Administrator, an, 8 -
Adornments, trumpery, 172 -
Adventurers, 3, 15, 16 -
Agricultural pursuits, 23 -
Aird, river, 6 -
Ancestor warship, 153 -
Anchor, 66 -
Anchors, jamming of, 68 -
Ambryn, 147, 169 -
Americans, 12 -
Aoba, 78, 79, 81, 147, 180 -
Armlets, 42, 51 -
Arrowroot, 188 -
Arrows, the, 180 -
Attack, mode of, 99 -
Australasian Trading Company, 16 -
Australia, 11, 12 -
Australians, 7 -
Bamboo, 20 -
Bananas, 22, 24, 62, 187 -
Baskets, 176 -
Beck, Louis, 72 -
Betel-nut, chewing of, 111 -
Bibles, 14 -
“Blackbirding,” 190 -
Black labour, 10 -
Blackmailing, 50 -
Boat, the labour, 188 -
Bonita, call, 115 -
Bougainville, de, 5, 9, 10, 11, 92, 133 -
Bow and arrow, 133 -
Bracelets, 157 -
Bread-fruit trees, 177 -
British Government, 7 -
British New Guinea, 6, 8, 26, 30 -
British subjects, 12 -
Brown, Rev. Dr., 64 -
Buka, 10 -
Bundaberg, 188 -
Burial ceremony, 166 -
Burial ground of the traders, 79, 80 -
Burns Philp, Messrs, 16, 29, 72, 81, 186 -
Bush, men of the, 22, 32 -
Call by bonito, 115 -
Canoe, 17, 23, 27, 58 -
Canoes, big, 178 -
Cannibalism (Sol. Is.), 95 -
Capes, 49 -
Ceremonial purposes, 54 -
Ceremonies, sacred, 34 -
Ceremony, 38, 43 -
Chalmers, James, 65, 198, 199, 200 -
Chester, Mr., 7 -
Child, carrying of, 35, 36 -
Children, 32, 36 -
Cicatrices, 174 -
Civilisation, 16 -
Clark, George, 75, 77 -
Clay, 62 -
Climate, 4 -
Climbing fish, 64 -
Clubs, 28 -
Cocoa-nut groves, 29 -
Cocoa-nuts, 62 -
Coffee, 187 -
“Coming out,” 38 -
Compounds, 188 -
Cook, Captain, 5, 11 -
Cooking, 34, 111 -
Copra, 183, 185, 187 -
Costumes, ceremonial, 30 -
Crab, van der, 6 -
Crocodiles, 15, 122 -
Cures effected, 45 -
Custom, another, 42 -
Dance costumes, 49, 52 -
Dances, 30, 49 -
Dancing, 31 -
art of, 38 -
ground, the, 51 -
Dancing, skirt, 52 -
Davis, Rear-Admiral, 99 -
Death of a husband, 46 -
Demits, 156 -
Dook-dook dance, 50 -
Douglas, Hon. John, 7 -
Draughtsmen, 131 -
Drawings on wood, 132 -
Droughts, 4 -
Drum-making, 38 -
Drums, 39, 51, 158 -
Drying ground, 186 -
Dubu, 54 -
dance for women, 54 -
house, an old, 66 -
Dutch, 5, 6 -
Dynamite fishing, 63, 117 -
Eade, Dick, 74 -
Ear-rings, grotesque, 106 -
Earth oven, 23 -
Earthenware jars, 23 -
Education, 13 -
EfatÉ, 153, 154, 167, 172 -
Effigies, 156, 157 -
Elevera, 17, 21, 24, 26, 27 -
Emigration scheme, 12 -
Enemies, 28 -
England, 12 -
Equal rights, 8 -
Erskine, Commodore, 4 -
Euro, 88 -
Evanena, 33 -
Evil spirits, 46, 160 -
Expedition, hunting, head, 28 -
of Postillion, 6 -
of Trinton, 6 -
Explorers, 3 -
Faces, decorating of, 175 -
Faith, 168 -
Fanarita, 101 -
Feast, 29 -
Festival dance, description of, 51 -
Festivals, 30 -
Fiddle played by mouth, 131 -
Fiji, 10, 32 -
Fijians, 25 -
Fire, 19 -
Fish, 62 -
Fishing, 26, 180 -
by bonito, 113 -
with dynamite, 63, 117 -
by kite, 116 -
by moonlight, 116 -
by nets, 62 -
by spears, 118 -
for turtles, 181 -
Florida Island, 102 -
Flowers, 104 -
Food, 23, 108 -
France, 11, 12 -
“French Jack,” 11, 93 -
Fresh water, objection to, 151 -
Frigate bird, 57, 107 -
Funeral rites, 126 -
Funerals, 30 -
