A year elapsed after the first successful flight at Kitty Hawk before the aviator became able to describe a circle in the air. A later date, 1907, is recorded for the first European half-circular flight: and the first complete circuit, on the other side of the water, was made a year after that; by both biplane and monoplane. It was in the same year that Louis BlÉriot made the pioneer cross-country trip of twenty-one miles, stopping at will en route and returning to his starting point. What Happens When Making a TurnCircular Flight We are looking downward on an aeroplane ab which has been moving along the straight path cd. At d it begins to describe the circle de, the radius of which is od, around Necessarily, the two velocities have the ratio om:om´; the respective lifting forces must then be proportional to the squares of these distances. The difference of lifting forces, and the tendency to overturn, will be more important as the distances most greatly differ: which is the case when the distance om is small as compared with mm´. The shorter the radius of curvature, the more dangerous, for a given machine, is a circling flight: and in rounding a curve of given radius the most danger is attached to the machine of greatest spread of wing. Lateral StabilityThis particular difficulty has considerably delayed the development of the aeroplane. It may, however, be overcome by very simple methods—simple, at least as far as their mechanical features are concerned. If the outer The Aileron The Aileron Let us stand in the rear of an aeroplane, the main wing of which is represented by ab. Let the small fan-shaped wings c and d be attached near the ends, and let the control wires, e, f, passing to the operator at g, be employed to close and unclasp the fans. If these fans are given a forward inclination at the top, as indicated in the end view, they will when spread out exert an extra lifting force. A fan The more common present form of aileron is that shown in the lower sketch, at s and t. The method of control is the same. Wing Tipping Wing Tipping The cellular Voisin biplanes illustrate an attempt at self-sufficing control, without the interposition of the aviator. Between the upper and lower sails of the machine there were fore and aft vertical partitions. The idea was that when the machine started to revolve, the velocity of rotation would produce a pressure against these partitions which would obstruct the tipping. But rotation may take place slowly, so as to produce an insufficient pressure for control, and yet be amply sufficient to wreck the apparatus. The use of extra vertical rudder planes, hinged on a horizontal longitudinal axis, is open to the same objection. Wing WarpingIn some monoplanes with the inverted V wing arrangement, a dipping of one wing answers, so to speak, to increase Wing Warping Wing Warping The distinctive feature of the Wright machines lies in the warping or distorting of the ends only of the main planes. This is made possible, not by hinging the wings in halves, but by the flexibility of the framework, which is sufficiently pliable to permit of a considerable bending without danger. The operator, by pulling on a stout wire linkage, may tip up (or down) the corners cc´ of the sails at one limb, thus decreasing or increasing the effective surface acted on by the wind, as the case may require. Automatic ControlLet us consider again the condition of things when rounding a curve, as in the sketch on page 32. As long as the machine is moving forward in a straight line, the operator sits upright. When it begins to tip, he will unconsciously tip himself the other way, as represented by the line xy in the rear view. Any bicyclist will recognize this as plausible. Why not take advantage of this involuntary movement to provide a stabilizing force? If operating wires are attached to the aviator’s belt and from thence connected with ailerons or wing-warping devices, then by a proper proportioning of levers and surfaces to the probable swaying of the man, the control may become automatic. The idea is not new; it has even been made the subject of a patent. The GyroscopeThe Gyroscope The Gyroscope This device for automatic control is being steadily developed and may ultimately supersede all others. It uses the inertia of a fast-moving fly wheel for control, in a manner not unlike that contemplated in proposed methods of automatic balancing by the action of a suspended pendulum. Every one has seen the toy gyroscope and perhaps has wondered at its mysterious ways. The mathematical analysis of its action fills volumes: but some idea of what it does, and why, may perhaps be gathered at the expense A revolving disc mounted on the gyroscopic framework therefore resists influences tending to change its plane of rotation. If the device is placed on a steamship, so that when the vessel rolls a change of rotative plane is produced, the action of the gyroscope will resist the rolling tendency of the vessel. All that is necessary is to have the wheel revolving in a fore and aft plane on the center line of the vessel, the axle being transverse and firmly attached to the vessel itself. A small amount of power (consumed in revolving the wheel) gives a marked steadying effect. The same location and arrangement on an aeroplane will suffice to overcome tendencies to transverse rotation when rounding curves. The device itself is automatic, and requires no attention, but it does unfortunately require power to drive it and it adds some weight. The gyroscope is being tested at the present time on some of the aeroplanes at the temporary army camps near San Antonio, Texas. Wind GustsThis feature of aeronautics is particularly important, because any device which will give automatic stability when turning corners will go far toward making aviation a safe amusement. Inequalities of velocity exist not only on curves, but also when the wind is blowing at anything but uniform velocity across the whole front of the machine. |