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IBSEN, HENRIK. OUIDA. TANDY, FRANCIS D. IN FRENCH ELTZBACHER, PAUL. GHIO, PAUL. IBSEN, HENRIK. MACKAY, JOHN HENRY. RABANI, ÉMILE. Mailed, post-paid, by LIBERTY BENJ. R. TUCKER, Editor An Anarchistic journal, expounding the doctrine that in Equal Liberty is to be found the most satisfactory solution of social questions, and that majority rule, or democracy, equally with monarchical rule, is a denial of Equal Liberty. APPRECIATIONS G. BERNARD SHAW, author of "Man and Superman":
WILLIAM DOUGLAS O'CONNOR, author of "The Good Gray Poet":
FRANK STEPHENS, well-known Single-Tax champion, Philadelphia:
BOLTON HALL, author of "Even As You and I":
ALLEN KELLY, formerly chief editorial writer on the Philadelphia "North American":
SAMUEL W. COOPER, counsellor at law, Philadelphia:
EDWARD OSGOOD BROWN, Judge of the Illinois Circuit Court:
Published Bimonthly. Twelve Issues, $1.00 ADDRESS: JOSIAH WARREN The First American Anarchist A Biography, with portrait BY WILLIAM BAILIE The biography is preceded by an essay on "The Anarchist Spirit," in which Mr. Bailie defines Anarchist belief in relation to other social forces. Price, One Dollar MAILED, POST-PAID, BY BENJ. R. TUCKER'S Unique Book-Shop 502 Sixth Ave., near 30th St. OPEN EVENINGS Largest Stock in the World Of Advanced Literature in English, French, Lowest Prices in the United States By 20 to 30 Per Cent. Promptest Service in America For Importation of Books from Europe Benj. R. Tucker's Unique Catalogues Of English Books, 125 pages, 1400 Titles English Catalogue, 10 Cents; French, 5 Cents; German, 5 Cents; Mail Address: THE SANITY OF ART BY BERNARD SHAW This is the first publication in book or pamphlet form of Bernard Shaw's famous open letter to Benj. R. Tucker, the editor of Liberty, in review of Max Nordau's "Degeneration," and originally contributed to the pages of Liberty. The issue of Liberty containing it is out of print, and copies of it are very valuable. The volume contains also a characteristic Shaw preface in which he declares that the essay was prepared in response to the highest offer ever made for a magazine article. "The Sanity of Art" is Mr. Shaw's most important pronouncement on the subject of Art, and admittedly one of the finest pieces of art criticism ever penned. 114 pages. Cloth, gilt top, 75 cts.; paper, 35 cts. Mailed, post-paid, by TWO OF A KIND! A Brace of Anarchist Classics SPENCER AND THOREAU The Right to Ignore the State By Herbert Spencer Being a reprint of the suppressed chapter from the original edition of "Social Statics," now rare and costly. Price, Ten Cents On the Duty of Civil Disobedience By Henry D. Thoreau "I quietly declare war with the State, after my fashion, though I will still make what use and get what advantage of her I can, as is usual in such cases."—Thoreau. Price, Seven Cents Mailed, post-paid, by ANARCHIST STICKERS Aggressive, concise Anarchistic assertions and arguments, in sheets, gummed and perforated, to be planted everywhere as broadcast seed for thought. Printed in clear, heavy type. Size, 2-1/8 by 1¼ inches. Excellent for use on first, third, and fourth class mail matter. There is no better method of propagandism for the money. There are 48 different Stickers. Each sheet contains 4 copies of one Sticker. SAMPLE STICKERS No. 2.—It can never be unpatriotic to take your country's side against your Government. It must always be unpatriotic to take your Government's side against your country. No. 7.—What I must not do, the Government must not do. No. 8.—Whatever really useful thing Government does for men they would do for themselves if there was no Government. No. 9.—The institution known as "government" cannot continue to exist unless many a man is willing to be Government's agent in committing what he himself regards as an abominable crime. No. 12.—Considering what a nuisance the Government is, the man who says we cannot get rid of it must be called a confirmed pessimist. No. 18.—Anarchism is the denial of force against any peaceable individual. No. 24.—"All Governments, the worst on earth and the most tyrannical on earth, are free Governments to that portion of the people who voluntarily support them."—Lysander Spooner. No. 32.—"I care not who makes th' laws iv a nation, if I can get out an injunction."—Mr. Dooley. No. 33.—"It will never make any difference to a hero what the laws are."—Emerson. No. 34.—The population of the world is gradually dividing into two classes—Anarchists and criminals. No. 38.—"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it."—Bernard Shaw. No. 44.—"There is one thing in the world more wicked than the desire to command, and that is the will to obey."—W. Kingdon Clifford. No. 46.—The only protection which honest people need is protection against that vast Society for the Creation of Theft which is euphemistically designated as the State. No. 47.—With the monstrous laws that are accumulating on the statute-books, one may safely say that the man who is not a confirmed criminal is scarcely fit to live among decent people. Send for circular giving entire list of 48 Stickers, with their numbers. Order by number. Price: 100 Stickers, assorted to suit purchaser, 5 cents; 200, or more, Stickers, assorted to suit purchaser, 3 cents per hundred. Mailed, post paid, by BENJ. R. TUCKER, P. O. Box 1312, New York City. |