain, xi.
Hungarian Faust story, 312
—— folk-tales, collections of, xxii.-xxiii.
Hungarians, origin of, vii.-viii.
Hungary, bathing customs in, 308
——, the happy land, 126
Huns, origin of the, vii., x.
Hunting princes, story title,
——, story incident, 1, 39, 54, 186, 188
Husks in folk-tales, 385
Hussar and the servant girl, story-title, 83-85
Hydrophobia, cures for, xlviii.
Iliad, quoted, 349
Illness, feigned, incident in folk-tales, 386
Images, wax, used in sorcery, 332
Immuration of human beings, 376-377, 407
——, punishment by, 114
Incantation, witch, xliii.
Indian tales quoted, 306, 307, 314, 321, 323, 338, 339, 341, 342, 344, 346, 356, 361, 362, 363, 364, 373, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 389, 391, 394, 395, 396, 398, 400, 402, 403, 404, 415
Invisible cap given by devil, 227
—— shepherd lad, story title, 141-144
Ishtar, legend of, quoted, 400
Italian folk-tales quoted, 356, 383, 384, 396-398, 400, 401, 408, 421
Irish folk-tales quoted, 322, 348, 353, 355, 364, 372, 394, 396, 397
Iron age, giants connected with, xxvi.
—— kneader, character in story, 245, 246
—— nose, woman with, 159, 203, 243
—— pole, witch rides on, to pursue hero, 269
—— railing round witch's house, 267
—— teeth, witch possessing, 221
Irons, brothers of hero working in, for debt, 260
Jack and the Bean Stalk incident, 146, 388
Jack Dreadnought, story title, 228-232
Jack the Giant Killer, 341
James I., legend of, 382
Japan marriage customs, 368
Japanese folk-tales quoted, 306, 391
Jaundice, cures for, xlvi.
Jazyges, origin of the, xvii.
Jesuits in Hungary, 409
Jewel, youth-giving qualities of, 373
Jewish wedding customs, 369
Jikil, a people of Hungary, xiii.
Johara, Juharia, province of, recorded in folk-tales, 371
Joseph, Biblical story of, quoted, 375
Kaffir folk-tales, 403
Kalevala, quoted, 331, 374
Karelian story quoted, 353, 359, 390
Keyne, St., well of, in Cornwall, 373
King adopts hero as his son, 234
—— and the devil, story of, 188-195
——, child born to be, type story, 233-244
—— made young again by magic water, 295
—— marrying most beautiful woman, 163
—— with eyes that weep and laugh, 251
King's daughter, story character, 4, 15, 234, 238
—— youngest daughter, story character, 27
Kissing by fays and by dog, causes oblivion, 322
Knife, non-use of, for killing, 11
——, wooden, stone cut by, 247
Knives stuck in a tree for life index, 374
Knot-holes in wood, folk-tale connected with, 364
Knowledge, obtaining of secret, 322-324
Koiran-Kuonalanien, giant beings, Finn, 340
Kronos, legend of, quoted, 399
Kuns, origin of the, xv.-xvi.
Ladybird rhyme, xx.
Lake, magic, power of restoring limbs possessed by, 185
——, silver, heroine takes form of, 195
Lamb, possessing power to rain gold, 162
—— with golden fleece, story title, 13-15; variants of, 312
Lamb and shepherd, pursued heroine and hero become, 33
Lameness of characters in folk-tales, 372
——, superstition about, 398
Language of animals, see "animals"
Languages of Hungary, xviii., xix.
Lapp folk-tales quoted, 305, 312, 321, 326, 328, 329, 343, 344, 346, 352, 358, 359, 361, 362, 364, 370, 372, 373, 379, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 396, 397, 399, 400, 403, 408, 410, 415, 418, 420
Lapp giant beings, 340
—— wedding customs, 369
Laughing, cure of illness by, 15
Lazy cat, 23-25; note to, 317
Lead, boiling, ordeal of truth by jumping in, 297
—— used as punishment by fairies, 294
Letter forged by witch, 178, 185
Letter intercepted, story incident, 52, 185
Life, allegory of, 92-94
—— concealed away from the body, 400
—— restoration to, 329, 341, 342, 344; by animals, 374, 396; by snake, 55; by healing grass, 58, 113
Life or soul, witch's, contained in animals, 205
Life index incidents, 339, 340, 374, 378
Light extinguished by animal bridegroom, 226
Limber, Lincolnshire, battle legends in, 382
Lincolnshire folk-lore, 343, 350, 363, 376, 378, 382, 398
—— folk-tales quoted, 358, 392, 393, 404, 405, 417, 418-420, 421
—— Mumby Hill, treasure legend, xxxi.
