SIGNOR PINETTI the Conjuror, and Mr. PITT the Premier, have a wonderful similitude in the principal transactions and events by which they are distinguished. PINETTI, in defiance of Mr. COLMAN, took possession of his property in the HAYMARKET THEATRE, and by the help of a little agency behind the scenes, played several tricks, and became popular! Mr. PITT in like manner seized upon another THEATRE-ROYAL, in the absence of the rightful possessor, the Duke of PORTLAND. He had not, it is true, the permission of a LORD CHAMBERLAIN as PINETTI had; but the countenance of a LORD OF THE BEDCHAMBER was deemed equivalent. Here he exhibited several surprising tricks and deceptions: we will say nothing of the agency, but all present appeared delighted. PINETTI also exhibited in the presence of Royalty, and with equal success, as the sign manual he boasts of will testify. PINETTI cuts a lemon in two, and shews a KNAVE OF DIAMONDS—Mr. PITT in like manner can divide the HOUSE OF COMMONS, which for its acidity may be called the political lemon. He cannot at present shew a KNAVE OF DIAMONDS; but what may he not do when Mr. HASTINGS arrives?[1] PINETTI takes a number of rings, he fastens them together, and produces a CHAIN.—Does any person dispute Mr. PITT’s ability to construct a CHAIN? PINETTI has a SYMPATHETIC LIGHT, which he extinguishes at command—Mr. PINETTI takes money out of one’s pocket in defiance of all the caution that can be used—Mr. PITT does the same, without returning it.—In this the Minister differs from the Conjuror! PINETTI attempted to strip off an Englishman’s shirt; if he had succeeded, he would have retained his popularity.—Mr. PITT attempted this trick, and has carried his point. PINETTI has a bird which sings exactly any tune put before it.—Mr. [1] The Editor feels it necessary to declare, in justice to Mr. HASTINGS’s character, that the charges since preferred by the HOUSE OF COMMONS, and MAJOR SCOTT’s honour as a Gentleman, have amply disproved all parts of this comparison. |