Famous among women composers of all nations is CÉcile-Louise-Stephanie Chaminade. She was born at Paris in 1861, of a family that was well endowed with musical taste. In childhood, she made the piano her favourite companion, and while other girls were devoted to their dolls, she would try to express in tones the simple emotions that moved her. There are some gifted mortals who can think in music, whose joys and sorrows translate themselves naturally into melody. CÉcile Chaminade was one of these. CÉCILE-LOUISE-STEPHANIE CHAMINADE So earnestly did she devote her childish days to music that before the age of eight she was already able to show some attempts of her own at composition. These juvenile works, which consisted of sacred pieces, were of such interest to the composer Bizet that when he heard them he advised her parents to give her a complete musical training, and Her teachers were LeCouppey in piano, Savard in harmony, counterpoint, and fugue, Marsick in violin, and Benjamin Godard in composition. Under these she made rapid progress, and, in fact, the latter part of her education consisted in playing chamber music with Marsick and Delsarte. Her own dÉbut as pianist took place when she was eighteen, and gave a chance for the performance of a few of her compositions. These were so effective that they occasioned the often-quoted remark of Ambroise Thomas,—"This is not a woman who composes, but a composer who happens to be a woman." Her career has been one of constant progress and constant triumph. Her talents as a pianist have Her most ambitious compositions are "Les Amazones," a lyric symphony with choruses; a one-act ballet, "La Sevillane," still in manuscript; and the grand ballet and symphonic scena entitled "Callirrhoe," successfully given at Marseilles and Lyons, and now published in many different arrangements. Her concerto for piano and orchestra has received high praise from the critics, who seem always ready to laud its refined melodic charm and graceful delicacy of sentiment. The one defect seems to be an excess of vigour and virility in certain of the later movements. Her other orchestral works consist of two suites, one of them being arranged from "Callirrhoe." Of lesser instrumental music, she has written two successful trios. Her piano pieces are many in number, and excellent in quality. Among them It is undoubtedly her songs that have made her fame so widespread. She has published over sixty in all, nearly every one endowed with the delightful charm that is associated with her name. These songs are full of the rarest and most piquant melodic beauty, and the accompaniments are rich in colour and originality. A well-known critic writes: "Her music breathes the true spirit of romance shown in the poems that inspire it. Her themes are never commonplace or affected, and are gracefully supported by fluent, appropriate, and finely blended harmonies." Among her most recent compositions are some choral works, three of these, for orchestra in old style, being of especial interest. Her "Pardon Breton," "Noel des Marins," and "Angelus," for orchestra, are also worthy of mention, as well as her set of six "Poemes Evangeliques." She is now at work upon a three-act lyric drama. Augusta Mary Ann Holmes was born at Paris in 1847. Of Irish parentage, she afterward became naturalized as a Frenchwoman. Her family were much opposed to a musical career, and insisted on her giving it up. They did not approve of any artistic pursuit for her, but allowed her to take up painting as the lesser evil. Her love for music overcame all obstacles, and she soon began to appear as a child-prodigy in public and private concerts. Her early compositions took the form of songs, but when only eleven she conducted a quickstep of her own, played at Versailles by an artillery band. Her really great works, however, did not appear until many years later. AUGUSTA MARY ANN HOLMES Her first opera, "Hero et Leandre," was successfully produced in 1874, and the psalm, "In Exitu," appeared at about the same time. In the next year she became a pupil of Franck, whom she considers her real master, and after that great works came thick and fast. An Andante Pastorale from an unpublished symphony met with a favourable reception. Then came the symphony "Lutece," which was second only to works of Dubois and Godard in a Paris competition. This was followed by the symphonic poem, "Pologne." Meanwhile she made another effort to win a prize with her lyric drama "Les Argonautes." Out of twenty-four votes, she The success of the Triumphal Ode was so marked that the composer's fame reached foreign lands, and the city of Florence ordered from her the cantata, "Hymne À la Paix," in celebration of the Dante festival. Her impressions of Italy are recorded in her next suite, "Au Pays Bleu," which charmed all hearers by its expressive interest. Her other choral works include the "Hymne À Apollo," and the allegorical cantata, "La Vision de la Reine." Her latest symphonic poem, "Andromede," produced a marked effect. Her last opera, "La Montagne Noire," was not especially successful, though given with Alvarez, Breval, and other great artists in the cast. The operas, "Astarte" and "Lancelot du Lac," are in manuscript. Mlle. Holmes has composed a