I. By the Chevalier de BOUFFLERS. “PRETTIMAN est menteur, il s’est moquÉ de nous” II. By Professor HEYNE, of the UNIVERSITY of GOTTINGEN. In Dominum PITTUM Doctoremque PRETTYMANNUM, III. BY THE SAME.Falsiloquusne Puer magis, an fallacior ille IV. By COMTE CASIMIR, a descendant of the famous CASIMIR, the great Latin Poet of POLAND. BELLUS HOMO atque pius vis idem dicier—At tu V. By FATHER MOONY, Parish Priest of KILGOBBIN. A Mick na braaga Streepy poga ma Thone VI. [1]By EUGENIUS, Archbishop of SLAVENSK and KHERSON, in Russia, and Author of a Translation of VIRGIL’S GEORGICS into Greek Hexameters. ?e?d?? ??? ?e?e?? a?s???eta?. ???e s’ a?????, Falsa-dicens Sacerdos non erubescit. Utinam te verÈ VII. BY THE SAME.?e?d?? ??t?? ???? ?? pa?seta?. ?? de ?e??a? Falsa dicere ille omnino non desinet. Si vero fierem VIII. By Mons. VILLOISON, the celebrated Grecian and French Editor of LONGINUS, &c. &c. Ad amicum quendam qui DOCTOREM PRETTIMANNUM sacerdotem appellaret. a. ?e?de?? ??? ?????. t? de t?? ?e?d???’ ????? a. Mentiri non sacrum. Quid verÒ mentientem sacerdotem IX. In quel bel dÌ, ch’il DIO del VERO nacque, X. By Dr. CORTICELLI of BOLOGNA. Io non ho mai veduto un sÌ bel PRETTIMANNO, XI. In the language of OTAHEITE.—By M. de BOUGAINVILLE. (With an interlined Translation, according to Capt. COOK’s GLOSSARY.) [2]Prettyman to call liar interjection Insincere man to cuff liar nasty Prettyman XII. In the language of TERRA INCOCNITA (viz. AUSTRALIS), by the noted Mr. BRUCE. [A translation is requested by the earliest discoverer, the original being left at the publisher’s for his inspection by the author, who has most kindly communicated the following representation of the genuine words, adapted to the ENGLISH type.—May we not presume to suggest the infinite service Mr. M‘PHERSON would render to his country, were he generously to embark in the first outward-bound ship for TERRA AUSTRALIS—No man in EUROPE being so well qualified for the useful station of universal linguist and decypherer to the savages—“I decus, I nostrum.”] HOT. TOT. HUM. SCUM. KIKEN- ASS. HOT. TOT. ROW. ROW. KIKEN. ASS. QUIP. LUNK. NUN. SKUMP. KISSEN. ASS. TARRAH. DUD. LICEN. TOCK. KIKEN. ASS. TOT.We must apologize to several of our more erudite correspondents, for suspending some short time the publication of their most curious epigrams on the Doctor. We have not the least objection to the extra expence necessarily incurred on the present occasion, by the purchase of a variety of antique types. Nay, we have actually contracted with the celebrated CASLON, for the casting of a proper quantity of the COPTIC and RUNIC characters, in order to the due representation of the PRETTYMANIANA, communicated by Professor WHITE, and Mons. MAILLET. As it might be some time, however, before Mr. CASLON, even with the assistance of Mess. FRY and Son’s foundery, can furnish us with the PERSIC, SYRIAC, and CHACHTAW types, we cannot promise the Doctor the insertion of the GENTOO REBUS, or the NEW ZEALAND ACROSTIC in the present edition. [1] We cannot withhold from the good Bishop our particular thanks for his excellent Haxameters, which breathe indeed the spirit both of piety and poetry. We have taken the liberty of subjoining a literal translation, in Latin Prose, to the Epigrams of EUGENIUS, as well as to the distich of Mons. VILLOISON, for the accommodation of the young Students at our Universities. [2] PEETIMAI is wonderfully near the original PRETTYMAN, considering that, after every effort, the inhabitants of OTAHEITE could not approximate to the name of BANKS nearer than OPANO—nor of COOK, than TOOTE. |