Furniture, 18 Games, 34 Germans, 5 Germany, 10 Gill, Rev. William, 198 Girl’s love-letter, 43 Girls, 34 Glasgow City Mission, 199 Gorging, 91 Government House, 17 Granville, 16 Graveyard, 127 Great Britain, 10, 11 Great southern continent, 10 Guadalcana, 9, 92, 101 Guppy, Dr. H. B., 101, 138 Habitations, 20 Haddon, Professor, 41, 43 Hair, 25, 31, 174 -
arrangement of, 31 -
bleached, 107 -
bushy, 38 -
sale of, 32 Hanuabada, 17, 24, 26 Harbour, 16 Hardy, Mr., 27, 64, 73, 108, 109, 167 Hayes, Bully, 201 Head-hunter, notorious, 98 Heads, shaving of, 25 Hebrides, 144 Heirlooms, 19 H.M.S. Fly, 6 H.M.S. Rattlesnake, 6 Honolulu, 32 “Hope,” 89, 134 Houses, construction of (Sol. Is.), 86 Human beings, cooking of, 111 Hunting, 22 Hunting pigs, 120 Husband, death of, 46 Huts, 17, 20 -
building of, 176 -
interiors of, 87 -
of skulls, 168 Hutten, Old Harry, 74 Ibitoe, 38, 39, 166 Idols, 157 Immigrants, 9 Industry, the chief, 145 Infanticide, 102 Ingova of Rubiana Lagoon, New Georgia, 90, 98 Ingova, head-hunters of, 98 Ingova’s Euro, 98 Isabel, 9, 101 Islas de Salomon, 9 Ivivu, 130 Jammed, 66 Jew’s harp, 130, 131 Kai-kai dish, 110 Kidnapped, 10, 29 Kite fishing, 116 Kolff, Lieutenant, 5 Krause, Rev. E. W., 198 Labour, 29 -
boat, the, 188 -
organised, 29 -
trade in New Guinea, 189 Ladder, 18 Lakatois, 59, 61 Laws of marriage, 166 Leap-frog, 33 Legends, 137, 176 Leglets, 42 Le Hunte, George Ruthven, Esq., 8 Lion’s head, the, 92 Loafers, 29 Loafing, 31 Loin-cloth of tappa, 174 London Missionary Society, 196, 199 Love, 40, 41 Love charms, 44 Love-making, 37 Lovesick swain, 41 Lying, art of, 28 Macdonald, Mr., 153 Macgregor, Governor, 7, 189 M‘Ilwraith, Sir Thomas, 7 Mackay, 188 Mai, 100, 101 Malayan trepang, 118 Malays, 5 Malekula, 145, 147, 150, 154, 167, 169, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 184 Mambare river massacre, the, 75 Mangoes, 65, 66 Man and wife, 43 Maori method of carrying, 36 Maoris of New Zealand, 25, 44, 45, 194 Marriage, 34, 40 -
laws, 166 -
preparation for, 31 -
proposal of, 37 Masks, 49 -
construction of, 50 -
hideous design of, 49 Massacred, 204 Massacres, 14, 102 Mats, 18, 150, 175 Medicine men, 139 Meeting, arrangements for the, 42 Mekko district, 49 Men, burying alive of, 145 Meyer, Don Alvaro Mendana de, 9, 11 Mendana de, Islands, 9 Meyers, Dr., 6 Mineral, 3 Mission of the City of Glasgow, 199 Mission House, 17 Missionaries, 3, 7, 14, 65, 193 Missionary Society of London, 196, 199 Missionary Society of Tahiti, 197 Moonlight fishing, 116 Moresby, Captain, 6 Mother, 35 Motus, 22, 23 Mourners, the chief, 128 Mourning, 30, 46 -
special dress, 46 -
universal, 126 Mouth fiddle, 131 Music, ears for, 130 Narak-burners, 164, 165 Native babies, 35 Natives, 15, 21, 23, 168 -
of New Guinea, 25 -
swimming, 67 Naturalisation papers, 12 Necklaces, 52 Nets, 117 New Britain, 13 New Georgia, 95, 107 New Guinea, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 36, 37, 47, 49, 56, 176, 184 -
divorce, laws of, 43 -
labour, trade in, 189 -
natives of, 25, 26, 44 New Hebrides, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 78, 79, 143, 185 New Zealand, Maoris of, 25 Nicolas the Greek, 73 Nose-rings, 106 Oil of the cocoa-nut, 185 Opossum, 121 Ornaments, 104 Outrages, 14 Outriggers, 58, 177 Over-gorging, 161 Paint, 175 Palavanua, 88 Pandean pipe, 130 Papuan, 35, 36, 37, 39 -
