ShapesHenry Giffard’s Dirigible Henry Giffard’s Dirigible (The first with steam power) The cylindrical Zeppelin balloon with approximately conical ends has already been shown (page 68). Those balloons in which the shape is maintained by internal pressure of air are usually pisciform, that is, fish-shaped. Studies have actually been made of the contour lines of various fishes and equivalent symmetrical forms derived, Dirigible of Dupuy de Lome Dirigible of Dupuy de Lome (Man Power) The first flight in a power driven balloon was made by Giffard in 1852. This balloon had an independent speed of about ten feet per second, but was without appliances for steering. A ballonetted balloon of 120,000 cubic feet capacity was directed by man power in 1872: eight men turned a screw thirty feet in diameter which gave a speed of about seven miles per hour. Electric motors and storage batteries were used for dirigible balloons in 1883-’84: in the latter year, Renard and Krebs built the first Tissandier Brothers' Dirigible Balloon Tissandier Brothers’ Dirigible Balloon (Electric Motor) DimensionsThe displacements of present dirigibles vary from 20,000 cubic feet (in the United States Signal Corps airship) up to 460,000 cubic feet (in the Zeppelin). The former balloon has a carrying capacity only about equivalent to that of a Wright biplane. While anchored or drifting balloons are usually spherical, all dirigibles are elongated, with a length of from four to eleven diameters. The Zeppelin represents an extreme elongation, the length being 450 feet and the diameter forty-two feet. At the other extreme, The Baldwin The Baldwin Dirigible of the United States Signal Corps The present-day elongated shape is the result of the effort to decrease the proportion of propulsion resistance due to the pressure of the air against the head of the balloon. This has led also to the pointed ends now universal; and to avoid eddy resistance about the rear it is just as important to point the stern as the bow. As far as head end resistance alone is concerned, the longer the balloon the better: but the friction of the air along the side of the envelope also produces resistance, so that the balloon must not be too much elongated. Excessive elongation also produces structural weakness. From the standpoint of stress on the fabric of the envelope, the greatest strain is that which tends to break the material along a longitudinal line, and this is true no matter what the length, as long as the seams are equally strong in both directions and the load is so suspended as not to produce excessive bending strain on the whole balloon. In the Patrie (page 77), some distortion due to loading is apparent. The stress per lineal inch of fabric is obtained by multiplying the net pressure by half the diameter of the envelope (in inches). The Zeppelin Entering Its Hangar on Lake Constance The Zeppelin Entering Its Hangar on Lake Constance The 'Patrie.' Destroyed by a Storm The “Patrie.” Destroyed by a Storm FabricsThe material for the envelope and ballonets should be light, strong, unaffected by moisture or the atmosphere, non-cracking, non-stretching, and not acted upon by variations Fabrics are obtainable in various colors, painted, varnished, or wholly uncoated. The rubber and cotton mixtures are regularly woven in France and Germany for aeroplanes and balloons. The cars and machinery are frequently shielded by a fabricated wall. Weights of envelope materials range from one twenty-third to one-fourteenth pound per square foot, and breaking stresses from twenty-eight to one hundred and thirty pounds. Pressures (net) in the main envelope are from three-fifths to one and a quarter ounces per square inch, those in the ballonets being somewhat less. The Patrie of 1907 had an envelope guaranteed not to allow the leakage of more than half a cubic inch of hydrogen per square foot of surface per twenty-four hours. Manufacturing the Envelope of a Balloon Manufacturing the Envelope of a Balloon Inspecting the Envelope of AndrÉe's Balloon 'L'Oernen' Inspecting the Envelope of AndrÉe’s Balloon “L’Oernen” The best method of cutting the fabric is to arrange for building up the envelope by a series of strips about the circumference, the seams being at the bottom. The two warps of the cloth should cross at an angle so as to localize a rip or tear. Bands of cloth are usually pasted over the seams, inside and out, with a rubber solution; this is to prevent leakage at the stitches. FramingIn the Zeppelin, the rigid aluminum frame is braced every forty-five feet by transverse diametral rods which make the cross-sections resemble a bicycle wheel (page 68). This cross-section is not circular, but sixteen-sided. The pressure