
N.B. When a rule is cited by a number, this refers to the numbered phonetic rules from page 6 to page 18.


1. Alussa[1] oli[2] Sana[3] ja[4] se[5] Sana[3] oli[2] Jumalan[6] tykÖnÄ[7] ja[4] Jumala[6] oli[2] se[5] Sana[3].

2. TÄmÄ[8] oli[2] alussa[1] Jumalan[6] tykÖnÄ[7].

3. Kaikki[9] ovat[10] sen[11] kautta[12] tehdyt[13] ja[4] ilman[14] sitÄ[15] ei[16] ole[16] mitÄÄn[17] tehty[16] joka[18] tehty[13] on[19].

4. HÄnessÄ[20] oli[2] elÄmÄ[21] ja[4] elÄmÄ[21] oli[2] ihmisten[22] valkeus[23].

5. Ja[4] se[5] valkeus[23] pimeydessÄ[24] paistaa[25] jota[26] ei[27] pimeys[24] kÄsittÄnyt[27].

6. Yksi[28] mies[29] oli[30] lÄhetetty[30] Jumalalta[31] jonka[32] nimi[33] oli[2] Johannes[34].

7. Se[35] tuli[36] siitÄ[37] valkeudesta[38] todistamaan[39] ettÄ[40] kaikki[9] uskoisivat[41] hÄnen[42] kauttansa[43].

8. Ei[44] hÄn[45] ollut[44] se[5] valkeus[23] mutta[46] hÄn[45] oli[30] lÄhetetty[30] valkeudesta[38] todistamaan[39].

9. Se[35] oli[2] totinen[47] valkeus[23] joka[18] valistaa[48] kaikki[9] ihmiset[49] jotka[50] maailmaan[51] tulevat[52].

10. Se[35] oli[2] maailmassa[53] ja[4] maailma[54] on[19] hÄnen[42] kauttansa[43] tehty[13][4] ei[55] maailma[54] hÄntÄ[56] tuntenut[55].

11. HÄn[45] tuli[36] omillensa[57] ja[4] ei[58] hÄnen[42] omansa[60] hÄntÄ[56] ottaneet[58] vastaan[59].

12. Mutta[46] niille[61] jotka[50] hÄnen[42] ottivat[62] vastaan[59], antoi[63] hÄn[45] voiman[64] Jumalan[6] lapsiksi[65] tulla[66] jotka[50] uskovat[67] hÄnen[42] nimensÄ[68] pÄÄlle[69];

13. Jotka[50] ei[70] verestÄ[71] eikÄ[70] lihan[72] tahdosta[73] ei[70] myÖs[74] miehen[75] tahdosta[73] mutta[46] Jumalalta[76] syntyneet[77] ovat[77].

14. Ja[4] sana[3] tuli[78] lihaksi[79] ja[4] asui[80] meidÄn[81] seassamme[82] (ja[4] me[83] nÄimme[84] hÄnen[42] kunniansa[85] niinkuin[86] ainoan[87] Pojan[88] kunnian[89] IsÄstÄ[90]) tÄynnÄ[91] armoa[92] ja[4] totuutta[93].


1. In-the-beginning was the-Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2. That was in-the-beginning with God.

3. All were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made which was made.

4. In-Him was life, and the-life was the-light of-men.

5. And that light shineth in-the-darkness, which the-darkness comprehended not.

6. A man was sent from-God whose name was John.

7. He came to-bear-witness of-that light, that all might-believe through Him.

8. He was not that light, but He was sent to-bear-witness of-the-light.

9. That was the-true light which lighteth all men who come into-the-world.

10. He was in-the-world, and the-world was made by Him, and the-world knew Him not.

11. He came to-His-own, and His own received Him not.

12. But to-them who received Him, He gave power to-become the-children of-God, who believe on His name,

13. Who were not born of-blood, not of-the-will of-the-flesh, also not of-the-will of-men, but of God.

14. And the-word became flesh, and dwelt in-our-midst (and we saw his glory, as the-glory of-the-only Son of-the Father) full of-grace and of-truth.

[1] Inessive sing. of alku, formed with suffix u (p. 45); verb alkaa, to begin; alkussa becomes alussa by rule 27.

[2] 3rd pers. sing. imperf. of olla, to be (p. 72).

[3] Nom. sing. identical with stem; cf. verb sanoa, to speak.

[4] Conjunction borrowed from the Swedish, and.

[5] Nominative of demonstr. pron. (p. 59) used almost like article (p. 166).

[6] Jumala, gen. Jumalan, God.

[7] Essive sing. of tykÖ; postposition governing Jumalan (p. 215).

[8] Nominative sing. of demonstr. pron. (p. 58).

[9] Nominative plur. without term. (pp. 61 and 170).

[10] 3rd pers. plur. pres. of olla (p. 72).

[11] Gen. sing. of demonstr. se (p. 59).

[12] Kautta, postposition governing gen. sen (p. 204).

[13] tehty, past part. pass. of root teke (rule 41); nominative plur. tehdyt (rule 32). Here the participle is used in combination with ovat to form perf. passive (p. 74).

[14] Preposition governing the partitive sitÄ (p. 203).

[15] Partitive sing. of demonstr. pron. se.

[16] ei ole tehty, negative perf. passive of root teke (p. 74).

[17] Partitive sing. of mikÄ with suffix an (pp. 61 and 219). For explanation of use of partitive here v. p. 183.

[18] Nom. sing, of rel. pron.

[19] 3rd pers. sing. pres. of olla.

[20] Iness. sing. of personal pron. hÄn.

[21] Nom. sing. formed from root elÄ with suffix (p. 45).

[22] Gen. plur. of ihminen declined like toinen (p. 35).

[23] Stem valkeute (nominative -us, p. 36) formed by adding affix ute to root valke (cf. valkea, white or fire, and valjeta).

[24] Stem pimeyte, nominative pimeys; substantive formed from pimeÄ, dark, analogous to valkeus, but with soft termination; pimeydessÄ is inessive sing.

[25] 3rd pers. sing. pres. of root paista.

[26] Jota, part. sing. of relative pron. object of negative verb (p. 127).

