A - Adages, first edition, 88-91
- Adrian, Hebrew teacher, 266, 267
- Adrian VI., pope, 403
- Agricola, Rudolf, 7
- Albert of Mainz, 291
- Aldus Manutius, 125
- correspondence with Erasmus, 134-137
- his printing-office, 138
- Aleander, Girolamo, at Venice, 143
- Alexander of Scotland, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 144, 146
- Algerus, treatise on the Eucharist, 410
- Amerbach, Boniface, executor, 460
- Amerbach, the brothers, 236
- Ammonius, Andreas, correspondence with Erasmus, 187-192, 262, 263
- Andrelinus, Faustus, 41
- letter from Erasmus, 80
- writes a preface to the Adages, 93
- Apophthegmata, 451
- Aquinas, Thomas, Erasmus' and Colet's views of, 72
- d'Asola, Andreas, 138-140
- d'Asola, Francesco, 139, 141
- Atensis, John, 264
- Augsburg Confession, 401
- Augsburg, Diet at, 444-448
- Augustinianism, 278, 283-285, 380-383
- Augustinus, pupil of Erasmus, 93
B - Badius, publisher at Paris, 134
- Basel, residence in, 232-240, 347, 441-443, 456 sqq.
- Battus, James, 48
- correspondence with Erasmus, 48-58
- death, 61
- Beatus Rhenanus, 239
- Bedda, Natalis, 428
- Berquin, Louis de, 428-432
- Berlin, St., abbot of, 223
- BesanÇon, letter to magistrate of, 456
- Bois-le-Duc ('s Hertogenbosch), school at, 8
- Bologna, visit to, 130-135
- Botzheim, John, canon of Constance, letter to (catalogus lucubrationum), 126
- Brethren of the Common Life, 8
- BudÆus, William, letter from, 248
- Busleiden, Jerome, founder of the College of the Three Languages, 265
C - Cambrai, bishop of and residence in, 6, 33, 41
- Cambridge, life at, 193-195
- Caminga, Haio, 443
- Campeggio, Cardinal, letters to, 302, 405
- Carteromachos, Scipio, 148
- Charles I. of Spain (V. of Germany), makes Erasmus a councillor, 253, 262
- Ciceronianus, treatise on rhetoric, selection from, 149-151
- Cinicampius (Eschenfeld), 243
- Clement VII., pope, letter to, 404
- Clyston, attendant of Erasmus' pupils, 125, 127, 136
- Colet, John, 64, 65
- teacher at Oxford, 68
- founder of St. Paul's school, 70
- his character, 71-75
- invites Erasmus to teach at Oxford, 82-86
- correspondence of 1511(?)-1512, 195-200
- present at Canterbury "pilgrimage," 217
- CollÉge Montaigu, 34-39
- Comparison of the Virgin and the Martyr, 436, 437
- Compendium VitÆ, 4
- Complutensian Polyglot, 201
- Constance, visit at, 352
- Cop, William, 250
- Copia verborum et rerum, dedication, 197
- Cornelius, companion of Erasmus at Steyn, 14
D - Dante, De Monarchia, 274
- De contemptu mundi, treatise, 20-22, 28
- Deventer, school at, 5-7
- Diversoria, colloquy describing inns, 127, 226-231
- Dorpius, Martin, criticises the Praise of Folly, 176, 264
- DÜrer, Albert, diary of, 333, 334
E - Ecclesiastes, 453, 454
- Egmund, Carmelite at Louvain, 322, 428
- Enchiridion militis Christiani, origin, 96, 97
- analysis of, 98-111
- preface to second edition, 111-115
- its teaching, 286
- England, life in, 62-86, 179 sqq.
- EpistolÆ obscurorum virorum, 279, 363
- Eppendorf, Henry, 352
- Erasmus, nationality, 1-3
- birth, 3
- at Gouda, 5
- at Utrecht, 5
- at Deventer, 5-8
- at 's Hertogenbosch, 8, 9
- at Steyn, 15-23
- with the bishop of Cambrai, 26
- ordained priest, 33, n.