—— superstitions, 402
—— treasure legend, 406
—— wedding customs, 369
—— witchcraft, xliii.
Lions, country inhabited by, 188, 195
Literature, mediÆval, influence on folk-tales, xx., xxi.
Livy quoted, 377
Loaf, baked seven times with other loaves, used as charm against dragon, 79
Local influences on folk-tales, xx.
Lodging, hero's, at a cottage held by a murderer, 9
London, legend relating to, quoted, 351
Looking back, misfortune from, 101
——, superstition against, in folk-tales, 362-363
——, unlucky at weddings, 369
Looking-glass, magic, power of speaking possessed by, 165
Lord of the manor, story character, 17
Love of the fairies, xxxiv.-xxxv.
Lover's ghost, story title, 278-282
Luck and bliss, story title, 22, 23; variants of, 317
Lungs and liver eaten by would-be murderer, 183
Mace, sent as sign of recognition, 106
—— used by devil as weapon, 194
Mace-throwing, 353
Magic pony, little, story of, 157-160
—— powers of giants, xxix.
—— queen of, 78
—— woman, godmother to heroine, 144
Magpie in Swedish folk-lore, 364
Magyars, origin of, viii., xiii.
Maiming of slain enemies, story incident, 43
Malagasy folk-tales quoted, 340, 394, 398, 401
—— superstition as to the threshold, 411
Man, hanged, eaten by devil, 290
Manners of Magyars, lxvii.
MÄrchen, origin of, xix.
Mare, power of talking possessed by, 263
Mares, milking, task set hero, 275
Mares, witch's daughter in story, 159
Market operations in noodle story, 81
Marriage by guessing of bride's secret marks, 141
—— by taking down objects from high pole, 151
——, child, 80
——, church, 4, 7
—— customs, Magyar, liv., 365; PalÓczy, 412-414
—— festivals, Magyar, 389
—— in folk-tales, 328
—— of hero to queen of the fairies, 298
—— of hero with witch, 204
—— of heroine with frog, 225
—— of most beautiful girl, 163
—— of twelve brothers to twelve sisters, 159
—— to slayer of king's enemies, 44
—— by capture, see "bride-capture."
Maundeville's travels quoted, 342
May-pole, used in marriage custom, PalÓczy, 412
Meadow, silken, of enemies, 339, 342, 374, 375, 379, 386, 387, 388, 394, 396, 398, 399, 400, 401, 403, 407, 410, 417
Perspiration, superstition about, Indian, 395
Peter (St.), appearance of, to hero, 141
——, descent of, to the earth with God, 20
Petticoat, tale said to be in tucks of, 282
Phooka, the wild horse of Ireland, 349
Picture in folk-tales, 396
Piebald horse, magic horse, 289; assists hero, 289; enemy of devils, 291, 292, 293
Pig, prince in form of, 131, 132
Pig-driving, in story incident, 80
Pigeon, hero transforms himself into, 286
Pigeons, transformation of, into girls, 101
Pigeons help heroine in task, 208
Pillow stuffed with owls' feathers in devil's house, 191
Pin, in folk-tales, 395-396
——, poisonous, used by witch to destroy heroine, 170
Pistols, used by hero, 63
Plaid, possessing power of making wearer invisible, 289
Plague, animal sacrifice at, 381; witch sacrifice, xliv.
Plants, wound-healing, 341
——, superstitions, lxiii-lxiv.
——, see "apples," "apricot," "bramble," "oak," "pear" Pleurisy, cures for, xlvii.
