STATEMENT EXHIBITING THE VALUE OF FOREIGN GOODS IMPORTED AND TAKEN FOR CONSUMPTION, IN THE UNITED STATES; THE VALUE OF DOMESTIC PRODUCE OF THE UNITED STATES EXPORTED, EXCLUSIVE OF SPECIE; THE VALUE OF SPECIE AND BULLION IMPORTED, AND THE VALUE OF SPECIE AND BULLION EXPORTED, FROM 1821 TO 1859 INCLUSIVE: THE YEAR FROM 1821 TO 1842 ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, AND FROM 1844 TO 1859 ENDING JUNE 30,—THE YEAR 1843 INCLUDING ONLY NINE MONTHS. Years. | Imports entered for Consumption, exclusive of Specie. | Domestic Produce Exported, exclusive of Specie. | Specie and Bullion. | Imported. | Exported. | 1821 | $43,696,405 | $43,671,894 | $8,064,890 | $10,477,969 | 1822 | 68,367,425 | 49,874,079 | 3,369,846 | 10,810,180 | 1823 | 51,308,936 | 47,155,408 | 5,097,896 | 6,372,987 | 1824 | 53,846,567 | 50,649,500 | 8,379,835 | 7,014,552 | 1825 | 66,375,722 | 66,944,745 | 6,150,765 | 8,787,659 | 1826 | 57,652,577 | 52,449,855 | 6,880,966 | 4,704,533 | 1827 | 54,901,108 | 57,878,117 | 8,151,130 | 8,014,880 | 1828 | 66,975,475 | 49,976,632 | 7,489,741 | 8,243,476 | 1829 | 54,741,571 | 55,087,307 | 7,403,612 | 4,924,020 | 1830 | 49,575,009 | 58,524,878 | 8,155,964 | 2,178,773 | 1831 | 82,808,110 | 59,218,583 | 7,305,945 | 9,014,931 | 1832 | 75,327,688 | 61,726,529 | 5,907,504 | 5,656,340 | 1833 | 83,470,067 | 69,950,856 | 7,070,368 | 2,611,701 | 1834 | 86,973,147 | 80,623,662 | 17,911,632 | 2,076,758 | 1835 | 122,007,974 | 100,459,481 | 13,131,447 | 6,477,775 | 1836 | 158,811,392 | 106,570,942 | 13,400,881 | 4,324,336 | 1837 | 113,310,571 | 94,280,895 | 10,516,414 | 5,976,249 | 1838 | 86,552,598 | 95,560,880 | 17,747,116 | 3,508,046 | 1839 | 145,870,816 | 101,625,533 | 8,595,176 | 8,776,743 | 1840 | 86,250,335 | 111,660,561 | 8,882,813 | 8,417,014 | 1841 | 114,776,309 | 103,636,236 | 4,988,633 | 10,034,332 | 1842 | 87,996,318 | 91,798,242 | 4,087,016 | 4,813,539 | 1843 | 37,294,129 | 77,686,354 | 22,390,559 | 1,520,791 | 1844 | 96,390,548 | 99,531,774 | 5,830,429 | 5,454,214 | 1845 | 105,599,541 | 98,455,330 | 4,070,242 | 8,606,495 | 1846 | 110,048,859 | 101,718,042 | 3,777,732 | 3,905,268 | 1847 | 116,257,595 | 150,574,844 | 24,121,289 | 1,907,024 | 1848 | 140,651,902 | 130,203,709 | 6,360,224 | 15,841,616 | 1849 | 132,565,168 | 131,710,081 | 6,651,240 | 5,404,648 | 1850 | 164,032,033 | 134,900,233 | 4,628,792 | 7,522,994 | 1851 | 200,476,219 | 178,620,138 | 5,453,592 | 29,472,752 | 1852 | 195,072,695 | 154,931,147 | 5,505,044 | 42,674,135 | 1853 | 251,071,358 | 189,869,162 | 4,201,382 | 27,486,875 | 1854 | 275,955,893 | 215,156,304 | 6,958,184 | 41,436,456 | 1855 | 231,650,340 | 192,751,135 | 3,659,812 | 56,247,343 | 1856 | 295,650,938 | 266,438,051 | 4,207,632 | 45,745,485 | 1857 | 333,511,295 | 278,906,713 | 12,461,799 | 69,136,922 | 1858 | 242,678,413 | 251,351,033 | 19,274,496 | 52,633,147 | 1859 | 324,258,159 | 278,392,080 | 7,434,789 | 63,887,411 | | $5,064,761,199 | $4,540,620,945 | $332,476,827 | $522,100,369 | Note. There is usually re-exported from twenty to thirty million dollars worth of the foreign articles imported. In 1859 the re-exports were to the value of $14,509,971; in 1858 they were $30,886,142; in 1857 they were $23,975,617; and in 1856, but $16,378,578. By adding the re-exports to the imports entered for consumption, the product will show the whole amount of the imports. The above figures are from the Congressional Report on Finances, 1857-8, and the Report on Commerce and Navigation, 1859.