[27] 3rd sing. negative imperf. (p. 70) of verbal root kÄsitÄ, to grasp or understand (exact equivalent of comprehendere).

[28] Yksi, one, here used as the indefinite article, p. 51.

[29] Nominative sing. of stem miehe, man.

[30] Plupf. passive of lÄhettÄÄ, to send; pres. passive lÄhetetÄÄn, past part. -etty (p. 67).

[31] Ablative sing. of Jumala, God.

[32] Genitive sing. of relative pron. joka.

[33] Nominative sing. of stem nime.

[34] Nominative sing. of stem Johannekse (p. 36).

[35] Dem. pron. used as pers. pron. (p. 166).

[36] 3rd sing. imperf. of root tule, p. 95.

[37] Elative sing. of pron. se.

[38] Elative sing. of nominative valkeus, for use of case, v. p. 144.

[39] Illative of 3rd infin. of verbal stem todista, 1st infin. todistaa, for constr. v. p. 194.

[40] Particle used here with conditional, v. for constr. p. 179.

[41] 3rd pers. plur. conditional of uskoa, to believe.

[42] hÄnen, gen. sing. of 3rd pers. pron. depending upon

[43] the postposition kautta with the affix of the 3rd person. Notice that throughout this extract (vv. 10, 12, 14) the genitive of the pers. pron. is used as well as the suffix, v. p. 164.

[44] 3rd sing. impf. negative of olla.

[45] Nominative sing. 3rd pers. pron.

[46] conjunction but.

[47] Nom. sing. of stem totise (p. 35) formed with adjectival ending ise from stem tote, nom. tosi.

[48] 3rd sing. pres. of root valista (1st inf. -taa), to light.

[49] Acc. plur. of stem ihmise, nom. sing. ihminen, man.

[50] Nom. plur. of rel. pron. joka.

[51] maailmaan, illative sing. of maailma, universe (maa, ilma), denoting motion into after tulevat.

[52] 3rd plur. pres. of root tule (1st inf. tulla) to come (p. 95).

[53] Inessive sing.

[54] Nom. sing.

[55] 3rd pers. sing. imperf. negative of tuntea.

[56] Partitive sing. of 3rd pers. pron. after negative verb (p. 127).

[57] Allative plur. of oma, own, with the suffix of the 3rd pers. om-i-lle-nsa.

[58] Negative imperf. of ottaa, to take.

[59] Illative sing. of vasta, meaning literally, what is opposite. The combination ottaa vastaan, is used to mean receive.

[60] Nom. plur. of oma with suff. of 3rd pers. pron. (p. 57). As omansa is subject to the verb, the latter should strictly be eivÄt ottaneet, but v. page 123.

[61] Allative plur. of demons. pron. se, nom. plur. ne.

[62] 3rd pers. plur. imperf. of ottaa, to take.

[63] 3rd pers. sing. imperf. of antaa, to give, pres. annan. For difference of form in otti, antoi v. page 85.

[64] Acc. sing. of voima, power, formed with suffix ma from root voi (1st inf. voida), to be able.

[65] Transl. plur. of lapse, a child, v. p. 158.

[66] 1st inf. from root tule, to come, here used as auxiliary meaning to become or enter on a state, and taking the translative case.

[67] 3rd pers. plur. pres. of uskoa, to believe.

[68] Genitive sing. of nimi (stem nime) with pronom. affix of 3rd pers.

[69] Allative sing. of pÄÄ, a head, governing the genitive nimensÄ. The local cases of pÄÄ are used in a variety of metaphorical expressions.

[70] EikÄ is the negative verb with the adverbial suffix , and; as in verse 11, the singular of the negative verb is used for the plur.; syntyneet must be understood with the negative.

[71] Elative sing. of veri (stem vere), blood, for use v. p. 143.

[72] Genitive sing. of liha, flesh, depending on tahdosta.

[73] Elative sing. of tahto, will, used as a nominal and verbal stem (tahtoa, to wish).

[74] Particle, also, connected with myÖtÄ and myÖten.

[75] Genitive sing. of mies (stem miehe), man, depending on tahdosta.

[76] Elative sing. of Jumala, God.

[77] 3rd pers. plur. of the perf. of syntyÄ, to be born, composed of auxiliary and nom. plur. of partitive syntynyt, v. p. 73.

[78] For form v. No. 36. Here used as auxiliary became and followed by translative, v. Nos. 65 and 66 above.

[79] Translat. sing. of liha, flesh.

[80] 3rd pers. sing. imperf. of asua, to dwell.

[81] Genitive plur. of 1st pers. pron. depending on postposition seassamme.

[82] Postposition in inessive following genitive and taking possessive affix of 1st pers. plur., v. p. 214.

[83] Nom. plur. of 1st pers. pron.

[84] 1st pers. plur. imperf. of root nÄke (inf. nÄhdÄ, v. p. 108), nÄke-i-mme becomes nÄimme by rules 14 and 28.

[85] Acc. sing. of kunnia, glory, with the pron. affix of 3rd pers.

[86] So as, compound adverb formed of niin, instr. plur. of se and kuin, instr. plur. of root ku (nom. kuka).

[87] Genitive sing. of ainoa, only, agreeing with Pojan.

[88] Genitive sing. of Poika, son, for form v. rule 28.

[89] Accus. sing. of kunnia, glory, governing the genitive ainoan Pojan.

[90] Elative sing. of IsÄ, Father. The elative is no doubt used to prevent the confusion arising from too many genitives and accusatives coming together.

[91] Essive sing. of stem tÄyte, in apposition to sana (v. p. 157. iii). Modern Finnish makes tÄytenÄ, but here the e is dropped and tÄytnÄ becomes tÄynnÄ, cf. ynnÄ for yhtenÄ from yksi. In nom. tÄyte forms tÄysi by rule 37.

[92] Part. sing, of stem armo, grace or mercy; for use of part. after tÄynnÄ v. p. 136.

[93] Part. sing. of stem totuute (p. 36), which rejects e before ta of part.; for formation from root tote, v. p. 47. iii.