Plough, six-ox, yoking of, 370
Ploughing task, story incident, 28, 96
Pluto, story character, 29
Poker changed into horse by witch, 160
Polish folk-tales quoted, 322, 379, 418
Pony, magic, story of, 157-160
Pope, hero becomes, 12
Portraits, superstition against, 333
Portuguese folk-tales quoted, 324, 334, 339, 342, 361, 365, 372, 374, 386, 389, 394, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402
Post (finger) oozing blood, sign of misfortune to hero, 257
—— used as trysting place, 257
Poultry yard, hero and heroine locked in, 286
Presents, the beggar's, story of, 161-163
Priest, name for TÁtos, also name for mythic horse, 345
Priests and their sermons, allegory of, 94
——, folk-tale allusion to, 205, 400
Princes, the three, story title, 110-117
Princess who never laughed, type story, 312
Princesses, the three, story title, 144-149
Property, obtaining of, by descent, 16, 34, 137; by force, 6; by marriage, 7, 46, 53, 153
Proverbial sayings, SzÉkely, ix.
Punchkin, incident in folk-tales, 205, 400
Punishment by immuration, 114
Punishment of false knight, story incident, 45
Puppies supposed to be born of heroine, 178, 185
Purse which never gets full, see "bag"
Pursuit obstacles, in story incident, 32-35, 160, 393-394
Puss in Boots, type story, 1-6, 303, 306
Pygmy race, 330
Queen of the faires, 294
Quinsy, cure for, xlix.
Rabbit, hero takes form of, 202
Races, stories indicating old feuds between, 380
Rats, witch's daughters changed to, 255
Raven, shooting at, story incident, 39
Red cap, devil and the, story of, 226-228
Red-haired people, unluck of meeting, 329
Red Knight, a false champion, 43, 114
Relations, quarrels of, allegory of, 94
Rhymes, children's, Cumanian, xvi.
Rich men, children of two, story title, 80-83
Riddles in folk-tales, 239, 240, 334
Ring, betrothal, in Magyar marriage, 366
——, poisonous, used by witch to kill heroine, 168
—— possessing power of waking wearer in case of need, 291
Ring, wedding, 3, 7
——, wife's means of recognising husband, 315
Rivers, fairy origin of, xxxix.
Robbers, twenty-four, story characters, 42
——, heroine protected by, 167
Rod, growth of, put as a test, 119
——, growth, magic, 71
Rose, gold, means of identifying heroine, 211-213
Rose, knight, story title, 54-58
Roumanian folk-tales quoted, 353, 387, 388, 391, 399, 407
Roumanian intrigues with Turkey alluded to, 124
Rug, used as obstacle in pursuit of hero, 160
Russian folk-tales quoted, 304, 306, 321, 325, 329, 338, 339, 341, 344, 347, 353, 355, 358, 359, 361, 362, 364, 373, 374, 379, 381, 389, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 404, 408, 411, 415, 420, 421
Russian marriage ceremony, 366
Sacrifice, human, in story incident, 112, 344
——, to stay the plague, 381
Saddle, magic, for magic horse, 63
——, old, used on TÁtos horse, 198
Saddle and bridle demanded by hero for wages, 252
Sale at markets, used as story incident, 22
Saints' legends, place of, in mythology, x.
—— quoted, 339
Saints' Days, customs, l.-lix.
Sausage, magic, 219
Scab, cure for, xlix.
Scabbard growing on hero's side, 233
Scandinavian Huns, xi.
School, hero's attendance at, 7
Scottish folk-lore, 363, 368, 411
—— folk-tales quoted, 312, 346, 349, 398, 400
—— wedding custom, 369
Scurvy, cures for, xlvii.
Sea, mythical, in Hungarian folk-tales, 375-376
Secret, hero's life depends on keeping, 233, 244
Secret-keeping little boy and his little sword, story title, 233-244, 314
Secrets, transformation of hero on divulging, 314
Selection, magic powers in, 378
Serbian folk-tales quoted, 306, 323, 325, 339, 342, 347, 353, 361, 362, 373, 374, 386, 387, 388, 391, 392, 400, 401, 407, 408, 421
Serpents, hairs from devil's beard become, 192
Servants, animals so-called, 373
Servian witchcraft, 343
Service of hero with king, 263
Seventh son superstition, xxx.