number of songs, all endowed with an unusual share of beauty. She writes her own words in almost all cases, as she is able while doing this to hear in a vague way Maria Felice Clemence de Reiset, Vicomtesse de Grandval, is another name as famous as it is extensive. Born in 1830, she showed innate taste for music, and her career was devoted to it. She received instruction from Flotow at first, doing more valuable work afterward with Saint-SaËns. For a time she was able to take lessons of Chopin. Her works include practically all forms of composition, but she has shown especial aptitude for dramatic work and church compositions. Of her many dramatic works that have been successfully produced, "Le Sou de Lise" appeared first, in 1859. Among the operas brought out at a later date are "Les FiancÉs de Rosa," "La Comtesse Eva," "La Penitente," "Piccolino," and "Mazeppa." A lyric scene, "La ForÊt," for soloists, chorus, and orchestra, met with a successful production in 1875. Among her vocal compositions are many songs, some with violin and organ accompaniments. Her sacred music takes rank with the very best that modern writers can show. Her two masses have been frequently given at Paris. Her two oratorios, "Sainte Agnes" and "La Fille de Jaire," met with a similar favourable reception. Her Stabat Mater contains an effective "March to Calvary" and a beautiful "Juxta Crucem," and received the enthusiastic homage of the critics when first brought out. Several smaller works, for voices, organ, and piano, are no whit behind the larger compositions in musical worth. She has also written a grand overture, "Esquisses Symphoniques," a piano trio, a violin sonata, a suite for flute and piano, and many other violin and piano pieces. She deserves to rank among the foremost women composers of our time. Jeanne Louise Farrenc was another Parisian woman who won fame by composing. Born in Her own compositions have been often performed, even the larger orchestral numbers. Chief among them are two symphonies and three overtures. Her chamber music includes a nonette and sextette for strings, two quintettes, several piano trios, in two of which clarinet and flute replace the usual violin, a number of sonatas and other pieces for violin and piano, several 'cello sonatas, some flute and piano pieces, and numerous piano works and songs. Her daughter, Victorine Louise, was another gifted musician, but died after a brief career, leaving a heritage of piano works and songs. Louise Angelique Bertin, born in 1805, was one of those impatient creatures who are eager to read books before learning the alphabet. In taking up painting, she wished to start in at once with canvas Pauline Viardot-Garcia was one of a remarkable musical family. Her father, Manuel Garcia, was a singer and teacher of note, and, like her elder sister, Mme. Malibran, she received the benefit of his tuition. One of her earliest memories of his singing was connected with an unexpected appearance in America, when a band of Mexican robbers, not Her sister, Marie Felicitas, at first wife of M. Malibran, and afterward married to the violinist De Beriot, was one of the world's greatest singers, Gabriella Ferrari is another gifted French composer of orchestral works. She is a pupil of such men as Dubois and Gounod, and has done much in the larger forms. Among her works are a number of orchestral suites, many piano pieces and songs, and the comic opera, "Le Dernier Amour." Mme. Renaud Maury is another composer who is able to The roll of operatic composers in France is long and honourable. Just as England seems the home of cantatas, and Germany of orchestral work, so France is especially devoted to opera, and her women have held their own well in this field. As far back as the seventeenth century, Elizabeth Claude de la Guerre upheld the glory of her sex by playing and improvising in a masterly fashion. One of her greatest admirers was the king, Louis XIV., himself. Besides a number of sonatas, she wrote a "Te Deum" to honour the king's recovery from illness, and a number of cantatas. Her opera, In the eighteenth century, Henriette de Beaumesnil was one of the foremost musical women in France. Endowed by nature with a fine voice, she became one of the leading artists in the Paris Grand Opera Company. When her voice failed, she took up composition, and succeeded in that also. Most popular among her many operas were "Anacreon," "Les Legislatrices," and "Les Saturnales." Emilie Candeille was the daughter of a dramatic composer, from whom she received a solid musical education. Her works include piano trios, sonatas, and songs with piano and harp, besides the operetta, "La Belle FermiÈre," and the comic opera, "Ida." Mlle. Duval was another grand opera singer, and author of the ballet, "Les Genies." Mlle. Kercado, of later date, produced the operetta, "La MÉprise Volontaire." Lucille GrÉtry, daughter of the famous composer of that name, produced "Le Mariage d'Antonio" when only sixteen years, and followed it up with "Toinette et Louis." Her career was cut short in her twenty-fourth year by an untimely death. Edme Sophie Gail-Garre, who flourished at the Pauline Thys is a writer who has won considerable dramatic fame. She has published some songs, but has devoted herself almost