[Kullervo, the hero of Kalevala xxxi-xxxvi, is represented as a child of misfortune, who by no possible means could do good. After a series of crimes and disasters, rivalling the history of Oedipus, he determines to kill himself.]

Kullervo the son of Kalervo
Grasped the sharp sword, 320
Looked (at it), turned (it),
Asked, inquired:
Asked of his sword its mind,
If it were minded,
To eat guilty flesh, 325
To drink sinful blood.
The sword understood the mind of the man,
Followed the speech of the hero,
Answered with this word:
‘Why should I not eat to my pleasure, 330
Eat guilty flesh,
Drink sinful blood?
I eat the flesh of the guiltless,
I drink the blood of the sinless.’
Kullervo the son of Kalervo, 335
The old man’s child with blue stockings,
Drove the hilt into the ground,
Fixed the end in the plain,
Turned the point to his breast
Himself fell on the point. 340
Thus he sought his fate,
Met his death.
This was the fate of the young man,
The death of the hero Kullervo,
The end of the hero, 345
The death of the ill-fated one.

[1] 3rd sing. imperf. of stem tempata, 1st inf. temmata, conjugated like lupata, pp. 95 and 101.

[2] Acc. sing. of adj. terÄvÄ, sharp, formed from terÄ, edge, with affix va.

[3] Acc. sing. of miekka, sword; kk becomes k in closed syllable (rule 25); in l. 323, occurs the ablative sing. with affix of 3rd pers. pron.

[4] These four verbs are all formed with the affix ele (v. p. 111) from the simple forms katsoa, kÄÄntÄÄ, kysyÄ, tietÄÄ. The vi is the termination of the 3rd. pers. sing. pres. (p. 62).

[5] 3rd sing. imperf. of kysyÄ, followed by ablative, to ask of (p. 154).

[6] Part. sing. of miele, nom. mieli, genitive mielen, etc.; e lost before by rule 17.

[7] Particle, whether.

[8] Acc. of demonstr. pron. tuo.

[9] 3rd pers. sing. conditional of root teke, inf. tehdÄ, of 3rd conjugation. The phrase mieli tekee followed by an accusative (here tuon) means his mind drives him to, or he has a mind to. Cf. the first lines of the Kalevala Mieleni minun tekevi ... lÄhteÄni laulamahan, my mind incites me to begin singing.

[10] = syÖdÄ (p. 224) 1st inf. of root syÖ (pres indic. syÖn), depending on phrase mieli tekisi (p. 188).

[11] Part. sing. (object of syÖÄ) of syyllinen, guilty, formed from syy, cause or guilt, with affix llise (p. 47).

[12] = lihaa (p. 225), part. sing. of liha, flesh.

[13] Part. sing. of viallinen, formed from vika, fault, like syyllinen, k lost by rule 28.

[14] Part. sing. of vere (nom. veri); cf. mieltÄ for form.

[15] = juoda (p. 224), 1st inf. of juo, pres. juon.

[16] 3rd sing. imperf. of miettiÄ (2nd conj.) to think over, here meaning understand.

[17] Genitive sing. of stem miehe (nom. mies).

[18] 3rd sing. imperf. of arvata; pres. indic. arvaan, to think, understand, conjugated like root lupata, p. 101.

[19] Genitive sing. of uro, hero, which is more usual in the form uros (stem uroho, uroo).

[20] Accusative sing. (object of arvasi) of pakina, speech.

[21] Vastasi, 3rd sing. imperf. of vastata, conjugated like root lupata.

[22] Adessive sing. of sana, word, used here in instrum. signification (p. 152).

[23] Transl. sing. of mikÄ, used adverbially to mean why (p. 159).

[24] Negative conditional of syÖ, composed of 1st pers. sing. of neg. verb, and stem of conditional (p. 70). By rule 4 syÖ + isi becomes sÖisi.

[25] Adessive sing. of mieli (v. No. 6) with affix of 1st pers. sing. with my mind, i.e. with pleasure.

[26] Juo + isi becomes joisi (v. No. 15).

[27] ki is an adverbial affix (p. 118) meaning even; syyttÖmÄn is the genitive sing. of syytÖn, guiltless (stem syyttÖmÄ), a caritive adjective formed from syy, with suffix ttoma, just as syyllinen is formed with suffix llise (v. pp. 47 and 37).

[28] Genitive sing. of caritive adjective viaton, formed from vika.

[29] Blue-stockinged, a compd. of sini, blue, and sukka, stocking.

[30] Gen. sing. of ÄijÖ (= ÄijÄ), an old man.

[31] Nom. sing. of stem lapse, child.

[32] Accusative sing. of pÄÄ, head, here the hilt of a sword.

[33] Particle of emphasis frequently used in Kalevala, and not the verb substantive.

[34] = peltoon (p. 225), illative sing. of pelto, field or ground.

[35] 3rd pers. sing. of sysÄtÄ, to drive, conj. like luvata.

[36] Accusative sing. of perÄ, end.

[37] 3rd pers. sing. impf. of painaa, to force down or into.

[38] = kankaasen (p. 225), illative sing. of stem kankaha, nom. kangas (p. 38 and rule 26), a bare plain.

[39] Accusative sing. of stem kÄrke, nom. kÄrki, here the point of the sword.

[40] 3rd sing. impf. of kÄÄntÄÄ, to turn, v. p. 16.

[41] = rintaansa, illative sing. of rinta, breast, with suffix of 3rd pers. pron.

[42] Nominative sing. of pronoun.

[43] 3rd pers. sing. reflex. impf. of iskeÄ, to strike. For form v. pp. 109 and 227.

[44] All. sing. of kÄrki (v. No. 38).

[45] Illative sing. of pron. se, but here the force of the illative is lost; literally to this, up till now.

[46] Acc. sing. of surma, fate, with pron. aff. of 3rd pers.

[47] 3rd sing. imperf. of root suketa, 1st infin. sueta, to make, or prepare, conjugated like luvata.

[48] Accusative sing. of kuolema, death (pp. 45 and 190).

[49] 3rd sing. imperf. of kohtaella, to meet (one’s fate); cf. kohtalo, fate.

[50] Genitive sing. of nuori (stem nuore), young.