- at Paris, 33-40
- return to Cambrai, 41
- troubles at Paris, 42-47
- correspondence with Battus, 48-58
- visit to Tournehens, 54
- at Louvain, 61
- in England, 62-86
- at Orleans, 92
- views on war, 118, 128
- goes to Italy, 125
- Doctor's degree, 128
- in Bologna, 130-135
- life at Venice, 137-143
- at Padua, 144
- at Siena, 146
- at Rome, 146-156
- English residence (1509-1514), 179-217
- correspondence with Ammonius, 187-192
- "Professor" at Cambridge, 193-195
- literary work in England, 197-217
- letter to Servatius, 218-224
- journeys, 226-231, 241-246
- at Basel, 232-240
- called to Ingolstadt and elsewhere, 247
- offered a bishopric, 248
- called to Paris, 248-253
- made councillor of Charles V., 253-255
- settles at Louvain, 264
- his view of the Reform, 285-288
- view of indulgences, 292
- letter to Wolsey, 298-301
- to Campeggio, 302
- to Leo X., 303-307
- to Albert of Mainz, 309-319
- to Hoogstraaten, 326-329
- removal to Basel, 347
- letter to Laurinus, 347-361
- visit to Constance, 352
- contest with Hutten, 362-378
- the free-will controversy, 383-401
- the Eucharist controversy, 407-418
- relations with Berquin, 428-432
- life at Basel, 441-443
- goes to Freiburg in Breisgau, 444
- relation to Augsburg Diet, 444-448
- buys a house, 449
- his place in the Index, 454, 455
- return to Basel, 456
- death, 457-459
- last will, 460
- final estimate of, 460-463
- Ernest of Bavaria, invites Erasmus to Ingolstadt, 247
- Eschenfeld (Cinicampius), 243
- Eucharist, history of, 407
- Expostulatio cum Erasmo of Hutten, 366-372
F - Familiar Colloquies, 420-423
- attacked by the Sorbonne and by Luther, 424
- condemned at Paris and in England, 433
- Ferdinand of Spain, 119
- Fisher, Robert, 63
- Francis I., King of France, calls Erasmus to Paris, 248-253
- Fratres Collationarii, 10
- Frederic the Wise, Elector of Saxony, letter to, 325
- interview with, 326
- imperial candidate, 344
- Free will, the problem of, 381-384
- Freiburg in Breisgau, residence at, 441-456
- Froben, John, first acquaintance with Erasmus, 232
- Froben, John Erasmius, 421
G - Gaguinus, 41
- Gerard, father of Erasmus, 4
- Gerhardt of Nymwegen, 428
- Goclenius, Conrad, letters to, 4, 267, 458
- Gouda, life at, 5
- Grey, Thomas, 43
- Grimani, Cardinal, 151
- Grocyn, William, 64, 81
- Groot, Gerard, 8
- Grunnius, Lambertus, letter to, xiv, 4, 11, 19, 21, 130
H - Hedio, Caspar, letter to, 379
- Hegius, Alexander, 6
- Hermann, William, 23, 47
- 's Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), school at, 8
- Hoogstraaten, Jacob, letter to, 326-329
- Hutten, Ulrich von, 361-363
I - "Index," papal, 454, 455
- Indulgences, Luther's Theses on, 289-291
- Inghirami, Tommaso, 149
- Ingolstadt, call to, 247
- Institution of Christian Marriage, 433-435
- Institutio Principis Christiani, 255-262
- Italy, life in, 125 sqq.
- ?????fa??a, colloquy of Erasmus, 35-40
J - Jerome, St., edition of, 68, 205
- Joanna of Spain, 119
K L - Lascaris, Johannes, 143
- À Lasco, John, letter to, 417, 418
- Laurinus, Marcus, letters to, 254, 347-361
- Lee, Edward, 427
- Leo X., dedication of New Testament to, 271
- Linacre, Thomas, 64, 81, 199
- Louvain, life at, 61, 264
- Ludwig the Bavarian, emperor, 276
- Luther, Martin, called to Wittenberg, 280
- his early development, 280-283
- Theses, 289-291
- letter from, 294
- letter to, 295-297
- his views disclaimed, 298 sqq.