wholly to the stage. Among her successful operettas are "La Pomme de Turquie" and "La Perruque du Bailli." Her comic operas have been very well received, and include such favourites in their time as "Le Pays de Cosagne," "Le Cabaret du Pot-CassÉ," "Le Fruit Vert," and "Le Mariage de Tabarin." She has also composed the lyric drama, "Judith." Comtesse Anais de PerriÈre-Pilte (Anais Marcelli) produced several successful operas and operettas, among them Marie de Pierpont was a talented writer for the organ, as well as an excellent performer on that instrument. She entered the operatic field with a work entitled "Le Triomphe du Coeur," which is reckoned her best production. The Baroness Durand de Fortmague was successful as an amateur, and her "Bianco Torello" and "Folies d'Amour" have been frequently given. Mlle. de Sainte-Croix has written a number of successful one-act operettas, which have been well received in the Paris theatres. Mme. AmÉlie Perronet has won laurels in the same field, and has written some popular chansonettes. Charlotte Jacques rests her fame on a single work, "La Veille." Mlle. Gignoux has directed her talents to the lyric drama, "La Vision de Jeanne d'Arc" being her most notable work. Hermine Dejazet is another operetta composer. Mme. Gallois is responsible for several ballets, besides songs In the domain of choral music, Mme. Delaval, a famous harpist of the eighteenth century, produced a cantata depicting the farewell of the unfortunate Louis XVI. to his people, which met with much success, but was naturally not a favourite in revolutionary France. She was also the author of much good harp music and many songs. Marie Sophie Gay, born at Paris in 1776, is credited with several cantatas, besides a good deal of piano music. Marie Anne Quinault was another eighteenth century composer who devoted her talents to the writing of motets and other church music. The Comtesse de Saint-Didier, born in 1790, was an amateur whose cantata, "Il Est Rendu," met with some success at Paris. In later times, Mme. Helene Robert-Mazel, an excellent pianist, produced the cantata, "Le Jugement Dernier," besides a number of interesting songs and a valuable collection of children's vocal music. CÉcile Derheimer was another gifted composer who wrote a number of masses and other religious music, while Mme. Alphonse de Neuville, widow of the well-known painter, has composed a worthy mass, besides violin With those who have written concertos should be classed Rosa La Roche, who lived in the latter half of the eighteenth century, and published a number of sonatas besides a successful piece for piano and orchestra. Mlle. Lechantre, of the same period, composed a work that was only a concerto by courtesy, for her orchestra consisted of two violins, two oboes, viola, and double-bass. In the nineteenth century, Mme. Marie Jaell, born Trautermann in 1846, took a position of some importance. She became a successful pianist, winning prizes at the Conservatoire, and publishing a new method of piano teaching that roused widespread attention and comment. Her compositions include a piano concerto, a piano quartette, and a number of excellent smaller works, such as an impromptu, two meditations, six petits morceaux, and some valses for two pianos. Among violin writers, Mlle. Brisson, who flourished in the early part of the last century, produced a number of pieces for that instrument with piano, as well as some harp and piano music. Virginie du Verger was the author of three duets for violin In the early years of the nineteenth century, Mme. Marie Bigot won a great reputation by her playing. Her ability to read at sight was unusually marked, and she played the Sonata Appasionata of Beethoven from his manuscript in a way that astonished and delighted the composer. She did much to introduce Beethoven's piano works to Parisian audiences. Among her own compositions are many excellent piano pieces. Camille Marie Pleyel was another fine Parisian pianist, and a pupil of Moscheles and other great masters. Schumann gave high praise to her performances. She, too, published a number of piano works. Louise Massart, who succeeded Mme. Farrenc as a Conservatoire professor, was another piano composer of note. Among contemporary pianist-composers, Berthe Marx takes high rank. She won prizes and medals Louise la Hye deserves mention with the organ writers. She was a grandniece of the great Jean Jacques Rousseau, and flourished in the first part of last century. She won her laurels early, being cut off by an untimely death when only twenty-eight. She had already attained a professorship of harmony in the Conservatoire, and published many valuable organ works, besides pieces for piano and other instruments. Several masses by her remained in manuscript. Among the song composers of the eighteenth century belongs Mme. de Travenet, whose romances and chansons, with piano or harp, became very popular. Pauline Duchambge, of later date, won great success in a similar manner. Hortense, Queen of Holland (1783-1837), published an album of her own songs at Paris. Mlle. Molinos-Lafitte is credited with a number of songs, which form another Parisian collection. In connection with singing, the excellent teaching work of Mme. Marchesi has been |