[51] Nominative sing. = kuolema, but formed with suffix o (p. 45).

[52] Compound of proper name Kullervo and uros, hero (stem uroho).

[53] Nominative sing. end, genitive lopun; cf. loppua, to end, intrans., lopettaa trans.

[54] Adv. aina, always, with suffix kin. LÖnnrot explains this word as Åtminstone, visst; it seems here almost pleonastic, and cannot be rendered for ever.

[55] Partitive sing. of uros (stem uroho), hero, used here as the genitive.

[56]Transcriber’s Note: note 56 was omitted.

[57] Partitive sing. of compound adj. formed from kova hard and osainen (stem -se) fated; adjective of osa, share.

KALEVALA, XVI. 151 ff.

es@59795@59795-h@59795-h-14.htm.html#Kal2_note_73" class="fnanchor pginternal">[73] mun[86] Tuonelahan[21],
Valkea[111] Manalle[2] saattoi[54].’
LyhykÄinen Tuonen tytti, {
Matala Manalan neiti {v. 167, 168, 183.
HÄnpÄ tuon sanoiksi virkki: {
‘Arvoan[112] valehtelian[101]!
Jos[102] tuli[110] Manalle[2] toisi[73],
Valkeainen[113] Tuonelahan[21],
Oisi[114] kutrit[115] kÄrventynnÄ[116], 235
Partaki[117] pahoin[118] palanut[119].’
‘Oi[120] sie[121] vanha[17] VÄinÄmÖinen,
Jos[102] tahot[122] venettÄ[25] tÄÄltÄ[48],
Sano[82] tarkkoja[105] tosia[106],
Valehia[123] viimeisiÄ[124], 240
MitenkÄ[125] tulit[126] Manalle[2]
Ilman tau’in tappamatta, {
Ottamatta oivan surman, {v. 178-183.
Muun surman murentamatta[127].’ {
Sanoi[82] vanha[18] VÄinÄmÖinen: 245
‘Jos[102] vÄhÄn[128] valehtelinki[129],
Kerran[108] toisen[10] kielastelin[109],
Toki[130] ma[131] sanon[82] toetki[132]:
Tein[133] tieolla[134] venettÄ[25],
Laain[135] purtta[28] emÄntÄ[188]:
‘Oi[120] on[72] vanha[18] VÄinÄmÖinen,
MitÄ[209] sie[121] tulit[126] Manalle, 305
Kuta[210] Tuonelan[21] tuville[211]
Ennen[212] Tuonen[2] tahtomatta[213],
Manan[2] mailta[214] kutsumatta[215]?’
Sanoi[128] vanha[18] VÄinÄmÖinen:
‘VeistÄessÄni[216] venoista[155], 310
Uutta[217] purtta[136] puuhatessa[218]
Uuvuin[219] kolmea[220] sanoa[3]
PeripÄÄtÄ[221] pÄÄtellessÄ[222],
Kokkoa[223] kohottaessa[224];
Kun[50] en[225] noita[226] saanutkana[225], 315
Mailta[214] ilmoilta[227] tavannut[228],
Piti[229] tulla[126] Tuonelahan[21],
LÄhteÄ[1] Manan[2] majoille[168]
Saamahan[230] sanoja[3] noita[226],
Ongelmoita[231] oppimahan[232].’ 320
Tuopa[67] Tuonelan[21] emÄntÄ[188]
Sanan[3] virkkoi[43], noin[44] nimesi[272],
Koukkusormi[272], rautanÄppi[273],
KÄvi[7] aamulla[305] varahin[306]
Verkkojansa[304] katsomahan[193], 380
Sa’an[307] saapi[308] taimenia[309],
Tuhat[310] emon alvehia[311],
Eip’[308] on[72] saanut[308] VÄinÄmÖistÄ[312],
Ukkoa[262] Uvantolaista[312].

(VÄimÖinen journeys to the place of the dead to find his lost spells.)