is resisted by the framework itself, the envelope being required to be impervious only. The seventeen compartments are separated by partitions of sheet aluminum. There is a system of complete longitudinal bracing between these partitions. Under the main framework, the cars and machinery are carried by a truss about six feet deep which runs the entire length. The cars are boat-shaped, twenty feet long and six feet wide, three and one-half feet high, enclosed in aluminum sheathing. These cars, placed about one hundred feet from the ends, are for the operating force and machinery. The third car, carrying passengers, is built into the keel. Wreck of the 'Zeppelin' Wreck of the “Zeppelin” In non-rigid balloons like the Patrie, the connecting frame must be carefully attached to the envelope. In this particular machine, cloth flaps were sewed to the bag, and In some of the English dirigibles the cars were suspended by network passing over the top of the balloon. Keeping the Keel HorizontalIn the Zeppelin, a sliding weight could be moved along the keel so as to cause the center of gravity to coincide with the center of upward pressure in spite of variations in weight and position of gas, fuel, and ballast. In the German balloon Parseval, the car itself was movable on a longitudinal suspending cable which carried supporting sheaves. This balloon has figured in recent press notices. It was somewhat damaged by a collision with its shed in March: the sixteen passengers escaped unharmed. A few days later, emergency deflation by the rip-strip was made necessary during a severe storm. In the ordinary non-rigid balloon, the pumping of air between the ballonets aids in controlling longitudinal equilibrium. The pump may be arranged for either hand or motor operation: that in the ClÉment-Bayard had a capacity of 1800 liters per minute against the pressure of a little over three-fifths of an ounce. The Parseval has two ballonets. Into the rear of these air is pumped at starting. This raises the bow and facilitates ascent on the principle of the inclined surface of an aeroplane. After some elevation is attained, the forward ballonet is also filled. Car of the Zeppelin Car of the Zeppelin (From the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) StabilityBesides proper distribution of the loads, correct vertical location of the propeller is important if the balloon is to travel on a level keel. In some early balloons, two envelopes side by side had the propeller at the height of the axes of the gas bags and midway between them. The modern forms carry the car, motor, and propeller below the balloon proper. The air resistance is mostly that of the bow of the envelope: but there is some resistance due to the car, and the propeller shaft should properly be at the equivalent center of all resistance, which will be between car and axis of gas bag and nearer the latter than the former. With a single envelope and propeller, this arrangement is impracticable. By using four (or even two) propellers, as in the Zeppelin machine (page 68), it can be accomplished. If only one propeller is employed, horizontal rudder planes must be disposed at such angles and in such positions as to compensate for the improper position of the tractive force. Even on the Zeppelin, such planes were employed with advantage (pages 66 and 73). Perfect stability also involves freedom from rolling. This is usually inherent in a balloon, because the center of mass is well below the center of buoyancy: but in machines of the non-rigid type the absence of a ballonet might lead to both rolling and pitching when the gas was partially exhausted. Stern View of the Zeppelin Stern View of the Zeppelin What is called “route stability” describes the condition of straight flight. The balloon must point directly in its (independent) course. This involves the use of a steering The 'ClÉment-Bayard' The “ClÉment-Bayard” The 'Ville de Paris' The “Ville de Paris” Rudders and PlanesThe dirigible has thus several air-resisting or gliding surfaces. The approximately “horizontal” (actually somewhat inclined) planes permit of considerable ascent and descent by the expenditure of power rather than gas, and thus somewhat influence the problem of altitude control. Each of the four sets of horizontal rudder planes on the Zeppelin, for example, has, at thirty-five miles per hour, Car of the 'LibertÉ' Car of the “LibertÉ” Movable rudders may be either hand or motor-operated. The double vertical steering rudder of the Ville de Paris had an area of 150 square feet. The horizontally pivoted rudders for vertical direction had an area of 130 square feet. Arrangement and AccessoriesThe motor in the Ville de Paris was at the