boy, coming of age, 38 -
dandy, 32 Paradise, veritable, 144 Pentecost Island, 179 Petty Sessions Courts, 8 Pig-a-back, 33 -
ceremonies, 162 -
hunting of, 120 -
sacrifices of, 155 Pile dwellings, 86 Pioneer settler, 144 Pitman and Buzacott, Messrs., 198 Planters, 10 Platform, 18, 21 Police, the, 21, 30 Port Moresby, 7, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 29, 61, 75 Postillion expedition, 6 Pottery, 24, 61, 176 -
industry, the, 61 -
making, 26, 34 Pratt, Johnnie, 74 Preferential tariff, 12 Queensland, 7, 188 -
coast, 188 -
Government, 4, 78 -
sugar refining, 188 Quiros, de, 9, 10, 11 Rain-maker, the, 168 Rano Island, 177, 179 Raratonga, 197, 201 Religion, 124, 155 Resident magistrate, 8 Residents, French, 143 Rubiana, in, 97, 107 Sacedra, Alvaro de, 5 Sacred ideas, 182 Sacrifice, 29 Sacrifices of pig, 155 Sago, 61, 62 St. Christoval, 101 Sale, 32 Samari, 184 Samoa, 10, 32 San Christoval, 9 Santa Anna, 100 Sanitary arrangements, 151 Sapuna, 100 Savage song, 159 Savages, 13 Scratchley, Sir Peter, 7 Sea, men of the, 22 Secret rites, 28 Shaving, 107 Shed, 186 Shell-money, 164 Shields, 133 Shooting fish, 64 Silent philosophy, 36 Simbo, 127 “Sing-sing” 167 Skull-huts, 168 Skulls, string of, 37 Slave-dealers, 191 Solomons or New Guinea, 185 Solomon Islands, the, 9, 10, 13, 84, 86, 91, 94, 145 Somerville, Lieut. Boyle T., R.N., 129, 167 Song, a savage, 159 Sorcerer, the, 44 South Pacific, 10 -
Sea Islands, 3, 13, 14 -
Seas, excitement of, 75 -
trader, 71 Spaniards, the, 11 Spanish explorers, 10 Spearing fish, 63, 118 Spears, 28 Sports, 120 Staple foods, 62 State councils, 8 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 204 Stories, amusing, 78 Streamers, 174 Street, 17 String armlet, 41 Superstition, 22, 39, 44, 45, 88, 115, 137, 163, 170 Superstitions, 14, 15, 23, 40 Surprise attack, 28, 29 Sweet potatoes, 62 Swimmers and divers, born, 32 Swimming natives, 67 Taboo, 88 Tahitian Missionary Society, 197 Taki, 106 “Tamate,” 198, 201 Tambu houses, 90, 91, 92, 152 Tanna Island, 83, 147, 148, 172, 184 Tappa loin-cloth, 174 Taros, 22, 187 “Tartan Jock,” 79, 81 Tattooing, 32, 56, 107, 174 Thatch, 20 Tierra Australis del Espiritu Santo, 11 Tight-lacing, 41 Tohunga, 44 Tohunganism, 45 Tools, the, 176 Torres, Luis Vaez de, 5, 10, 11 Trade beads, 172 Traders, 14, 15, 28, 186 -
burial-ground, 79, 80 -
experiences of, 81 -
of the South Sea, 71 -
risks of, 72 -
small, tales of the, 73 Tredacua shells, the, 105 Tree-houses, 21 Tribal wars, 22 Trinton expedition, 6 Trumpery adornments, 172 Tupusuli, 64, 65, 66 Turtle fishing, 181 Twine skirts, 54 Urio Moquru, 45, 46 Vegetable, 3 Verandahs, 21, 22 Veritable paradise, 144 Villages, 149 Volcano, 148 Wallaby, 23 War, weapons of, 132, 179 Western islands, 41 Wild animals, 17 Wild diet, 180 Willey, Dr., 109 Williams, John, 197, 204 Witchcraft, 163 Wives, plurality of, 43 Women, 29, 31 Worship, places of, 157 Wyllie, Dr., 64 Yacht, saving of, 67 Yams, 22, 24, 62, 187 Yost, Prof. von, 64 THE END Printed by R. & R. CLARK, LIMITED, Edinburgh.