He set out to fetch words from Tuoni
(Words of) power from Manala;
Going he stepped firmly,
Went a week through forests of young trees,
A second week through bird cherries, 155
A third week through junipers:
Already appeared the island of Manala,
The hill of Tuoni loomed.
The prudent old WÄinÄmÖinen
Now shouting cried loudly 160
In the river of Tuoni
In the lowland of Manala.
‘Bring a boat, daughter of Tuoni,
A ship, child of Manala,
For my going over this creek, 165
For my crossing over the river.’
The dwarfish daughter of Tuoni,
The stunted maiden of Manala,
She was washing dirty linen,
Beating clothes, 170
In the black river of Tuoni,
In the marsh-water[19] of Manala;
Spoke a word, thus uttered,
Herself talked and conversed:
‘The boat will be brought 175
When the reason shall be told,
What brought thee to Mana,
Without slaying by disease
Without taking by a natural death
Without breaking by another death.’ 180
The prudent old WÄinÄmÖinen,
Spoke a word, thus uttered:
‘Tuoni brought me hither,
Mana brought me from my lands.’
The dwarfish daughter of death, 185
The stunted maiden of Manala
Spoke this in words:
‘Now I recognize the liar.
Had Tuoni brought (thee) hither,
Mana removed from the earth, 190
Tuoni would have brought (thee) in his coming,
Manalainen in his journeying,
The hat of death on (thy) head (lit. necks),
The gloves of death on (thy) hand[20];
Speak the truth, WÄinÄmÖinen: 195
What brought thee to Manala?’
The prudent old WÄinÄmÖinen
Hereupon spoke in words:
‘Iron brought me to Mana,
Steel sped me to Tuonela.’ 200
The dwarfish daughter of Tuoni,
The stunted child of Manala,
Spoke a word, thus uttered:
‘From this I know the liar!
If iron had sent (thee) to Mana 205
Steel brought (thee) to Tuonela:
(Thy) clothes would drip with blood,
Would trickle with gore.
Speak the truth, WÄinÄmÖinen,
Speak the truth a second time.’ 210
The prudent old WÄinÄmÖinen
Himself spoke, thus uttered:
‘Water sent me to Mana,
The wave brought (me) to Tuonela.’
The dwarfish daughter of Tuoni 215
The stunted maiden of Manala,
Framed a word, thus uttered:
‘I detect the liar.
If water had sent (thee) to Mana,
The wave brought (thee) to Tuonela, 220
(Thy) clothes would drip with water
Thy bosom would flow.
Speak the exact truth:
What brought thee to Mana?’
Hereupon the old WÄinÄmÖinen 225
Lied again a time.
‘Fire brought me to Tuonela,
Flame sent me to Mana.’
The dwarfish daughter of Tuoni,
The stunted maiden of Manala, 230
She spoke this in words.
‘I detect the liar.
If fire had brought thee to Mana,
Flame to Tuonela,
(Thy) ringlets would be singed, 235
And (thy) beard be badly burnt.
O thou old WÄinÄmÖinen,
If thou desirest the boat from here,
Speak the exact truth,
Last lies, 240
Why thou hast come to Mana,
Without slaying by disease,
Without taking by natural death,
Without destroying by another death.’
Said the old WÄinÄmÖinen: 245
‘If I lied a little,
Told an untruth a second time,
Yet (now) I speak the truth:
I was making a boat with skill,
Constructing a ship with singing: 250
I sang a day, I sang a second,
Now on the third day
The sledge broke from my verses,
The foot-piece broke from my speech.
I set forth to obtain an auger from Tuoni, 255
A gimlet from Manala,
For my building the sledge,
For my arranging the basket-sledge of song[21].
So bring the boat here,
Prepare for me thy ship, 260
For my going over this creek,
For my crossing over the river.’
Greatly Tuonetar was wroth
The maiden of Mana was angry:
‘Alas, fool, for thy folly, 265
Man, for the smallness of thy sense.
Thou comest without a cause to Tuonela,
Without sickness to the dwellings of Mana:
Better were it for thee
To return to thy own lands. 270
Many are they who come hither,
Not many they who return.’
Said the old WÄinÄmÖinen—
‘Let an old woman turn from the path,
Not even a worse man, 275
Not a duller hero.
Bring the boat, daughter of Tuoni,
The ship, child of Manala.’
The daughter of Tuoni brought the boat,
With it the old WÄinÄmÖinen 280
Across the creek she carried.
Conveyed over the river.
Herself she spoke this in words.
‘Woe to thee, WÄinÄmÖinen,
Thou hast come without death to Mana, 285
Without dying to Tuonela.’
Tuonetar, the good hostess,
Manalatar the old woman[22]
Brought beer in a cup,
Bore (it) in a two-handled vessel. 290
Herself framed this in words:
‘Drink old WÄinÄmÖinen.’
Prudent old WÄinÄmÖinen
Looked up and down over his cup.
Frogs were wriggling in the inside, 295
Worms crawled at the edges.
Then he framed this in words:
‘I came not here at all
To drink the pots of Manala,
To empty the cups of Tuoni. 300
The drinkers of beer get drunk,
The drainers of the cup fall.’
The hostess of Tuonela said:
‘O old WÄinÄmÖinen,
Why hast thou come to Mana, 305
To the dwellings of Tuonela
Before the bidding of Tuoni,
The calling of Mana from the earth?’
Old WÄinÄmÖinen said:
‘In my hewing a boat, 310
In fashioning a new ship,
I lost three words,
In finishing the end-piece,
In building up a structure of wood.
Since I have not found them, 315
Or met in the wide world,
It was necessary to come to Tuonela,
To set out for the habitations of Mana,
In order to find those words,
To learn dark sayings.’ 320
The hostess of Tuoni,
Spoke a word, thus uttered:
‘Tuoni does not give words,
(Nor) Mana distribute (words of) power,
And thou wilt not get free from here 325
In all this life
To go to thy home,
To return to thy land.’
She made the man sink into slumber,
Laid the traveller to sleep, 330
On to the skin rugs of Tuoni.
Then the man slept,
The hero took slumber,
The man slept, the clothes watched.
There was a hag in Tuonela, 335
An old hag with a sharp chin,
A spinner of iron threads,
A caster of brass threads.
She spun a hundred fold net,
Wrought one of a thousand fold 340
In one summer night
On one water-stone.
There was an old man in Tuonela.
He is an old man with three fingers,
A weaver of iron nets, 345
A preparer of brass nets.
He wove a hundred-fold net,
Forged one of a thousand-fold
In the same summer night
On the same water stone. 350
Tuoni’s son with crooked fingers,
With crooked fingers, with iron nails,
He spread the hundred fold net
Across the river of Tuoni,
Both across and along, 355
And also slantwise,
That it might not let pass WÄinÄmÖinen
(Or) free Uvantolainen,
In all this life,
While the golden moon shines, 360
From there, from the homes of Tuoni,
From the eternal dwellings of Mana.
Prudent old WÄinÄmÖinen
Spoke a word, thus uttered:
‘Can my doom have already come, 365
The day of misfortune have lighted on my head,
In these dwellings of Tuonela,
In the abodes of Manala.’
Suddenly he changed himself to another shape,
Swiftly he became other, 370
Went black into the water,
As an otter into the reedy place,
Crept like an iron worm,
Moved like a viper snake
Across the river of Tuonela, 375
Through the nets of Tuoni.
Tuoni’s son with crooked fingers,
With crooked fingers and iron nails,
Went in the morning early.
To look at his nets, 380
Catches a hundred small fish
A thousand fry,
Did not catch WÄinÄmÖinen
The old Uvantolainen.

KALEVALA XL. 113 ff.

[While VÄinÄmÖinen, LemminkÄinen, and Ilmarinen are sailing to Pohjola, the ship goes aground. VÄinÄmÖinen asks LemminkÄinen to find out what is the matter.]

Se on[72] lieto[313] LemminkÄinen[314]
PyÖrÄhtihe[315] katsomahan[193],
Katsovi[193] venosen[155] alle[316], 115
Sanan virkkoi, noin nimesi: v. xvi. 182.
‘Ei ole veno[155] kivellÄ[261],
Ei kivellÄ, ei haolla[317],
Vene[25] on hauin[318] hartioilla[70],
Ve’en[98] koiran[319] konkkaluilla[320].’ 120
Vaka vanha VÄinÄmÖinen {v. xvi. 151,
Sanan virkkoi, noin nimesi: {182.
‘Jotaki[321] joessa[22] onpi[322],
Hakojaki[323], haukiaki[318];
Kun[50] lie[285] hauin[318] hartioilla[79], 125
Ve’en koiran konkkaluilla, v. l. 120.
VeÄ[324] miekalla[325] vetehen[98],
Katkaise[326] kala[327] kaheksi[328]!’
Se on lieto LemminkÄinen, v. l. 113.
Poika[271] veitikka[329] verevÄ[330] 130
Miekan[325] vyÖltÄnsÄ[331] vetÄvi[324],
Luunpurian[332] puoleltansa[333];
Veti[324] miekalla[325] meryttÄ[334],
Alta[335] laian[198] laskettavi[336],
Itse vierÄhti[337] vetehen[98], 135
Kourin[338] aaltohon[99] kohahti[339].
SiitÄ[340] seppo[341] Ilmarinen[342]
Tarttui[343] tukkahan[344] urosta[345],
Nostalti[346] merestÄ[295] miehen[164],
Itse tuon sanoiksi virkki: v. xvi. 283.
‘Kaikki[347] on mieheksi[164] kyhÄtty[348],
Pantu[245] parran[117] kantajaksi[191],
LisÄksi[349] satalu’ulle[350],
Tuhannelle[351] tÄytteheksi[352].’
Miekan vyÖltÄnsÄ vetÄvi, v. line 131.
Tupestansa[353] tuiman[354] rauan[85],
Jolla[355] kalhaisi[356] kaloa[327],
Alta[335] laian[198] lÄimÄhytti[357];
Miekka[325] murskaksi[358] mureni[359],
EipÄ hauki[318] tiennytkÄnÄ[360]. 150
Vaka vanha VÄinÄmÖinen {v. xvi. 197,
Tuossa tuon sanoiksi virkki: {198.
‘Ei ole teissÄ[361] puolta[362] miestÄ[164],
Ei urosta[182] kolmannesta[363];
Kun[50] konsa[364] tulevi[120] tarve[365], 155
Miehen[164] mieltÄ[165] vaaitahan[366],
Silloin[367] mieli[165] melkeÄssÄ[368],
Kaikki[347] toimi[369] toisialla[370].’
Itse miekkansa[325] veÄlti[371],
Tempasi terÄvÄn rauan, v. xxxvi. 326.
TyÖnti[372] miekkansa[325] merehen[295],
Alle[316] laian[198] langetteli[373]
Kalahauin[374] hartioihin[79],
Ve’en koiran konkkaluihin. v. line 120.
Miekka[325] luottihe[375] lujahan[376], 165
Kitasihin[377] kiinnittihe[378];
SiitÄ[340] vanha VÄinÄmÖinen
Nostalti[346] kaloa[327] tuota[67],
Veti[324] haukia[318] ve’estÄ[98]:
Hauki[31] katkesi[379] kaheksi[328], 170
Pursto[380] pohjahan[381] putosi[382],
PÄÄ[288] kavahti[383] karpahasen[384].
Jo[12] otti[385] venonen[155] juosta[386],
PÄÄsi[235] pursi[136] puutoksesta[387];
Vaka vanha VÄinÄmÖinen 175
Luotti[388] purren[136] luotoselle[389],
Ravahutti[390] rantasehen[391],
Katselevi, kÄÄntelevi v. xxxvi. 321.
Tuota[67] hauin[318] pÄÄpaloa[392],
Itse tuon sanoiksi virkki: v. xvi. 283.
‘Ken[393] on vanhin[18] sulholoista[394],
SepÄ hauki halkomahan[395],
Kala[327] viploin[396] viiltÄmÄhÄn[397],
PÄÄ[298] paloiksi[322] pahkomahan[398]!’
Miehet[164] purresta[136] puhuvat[399], 185
Vaimot[189] lausui[46] laitasilta[400]:
‘Saajanpa[401] kÄet[81] sulimmat[402],
Sormet[263] pyytÄjÄn[403] pyhimmÄt[404].’
Vaka vanha VÄinÄmÖinen
Veti[324] veitsen[405] huotrastansa[406], 190
KyleltÄnsÄ[407] kylmÄn[408] rauan[85],
Jolla[355] hauin[318] halkaisevi[409],
Pahkovi[410] kalan[327] paloiksi[392],
Itse tuon sanoiksi virkki: v. xvi. 283.
‘Ken[393] on nuorin[411] neitosista[412], 195
SepÄ hauki keittÄmÄhÄn
Murkinaisiksi[414] muruiksi[415],
Kalaisiksi[416] lounahiksi[417]!’
KÄvi[7] neiet[38] keittÄmÄhÄn[413],
KÄvi[7] kilvan[418] kymmenenki[419]; 200
SiitÄ[340] hauki[318] keitetÄhÄn[420],
Murkinoiahan[421] muruina[422],
JÄipÄ[423] luita[424] luotoselle[389],
Kalanluita[424] kalliolle[425].
Vaka vanha VÄinÄmÖinen 205
Noita[226] tuossa[84] katselevi,
Katselevi, kÄÄntelevi, v. xxxvi. 321.
Sanan virkkoi, noin nimesi: v. xvi. 182.
‘MikÄ tuostaki[426] tulisi[126],
Noista[427] hauin[218] hampahista[428], 210
LeveÄstÄ[429] leukaluusta[430],
Jos[102] oisi[114] sepon[341] pajassa[431],
Luona[432] taitavan[433] takojan[434],
Miehen,[164] mahtavan[435] kÄsissÄ[81]?’
Sanoi[128] seppo[134] Ilmarinen: 215
‘Ei tule[126] tyhjÄstÄ[436] mitÄnÄ[437],
Kalan[327] ruotasta[438] kalua[439],
Ei seponkana[341] pajassa,
Luona taitavan takojan, v. lines 213, 214.
Miehen mahtavan kÄsissÄ.’
Vaka vanha VÄinÄmÖinen
Itse tuon sanoiksi virkki: v. xvi. 283.


[1] 3rd sing. imperf. of lÄhteÄ (rule 40); lÄhti is also found. The lit. meaning of this word is to set out, but it is used sometimes with an object to mean to go after, to fetch.

[2] Ablative sing. of tuoni, death. Mana is a synonym.

[3] Part. plur. of sana, word (rule 7), obj. of lÄksi.

[4] Ablative sing. of Manala, abode of death (v. p. 47 for the suffix).

[5] Part. plur. of mahti, power, obj. of lÄksi; for suffix loi, v. p. 225.

[6] For constr. v. p. 188; astua, 1st infin., to step; taputtelevi, 3rd pers. sing. pres. (p. 228) of taputella, to tread heavily or firmly.

[7] 3rd sing. imperf. of kÄydÄ (rule 5, p. 9), to go or traverse.

[8] Accusative sing. of wiikko, week, denoting duration (v. p. 137).

[9] These three words are formed with the suffix kko (p. 47) from the words witsa, small tree or shoot; tuomi, bird-cherry, Swedish hÄgg; and kataja, juniper.

[10] Accusative sing. of toinen (p. 35).

[11] Accusative sing. of kolmas (p. 35).

[12] Adv. now or already.

[13] 3rd. sing. imperf. of nÄkyÄ, neut. form of nÄhdÄ, to see (p. 109).

[14] Nominative sing. of stem saari, an island.

[15] Nominative sing. a hill.

[16] 3rd sing. pres. of kuumottaa, to loom or be seen indistinctly.

[17] This is a constant epithet of WÄinÄmÖinen, meaning literally firm, and then used to denote a kind of steady prudence, which is a natural characteristic of the Finns, and (like Scotch canniness) untranslatable, though more frivolous nations might render it by stolid.

[18] Adj. old, also a constant epithet.

[19] 1st infin.; for constr. v. p. 188.

[20] 3rd sing. imperf. of huikahuttaa. Like the last word this is onomatopoeic.

[21] Genitive sing. of Tuonela, place of Tuoni (v. p. 47).

[22] Inessive sing. of joki, a river (rule 28).

[23] Inessive sing. of alanne, lowland or depth (stem alantehe).

[24] 2nd sing. imper. of tuoda (p. 80).

[25] Part. sing. of vene, a boat; stem venehe (cf. terve, p. 39), obj. of tuo.

[26] = tyttÖ, diminutive, nom. sing.

[27] = lauttaa (p. 225), part. sing. of lautta, ship.

[28] Nominative sing. of stem lapsi, child.

[29] Preposition with gen. (v. p. 217) across.

[30] Genitive sing. of salmi, creek, depending on yli (p. 217).

[31] = saadakseni, longer form of 1st infin. of root saa (here used intransitively) with suffix of 1st pers. pron. For constr. v. p. 185.

[32] Postposition (p. 204) governing the genitive joen.

[33] Longer form of pÄÄstÄ (root pÄÄse) with suffix of 1st pers.

[34] Nominative sing. dimin. adj. from lyhyt (p. 48).

[35] Nominative sing. low, dwarfish.

[36] Nominative sing. a maiden.

[37] Genitive plur. of poukku, dirty linen.

[38] = pesijÄ, washer, v. p. 196.

[39] Genitive plur. of rÄvÄs (stem rÄpÄhÄ), rag.

[40] Nominative sing. a beater; cf. rÄimÄtÄ, to beat.

[41] Inessive sing. of musta, black.

[42] Inessive sing. of compound noun alusvesi (p. 34).

[43] 3rd sing. imperf. (the form varies between virkki and virkkoi) from virkkaa, to speak.

[44] Instr. plur. of tuo, thus.

[45] 3rd sing. imperf. of nimetÄ, literally to name.

[46] 3rd sing. imperf. of lausua, to call.

[47] 3rd sing. imperf. of pakista, to talk or speak.

[48] Adv. thence; abl. of tÄmÄ, this; tÄÄllÄ, tÄÄltÄ are written with two Ä’s when used adverbially.

[49] = tuotaneen, concessive passive of tuoda, to bear. The final n of the passive is omitted. For constr. v. pp. 177 and 182.

[50] = kun, when.

[51] Nominative sing. a cause.

[52] Conditional passive of sanoa, to speak (= sanottaneen).

[53] = mikÄ.

[54] 3rd sing. imperf. of saattaa, causative form of saada (p. 110), to cause to come or bring; for form v. rule 7.

[55] Prep. with the abessive (p. 203): used also as adverb. Apparently genitive of ilma, air, but connection of meaning is obscure.

[56] = taudin, gen. sing. of tauti, disease, constr. with tappamatta (p. 184).

[57] Abessive of the 3rd infin. of tappaa, to kill (p. 193).

[58] Abessive of 3rd infin. of ottaa, to take.

[59] Genitive sing. of oiva, right or proper.

[60] Genitive sing. of surma, fate; a right fate is a natural death. For constr. v. p. 184.

[61] Genitive sing. of muu, other; another fate means one other than a natural death.

[62] Abessive of 3rd infin. of musertaa, to break.

[63] Adv. hither, v. p. 24.

[64] 3rd sing. imperf. from tuottaa, causal of tuoda, to bear.

[65] Ablative plur. of maa, land, with affix of 1st person.

[66] 3rd sing. imperf. from vedellÄ, formed from vetÄÄ, to carry.

[67] Accusative sing. of pron. tuo, with adverbial suffix pa.

[68] Transl. plur. of sana after virkki, spoke this into words (p. 158).

[69] 1st sing. pres. of keksiÄ, to find or detect.

[70] Accusative sing. of kielastaja (from kieli, tongue). One who is ready with his tongue, hence a liar. The Finns are a silent race.

[71] kun, if, with adv. suffix pa.

[72] On, a particle of emphasis, not the verb substantive.

[73] 3rd sing. conditional of tuoda, to bring.

[74] 3rd sing. conditional of siirtellÄ, deriv. verb from siirtÄÄ.

[75] Inessive of 2nd infin. of tulla, to come, with pron. affix of 3rd person.

