Daffodils, 73. Daisy, 77, 361. Damask Rose, 251. Damson, 216. Dante, 264. Darnel, 78. Darwin, 150, 231, 236, 301. Dates, 79. Daubeny, Dr., 154, 189, 262. Dead Men's Fingers, 80, 149. Dering, 49. Deux ans Apple, 22. Devil's lingels, 133. Dewberries, 80. Dian's bud, 80. Dianthus, 48. Dielytra, 100. Dillenius, 101. Divining rod, 116. Docks, 81. Doddington Park, 117. Dogberry, 81. Dog-rose, 14. Douce, 93, 171. Dove-plant, 60. Dowden, 2. Drayton, 45, 59, 65, 84, 98, 110, 134, 174, 223, 368. Dryden, 370. Dunbar, 249. Durham Mustard, 173. Ebony, 82, 119. Eglantine, 82, 254. Elder, 84. Elm, 87. Elizabethan Gardens, 342. Elizabeth, Queen, 349. Elwes, H. J., 145. Eringoes, 88. Etna, Chestnut on, 55. Evelyn, 52, 116, 124, 315. Evershed on bay, 33. Fairy rings, 170. Falaise, 48. Farsing Herbs, 275. Feaberry, 105. Fennel, 88. 178. Lavender, 137. Lawson, 46, 105, 140, 178, 342, 343, 347. Leathercoat, 22. Lebanon, Cedar of, 52. Leek, 138. Lee's "Sea Fables," 30. Lemon, 140. Lettuce, 140. Levens Hall, 237, 344. "LibÆus Diaconus," 90. Lily, 140. —— of the Field, 145. —— of the Valley, 4. Lily's "Euphues," 46, 128. Lime, 146. Lind, 146. Lindley, Dr., 53, 79, 109, 152, 204, 284. Ling, 116, 147. LinnÆus, 116, 147. Locusts, 147. Longfellow, 89, 214. Long Purples, 148. Loosestrife, 149. Love-in-idleness, 309. Lupton, 237. Lyte, 23, 47, 79, 91, 129, 136, 148, 159, 167, 190, 241. Mace, 151. Mallows, 152. Mandeville, Sir John, 20, 31, 72, 84, 85, 113, 255, 266. Mandrake, 153, 226. Manuring, 352. Maple, 288. Marathon, 89. Margaret, St., 364. Marigold, 66, 77, 229, 273, 346. Waybred, 214. Weeds, 354. Westminster Hall, 55. Wheat, 317. White Thorn, 112. Wickliffe, 41. Wilkinson, Lady, 60, 73, 97, 292. Willow, 319. Wilson, G. F., 145. Windflower, 16. Wines, English, 303. Winter Aconite, 10. Wistman's Wood, 183. Withers, G., 158. Withy, 320. Wolf's-bane, 10. Woodbine, 126. Woodbury, 195. Wordsworth, 75, 206, 372. Wormwood, 81, 324. Wright's "Vocabularies," 10. —— "Domestic Manners," 96, 218. Wyatt's Poems, 3. Wych Elm, 88. Yew, 119, 327. Yggdrasil, 24. York and Lancaster Rose, 253. UNWIN BROTHERS, THE GRESHAM PRESS, CHILWORTH AND LONDON.