CHAPTER III ACTING FOR THE SCREEN CHAPTER IV WOULD YOU FILM WELL? CHAPTER VI HOW TO DRESS FOR A PICTURE CHAPTER VIII READING YOUR PART CHAPTER IX INSIDE THE BRAIN OF A MOVIE STAR CHAPTER X SALARIES IN THE MOVIES CHAPTER XII HOW OTHERS HAVE DONE IT CHAPTER XIII AMATEUR MOVIE MAKING BREAKING INTO THE MOVIES CASTING THE PICTURE This is a typical scene in a casting director's office. Mr. Emerson and Miss Loos, with their stenographer, are studying the faces of the applicants. When a type exactly suited to the story is found, she is sent direct to the studio to begin work. BREAKING INTO THE MOVIES by JOHN EMERSON and ANITA LOOS Authors of "How To Write Photoplays" ILLUSTRATED [Illustration] PHILADELPHIA GEORGE W. JACOBS & COMPANY PUBLISHER Copyright, 1921, by THE JAMES A. McCANN COMPANY All Rights Reserved PRINTED IN THE U. S. A. |