As nothing which relates to this great man can be indifferent to the public, we are happy in laying before our readers the following particulars, the truth of which may be depended on:— MR. PITT rises about Nine, when the weather is clear; but if it should rain, Dr. PRETTYMAN advises him to lay about an hour longer. The first thing he does is to eat no breakfast, that he may have a better appetite for his dinner. About ten he generally blows his nose and cuts his toe-nails; and while he takes the exercise of his bidet, Dr. PRETTYMAN reads to him the different petitions and memorials that have been presented to him. About eleven his valet brings in Mr. ATKINSON and a WARM SHIRT, and they talk over the New Scrip, and other matters of finance. Mr. ATKINSON has said to his confidential friends round ’Change, that Mr. PITT always speaks to him with great affability. At twelve Mr. PITT retires to a water-closet, adjoining to which is a small cabinet, from whence Mr. JENKINSON confers with him on the secret instructions from BUCKINGHAM-HOUSE. After this, Mr. PITT takes a long lesson of dancing; and Mr. GALLINI says, that if he did not turn in his toes, and hold down his head, he would be a very good dancer. At two Mr. WILBERFORCE comes in, and they both play with Mr. PITT’s black dog, whom they are very fond of, because he is like Lord MULGRAVE in the face, and barks out of time to the organs that pass in the street. After this Mr. PITT rides. We are credibly informed, that he often pats his horse; and, indeed, he is remarkably fond of all dumb creatures both in and out of Parliament. At four he sleeps.—Mr. PITT eats very heartily, drinks one bottle of port, and two when he speaks; so that we may hope that Great Britain will long be blessed with the superintendance of this virtuous and able young Minister!!! |