- Leipzig Disputation, 307, 337
- burns the papal bull and canon law, 337
- writings of 1520, 338
- confronts the radical party, 339-341
- at Worms, 345, 346
- letter on free will, 384-386
- treatise, de servo arbitrio, 398-401
- Luther and Erasmus compared, 282, 283
M - Macchiavelli, Niccolo, Il Principe, 256
- Manius, Peter, letter to, 1
- Marburg Conference, 408
- Margaret, mother of Erasmus, 4
- Margaret of Austria, regent of the Netherlands, 405
- Maximilian of Germany, 119
- Melanchthon, Philip, called to Wittenberg, 280
- More, Thomas, 64
- first meeting with Erasmus, 77, 78
- introduces Erasmus to the royal children, 79
- Utopia, 257
- Mountjoy, Lord, pupil of Erasmus, 43
- invites him to England, 62
- second invitation (1509), 179-183
- MÜnzer, Thomas, 340, 362, 398
- Musurus, Marcus, 143, 144
N - Neuenaar, Count of, 244
- New Testament, Greek, editing begun in England, 200-204
- dedicated to Pope Leo X., 271
- third edition, 351
O - Opulentia sordida, colloquy on life at Venice, 138-142
- Orleans, life at, 92
P - Pace, Richard, at Ferrara, 145
- Padua, life at, 144
- Paraphrases of the New Testament, 424-426
- Paris, university organisation, 34
- Parvus, William (Guillaume Petit), 248, 249
- Paul III., pope, correspondence with, 457
- Paul IV., pope, Index of, 454, 455
- Pelicanus, Conrad, letters to, 416, 417
- Philip of Burgundy, panegyric on, 116-121
- Pirkheimer, Bilibaldus, letters to, 413, 414
- Pius IV., pope, Index of, 455
- Poncher, Stephen, Bishop of Paris, 250, 253
- Popes, humanistic, 273
- PrÆparatio ad Mortem, 452, 453
- Praise of Folly, motive of, 158
R - Raphael, Cardinal of St. George, 226
- Religious Pilgrimage, the, 215, 216
- Reuchlin, John, 236-239, 310, 320
- Rhenanus, see Beatus
- Riario, Raffaelle, cardinal, 151
- Rome, life in, 150-156
S - Scaliger, Julius CÆsar, criticises Erasmus, 137, 235
- "Senex ille," 42-46
- Schmalkalden, League of, 445
- Servatius, companion of Erasmus at Steyn, 23
- prior of Steyn, letter from Erasmus, 218-224
- Siena, visit to, 146
- Sintheim, John, 6
- Sorbonne, the, attacks the Colloquies, 424, and the Paraphrases, 432
- "Spirit," the, 388, 389
- Spongia adversus aspergines Hutteni, 372-378
- Standonch, John, 35
- Steyn, monastery at, 14-20
- Stromer, Heinrich, letter to Spalatin, 459
- Stunica, James Lopez, 355, 404, 427
T - The True Way of Prayer, 437-440
- Tournehens, visit to, 54
- Tunstall, Cuthbert, 263, 264
U - Utopia of Thomas More, 257, 261
- Utrecht, life at, 5
V - Valla, Laurentius, 204
- Veere, Anna, Marchioness of, 48
- visit of Erasmus to, 54
- letter to, 59, 60
- marriage of, 61
- Venice, life at, 137-143
- Volzius, letter to, 111-115
W - Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, joins in calling Erasmus to England, 183
- gives him the "living" of Aldington, 184-186
- character, 226, 454
- Wessel, John, 8
- Winckel, Peter, uncle and guardian of Erasmus, 5, 7, 9
- Wittenberg University founded, 280
- Wittenherus, Nicholas, prior of Steyn, 222
- Wolsey, Thomas, letter to, 298
- Worms, Diet at, 345, 346
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