Four Principal Activities of the American Bureau of Engineering, Inc. |
The phenomenal growth of this Institution is due to the fact that it has, from the start, anticipated the needs for authoritative information and adequate shop equipment to take care of the ELECTRICAL side of the automotive and allied industries. It has four active divisions: - 1.
- A Bureau of Electrical Engineering, consulted by automobile manufacturers, dealers and by technical schools and colleges throughout the world.
- 2.
- A Publishing House, employing the highest authorities to compile text books and Ready Reference Manuals relating to the electrical equipment of Automobiles, Trucks, Tractors, and Farm Lighting Plants.
- 3.
- A Manufacturing and Sales Organization for supplying up-to-date shop equipment to the Battery and Electrical Service Stations.
- 4.
- An Electrical School, operating this branch under the name of “AMBU ENGINEERING INSTITUTE.” This school is conducted so that a student can attend classes in Chicago, or complete instruction in Automotive Electricity can be obtained in the Home Study Course.
American Bureau of Engineering, Inc. General Offices AMBU BUILDING - 2632 Prairie Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS