5. CONCINNATUS] i.e. compositus. 16. CHARTIS] 'playing-cards.' An Act of 1463 forbade the importation of them into England; Foxe's statutes for C.C.C. Oxford (XX. 10 n.), dated 1517, prohibit the use 'chartarum pictarum (cardas nuncupant)'. 24. COMMUNIONEM] Cf. XVIII. 57-8. 32. PRO MORE REGIONIS] The following extracts from Erasmus' writings show the reputation of the English at this time in the matter of entertainment: 'Angli ostentatores': 'miramur si quis videat frugalem Anglum': 'asscribo Anglis lautas mensas et formam.' 33. VULGARIBUS] sc. cibis. 38. HOLOSERICIS] sc. vestibus. Similarly byssinis ac damascenis, l. 44. 40. CONVENTUM] This took place in July 1520, shortly after Henry's meeting with Francis I at Ardres, known as the 'Field of the Cloth of Gold '. 41. UNDECIM] Erasmus' memory for dates was uncertain. 42. EBORACENSIS] Wolsey. |