Shepherd, story character, 13, 91, 141
Shepherd Paul, story title, 244-249
Shepherd's daughter given to devil instead of heroine, 191
Ship that sails over land and sea, 316
Shirt, silk, given to hero to increase strength, 248
Shoe, Cinderella's, 149
Shoes, in folk-tales, 387
Shoes thrown after the bride, 369
Shooting incidents in folk-tales, 329
Sicilian folk-tales quoted, 338
Siculus, people of SzÉkely, ix., xiii., xiv.
Sillyhood, name for the caul, 378
Silver bridge, dragon's house near, 196, 200
—— of dazzling brightness, story incident, 20
Silver horse, concealment in, 139
Silver objects mentioned in story incidents, 61, 130, 143, 150
Sindibad, book of, quoted, 360
Sins, washing away of, allegory of, 93
Sisters, twelve, marry twelve brothers, story incident, 159
Skin, delicacy of heroines, 354
Skin, assumption of snake's, 342
Skull, boiling of, used in divination to get news of absent lover, 279
Slavonic folk-tales quoted, 323, 306
Sleep, magic, falls on watchers of heroine, 183
——, mode of, as a test of princely origin, 77
Sleeping beauty incidents in folk-tales, 396
Smell, giants sense of, 340
Smithy, hero takes refuge at, 203
Snake in Russian Puss in Boots story, 304
——, prince in form of, 283; proposes to marry king's daughter, 284
—— teaches hero language of animals, 301
——, three-headed, sacrifice of king's daughter to, 344
—— with girl's head, restores life to hero, 55
—— field, task of hero's to clean, 316
—— friends, 342
Snake-skin, story title 282-287, 417
Snakes-skin, assumption of, by heroine, 342
Snipe, origin of, 359
Snow-water collected in March, youth-giving qualities of, 372
Social organisation of the fairies, xxxvii.
Son marrying mother in Finnish story, 308
Song, singing a, means of discovering truth, 299
Songs, mystic, for restoration of life, 341
——, wedding and love, 370
Spade, golden, used to dig up TÁtos foal, 256
Spanish belief in herb to restore eye-sight, 322
Spanish folk-tales quoted, 316
Toothache of king ceasing only with granting hero's wishes, 197
Tower, hero immured in, 240
Town draped in black cloth, 374
Trance, heroine falls into, through treachery, 172, 174
Transformation of hero and heroine to avoid pursuit, 321
Transylvania, wedding customs, 369
——, races occupying, ix.
Travelling, speed of, in folk-tales, xxiv.-xxv., 26, 350
—— with magic wings, 142
Treasure, buried, ghosts as guards of, 231,
232, 405
——, buried, legends, xxix., xxx.
Treasures, offered by witch as reward refused by hero, 255
Tree, good luck coming from being under, 387
——, grown from remains of murdered princes, 135
——, heroine and her children take refuge in, 179
——, heroine placed amongst branches of, 213
——, magic growth of, 146
——, sap of, used for cure of illness, 138
——, witch seated in, 57, 115
Tree-comber, character in story, 244
Trees, magic, on borders of Operencian Sea, 256
——, kissing each other means of hero crossing water, 258
——, notched by hero to guide his path, 258
Triangle traced by witch, 256
Tribal blood feud incident, Arabian Nights, 360
Trolls, assume shape of magpies, in Sweden, 364
Truth and falsehood, travels of, story title, 36-39
Trynetyrk, giant beings, Norwegian, 340
Tumuli, called giants graves, x.
Turkish sultan in folk-tales, xx.
