(Names of Authors quoted are italicized.)
90-h@22090-h-4.htm.html#Page_136" class="pginternal">136. 188; women and love in, 119; legal attitude towards immorality in, 265; regulation of alcohol in, 278 Franklin, B., 142, 327 Fraser, Mrs., 115 French language for international purposes, 364 et seq. Frenssen, 95 Freud, S, 92 Fuld, E.F., 274, 276 FÜrch, Henriette, 252 Galton, Sir F., 28, 29, 44, 45, 107, 195, 197, 198, 200, 203, 208, 402 Gaultier, J. de, 342 Gautier, LÉon, 119 Gavin, H., 184 Gayley, Julia, 420 Germany, sex questions in, 87 et seq.; illegitimacy in, 97; sexual hygiene in, 94; legal attitude towards immorality in, 265, 301 Giddings, 46 Godden, 35, 198 Godwin, W., 309 Goethe, 128, 131 Goldscheid, 167, 173 Gomperz, 403 Goncourt, 120 Gouges, Olympe de, 68 Gourmont, Remy de, 122, 299, 317 Gournay, Marie de, 110 Grabowsky, 263 Grasset, 209 GrÜnspan, 97 GuÉrard, 325, 346, 369 Guthrie, L., 239 Haddon, A.C., 234, 245 Hagen, 262 Hale, Horatio, 351 Hales, W.W., 260 Hall, G. Stanley, 220, 224, 232, 233, 235 NÄcke, 186 Napoleon, 69, 265 Nars, L., 69 National Insurance, 15 Nationalization of health, 15 Natural selection and social reform, 13 Nearing, Scott, 194 Neo-Malthusianism, 16, 26, 102, 159 et seq. Nevinson, H.W., 330 Newsholme, 7, 19, 137, 166, 172 New Zealand, birth-rate in, 148 Nietzsche, 190, 309, 334, 392 Niphus, 123 Norway, infantile mortality in, 14 NÖtzel, R., 394 Novikov, 324, 330, 342 Noys, H., 29 NystrÖm, 26 Obscenity, 255, 304 Oneida, 29 Ovid, 114, 132 Owen, Robert, 51 Pankhurst, Mrs., 85 Partridge, G.L., 219 Paul, Eden, 208 Pearson, Karl, 198 Penn, W., 341 Perrycoste, F.H., 212 Peters, J.P., 293 Pfaundler, 371 Pinard, J., 252 Pinloche, 244 Plate, 185 Ploetz, 210 Ploss, 167, 176 Police systems, 274 Post Office, inquisition at the, 276 Prohibition of alcohol in Maine, 279 Prosperity in relation to fertility, 169 et seq. Prostitution, and feeble-mindedness, 38; and sexual selection, 60; varying legal attitude towards, 285, 296 Puberty, psychic influence of, 231 et seq. Puericulture, 7 Quakers, 270 Quarantine, origin of, 5 Race, alleged degener Wollstonecraft, Mary, 50, 69, 70, 111 Woman, and eugenics, 46; movement, 49 et seq.; economics, 63 et seq.; eighteenth century, 69, 128; and the suffrage, 50, 57, 71 et seq.; of the Italian Renaissance, 123; in Spanish literature, 129; and war, 330 Yule, G. Udny, 139, 174 Zamenhof, 372 Zero family, 42 Ziller, 240 WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD. PRINTERS, PLYMOUTH Transciber's notes: With the following exceptions spelling and punctuation of the original text have been maintained: - Obvious typographical errors and punctuation inconsistencies.
- Chapter V, Par 16 "high death-rate" has been changed to "high birth-rate".
- Chapter VII Par 16 "precocious sexual" has been changed to "precocious scriptural".
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