href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@45930@45930-h@45930-h-7.htm.html#Page_206" class="pginternal">206 Dioscorides, 37 Dischidia, 342 Distribution of seeds, 254 Dixon, Dr., 25 Doctors, 28 Dodder, 338 Dorynicum, 263 Dragon tree, 49 Dropwort, 234 Drosera, 349 Drosophyllum, 347 Dundonald, Earl of, 151 Dwarf plants, 102 Egyptian botany, 37 Elder, 369 Electrical phenomena, 197-9 Elephant grass, 178 Esparto grass, 136 Eucalyptus, 47 Euphorbia, 110 Evening flowers, 74 Exploded pollen, 71 Fairy rings, 86 Fermentation, 242 Ferns, 172 Fig, 79, 251 Fig wasp, 79 Fires, 50, 148 Fish, 165, 206 Fish poison, 227 Flag, 203 Flies, 74, 80 Floating islands, 204 Floral clock, 76 Florida hyacinth, 209 Flowers, 68 Fly catcher, 348 Fly mushroom, 31 Fog, 203 Forestry, 43, 55 Forests, 63, 64, 220, 358, 361 Foxglove, 19, 79 Frankincense, 113 Fruits, 240 Fuegians, 51 Fungi, 80, 330 " and caterpillar, 341 " and eel-worms, 289 Galbanum, 114 Garlic, 373 Giant sawfly, 44 Ginkgo, 57 Girdleroots, 325 Goats, 39 Palms, 69, 92 Wild tamarind, 235 Willows, 165, 208 Wind (effect), 71 " and seeds, 255, 260, 264 Winged fruits, 266 Wood, 58, 59, 62, 146 Wood pigeon, 246 Woodsorrel, 19 Work of sunshine, 18 Worms, 85, 359 Xanthium, 259 X-rays, 21 Yam, 180 Yeast fungus, 243 Yew, 66, 67, 239 Yucca, 79 Zostera, 162 PLYMOUTH WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD., PRINTERS