Twelve brothers marry twelve sisters, 159, 263, 267
Twins, golden-haired, born to heroine, 184
Twilight, myth of, in folk-tales, 327
Uliva (St.) legend of, quoted, 339
Underground people, in folk-tales, 408
Useless article found on road, source of wealth to finder, 354
Valuable, three things, story title, 155-157
Vargaluska (dancing), concealed name of dwarf, 48
Vasfogu, BÁba, story character, 5
Vikings, probable legend of, quoted, 352
Vine-growing as task for hero, 18
Vomiting of persons eaten, incident in folk-tales, 399
Walachian folk-tales, quoted, 338, 395, 396
Watching, youngest son successful in, 390
Water, foal washed in to gain strength, 256
—— immersion, cure of maiming by, story incident, 53
—— possessing power of transforming human being into animal, 220
——, reflection of heroine's face in, 135
——, want of, causes death of princesses who were cut from oranges, 133
——, youth-giving, from fairies' well, 289, 293, 295
—— of life, allegory of, 93, 250-262
Water-spring, blocking up by devils, story incident, 37
——, magic origin of, 72
Wayland Smith, legend quoted, 351
Weaving in folk-tales, 330
——, soldiers produced by, 68
Wedding customs, Magyar, 365
—— festivities, 104-105
—— party, greeting to, 80
Weeding operations in story incident, 81
Well, frog residing in, 224
——, holy, flowers from, used at marriages, PalÓcz, 412
——, mud from, cures blindness, 152
—— worship, xxxii.
Wells, marvellous powers of water, 373
Wend, folk-tales quoted, 359
Were-wolves, 344
Whale, heroine devoured by, 222
Wheat, dirty, heroine set task of cleaning, 208, 209, 211
Whip, magical, 16, 27, 107
Whistle, magic, 392
—— given by grateful animals for summons, 153
—— commanding obedience from insects, fish, or mice, 252, 253
Whistle and whip, a method of summons, 372
Widower and his daughter, story of, 207-216
Wife, lord's power over vassals, alluded to, 18
Wife of hero desired by king, 314
Wife-beating of, story incident, 23
Wife's kindred, interposition of, 24
Wine taken by hero to renew strength, 201, 248
—— drank by foal for food, 265
Wings, magic, for travelling, 142
Winifred, St., well of, in Flintshire, 373
Wishes, the, story of, 217-219
Witches, assist youngest son, hero, 61
——, burning of, 181
—— changes into pigeon, story incident, 160
——, children of, born with teeth, 378
—— drugs hero, 253, 254 255
——, fear of, for animals, 57, 115
——, giants supposed to be, xxiv.
—— guardian of castle in Hades, 68
—— in Magyar folk-lore, xli.-xliv.
—— kills her own children by ruse, 159, 268
——, magical powers of, xlii.
——, method of seeing, xli.
——, mother of giants, 57
—— with iron nose, 241, 243
—— year consists of three days, 252
Witch's daughter personates heroine, 221
—— daughters in shape of horses, 252
—— maid helps hero, 204
Witchcraft defeated by the drawing of blood, 343
Wives, dragon's, destroyed by hero, 203
Wodin, dragon sacred to, 325
Wolf, assistance of, to hero, 153
Wolf, in Finnish grateful animal story, 305
Wolves, country inhabited by, 188, 195
Woman's curiosity, story title, 301-302, 313
Woman, old, made young by hero, 260
Women, aged, direct hero in quest, 258
Wood-grouse in Karelian grateful animal story, 305
Woodpecker in folk-tales, 362, 372
——, influence of, on hero's actions, 99, 108-109
Worcestershire folk-lore, 378
Words, story turning on similarity of, 84
World, underground, visited by hero, 247
World's beautiful woman, story of, 163
Wrestling of hero with strong men, 245
Yarborough Camp, Lincolnshire, legend concerning, 382
Year of service given by hero, 157
—— of three days duration, 98
Yellow Hammer, King, story character, 2
Yorkshire finger-lore, 330, 331
—— folk-lore, 349, 398
—— superstitions, 402
Youngest, success of, 389-391
Youngest brother, story hero, 40, 55, 60, 92, 97, 116, 153, 157, 203
—— daughter, story heroine, 27, 43, 49, 159
—— prince successful in quest, 288
—— prince and youngest princess, story title, 137-141
—— sister heroine of tale, 207, 224-226
—— son successful, 150, 196, 250
Youth, allegory of, 93
—— giving plants, 109
—— giving water, 288, 372-373
——, power to restore, possessed by pelican, 251, 258, 262
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