front of the car, the operator behind it. This car had the excessive weight of nearly 700 pounds. The Patrie employed a non-combustible shield over the motor, for the protection of the envelope: its steering wheel was in front and the motor about in the middle of the car. The gasoline tank was under the car, compressed air being used to force the fuel up to the motor, which discharged its exhaust downward at the rear through a spark arrester. Motors have battery and magneto ignition and decompression cocks, and are often carried on a spring-supported chassis. The interesting Parseval propeller has four cloth blades which hang limp when not revolving. When the motor is running, these blades, which are weighted with lead at the proper points, assume the desired form. Balloons usually carry guide ropes at head and stern, the aggregate weight of which may easily exceed a hundred pounds. In descending, the bow rope is first made fast, and the airship then stands with its head to the wind, to be The balloon must have escape valves in the main envelope and ballonets. In addition it has a “rip-strip” at the bottom by which a large cut can be made and the gas quickly vented for the purpose of an emergency descent. Common equipment includes a siren, megaphone, anchor pins, fire extinguisher, acetylene search light, telephotographic apparatus, registering and indicating gages and other instruments, anemometer, possibly carrier pigeons; besides fuel, oil and water for the motor, and the necessary supplies for the crew. The glycerine floated compass of Moisant must now also be included if we are to contemplate genuine navigation without constant recourse to landmarks. Amateur DirigiblesThe French Zodiac types of “aerial runabout” displace 700 cubic meters, carrying one passenger with coal gas or two passengers with a mixture of coal gas and hydrogen. The motor is four-cylinder, sixteen horse-power, water-cooled. The stern screw, of seven feet diameter, makes 600 turns per minute, giving an independent speed of nineteen miles per hour. The machine can remain aloft three hours with 165 pounds of supplies. It costs $5000. Hydrogen costs not far from a cent per cubic foot (twenty The Zodiac No. 2 The Zodiac No. 2 May be deflated and easily transported The Fort Omaha PlantThe Signal Corps post at Fort Omaha has a plant comprising a steel balloon house of size sufficient to house one of the largest dirigibles built, an electrolytic plant for generating hydrogen gas, having a capacity of 3000 cubic feet per hour, a 50,000 cubic foot gas storage tank, and the compressing and carrying equipment involved in preparing gas for shipment at high pressure in steel cylinders. United States Signal Corps Balloon Plant at Fort Omaha, Neb. United States Signal Corps Balloon Plant at Fort Omaha, Neb. (From the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Balloon ProgressThe 'Caroline' of Robert Brothers, 1784 The “Caroline” of Robert Brothers, 1784 The ascent terminated tragically The first aerial buoy of Montgolfier brothers, in 1783, led to the suggestion of Meussier that two envelopes be used; the inner of an impervious material to prevent gas leakage, and the outer for strength. There was perhaps a foreshadowing of the Zeppelin idea. Captive and drifting balloons were used during the wars of the French Revolution: they became a part of standard equipment in our own War of Secession and in the Franco-Prussian conflict. The years 1906 to 1908 recorded rapid progress in the development of the dirigible: the record-breaking Zeppelin trip was in 1909 and Wellman’s America exploit in October, 1910. Unfortunately, dirigibles have had a a bad record for stanchness: the Patrie, RÉpublique, Zeppelin (I and II), Deutschland, ClÉment-Bayard—all have gone to that bourne whence no balloon returns. The Ascent at Versailles, 1783 The Ascent at Versailles, 1783 The first balloon carrying living beings in the air Proposed Dirigible Investors were lacking to bring about the realization of this project The 'RÉpublique' The “RÉpublique” Won by Lieut. Frank P. Lahm, U.S.A., 1906. Figures on the map denote distances in kilometers. The cup has been offered annually by Mr. James Gordon-Bennet for international competition under such conditions as may be prescribed by the International Aeronautic Federation. Germany has a slight lead in number of dirigible balloons—sixteen in commission and ten building. France follows closely with fourteen active and eleven authorized. This accounts for two-thirds of all the dirigible balloons in the world. Great Britain, Italy, and Russia rank in the order named. The United States has one balloon of the smallest size. Spain has, or had, one dirigible. As to |