[76] Adjectival form from Manala (v. p. 46).

[77] Inessive of matka, a journey.

[78] Nominative sing. a hat. For the constr. of nominative absolute v. p. 134.

[79] Adessive plur. of hartia, neck or shoulders.

[80] Nominative plur. of kinnas, a glove, stem kintaha (p. 38).

[81] = kÄdessÄ, inessive of kÄsi, a hand (stem kÄte), for use v. p. 141.

[82] 2nd sing. imper. of sanoa, to speak.

[83] Part. sing. of tosi, truth (stem tote, v. p. 34).

[84] Inessive of tuo, there or thereupon.

[85] Nominative sing. (gen. raudan, rauan), iron.

[86] = minun, me.

[87] Nominative sing. of stem terÄkse, steel.

[88] 3rd sing. imperf. of tempoa, cf. temmata.

[89] Elative sing. of tuo, from this.

[90] 1st sing. pres. of tuntea.

[91] 3rd sing. conditional of saada, meaning here to convey (cf. reflex. saapua). N.B. Pres. cond. used here with past signif.

[92] Instr. plur. of veri (stem vere), blood.

[93] Nominative plur. of vaate (stem vaattehe), garment.

[94] 3rd pers. sing. cond. (though with plur. subject) of valua, to drip.

[95] Instr. plur. of hurme, gore (stem hurmehe).

[96] 3rd sing. (for plural) cond. of hurahdella.

[97] Nom. sing. (gen. kerran) time; for use of nom. v. p. 137. In l. 224 the accusative is used in same constr.

[98] Nominative sing. of stem vete, p. 34.

[99] Nominative sing. (gen. aallon), billow.

[100] 1st pers. sing. pres. of ymmÄrtÄÄ, p. 93.

[101] Accusative sing. of valehtelia (or valhetelija), a liar, v. No. 129.

[102] Conj. if.

[103] Nominative sing. with affix of 2nd person.

[104] 3rd pers. sing. (for plur.) of herahdella, identical with hurahdella above.

[105] Part. plur. of tarkka, exact.

[106] Part. plur. of stem tote (nom. tosia), truth.

[107] Adv. once more.

[108] Accusative sing. of kerta, cf. No. 97.

[109] 3rd sing. pres. of kielestaa, v. No. 70.

[110] Nominative sing. of tule, fire.

[111] Nominative sing.; has two meanings, (1) white or bright, (2) flame; so here.

[112] = arvaan, 1st sing. pres. of arvata, to think or perceive, conjugated like luvata.

[113] Adj. from valkea (p. 47), the flaming one, i.e. fire.

[114] = olisi, here used for olisivat.

[115] Nominative plur. of kutri, a lock.

[116] = kÄrventyneenÄ, essive sing. of past part, act of kÄrventyÄ, neuter form of kÄrventÄÄ, to burn.

[117] Nominative parta, beard (gen. parran), with adverbial affix ki.

[118] Instrum. plur. of paha, bad, used adverbially (p. 161).

[119] Nominative sing. past part. act. of palaa, to burn (intrans.).

[120] An interjection.

[121] = sinÄ.

[122] = tahdot, 2nd pers. sing. pres. of tahtoa, to wish.

[123] Part. plur. of walhe, a lie (the cases and derivatives of this word are written either walhe or waleh).

[124] Part. plur. of viimeinen (stem sen), last, often employed in indeclinable form viime.

[125] Adv. fr. pron. stem mi.

[126] 2nd sing. imperf. of tulla, to come.

[127] Abessive of 3rd infin. of murentaa, to crush or break.

[128] Instr. of vÄhÄ, little, used adverbially.

[129] 1st sing. imperf. of valehdella, with suffix ki.

[130] Adv. yet.

[131] = minÄ.

[132] = todet, accusative plur. of stem tote, nominative tosi, truth.

[133] 1st sing. imperf. of tehdÄ, stem teke.

[134] = tiedolla, adessive sing. of tieto, knowledge, used instrumentally, v. p. 152.

[135] = laadin, 1st pers. imperf. of laatia, to fashion.

[136] Part. sing. of pursi (stem purte), ship; part. is used because action was not completed, v. p. 127.

[137] Adessive of 3rd infin. of laulaa, to sing (p. 193).

[138] 1st sing. imperf. of same verb (p. 85).

[139] Accusative sing. of pÄivÄ, day (p. 137).

[140] Instr. plur. of se, used adverbially.

[141] Adessive sing. of kolmas (p. 35); the essive would be more usual as a definite date is mentioned (p. 150).

[142] 3rd sing. imperf. of rikkoa, to break (v. p. 227).

[143] Nominative sing. sledge (p. 33).

[144] Ablative plur. of runo, verse (p. 154).

[145] Nominative sing. of stem jalakse (fr. jala, foot), the foot or end of a sledge.

[146] 3rd sing. imperf. from taittua, to bend, reflex. form of taittaa (p. 109).

[147] Ablative plur. of lause (stem lausehe).

[148] = oraa, part. sing, of ora, a gimlet.

[149] Part. sing. of vÄÄntiÄ, an auger.

[150] Accusative sing. of rekonen, dim. fr. reke, a sledge.

[151] = rakentaa (p. 93) 1st infin. with affix of 1st person (p. 187).

[152] Accusative sing. compound word formed from laulu, song, and korja, a basket sledge (Swedish korgslÄde).

[153] v. No. 135, 1st infin. with suffix of 1st person.

[154] Adv. now.

[155] Part. sing. of venoinen, dim. of vene, boat.

[156] 2nd sing. imperf. of laittaa, to make ready.

[157] = minulle.

[158] kyllÄ, adv. much; originally a subst. meaning plenty.

[159] Nominative sing. of tuonettare, from stem tuone, with affix ttare (p. 46).

[160] 3rd sing. pres. of torua, to chide.

[161] 3rd sing. pres. of riidella (stem riitele), to quarrel or be angry.

[162] Nominative sing., a fool.

[163] Part. sing, with affix of 2nd pers. of stem hulluute, folly, derived from hullu (p. 47); for use of part, after oi, v. p. 136.

[164] Nominative sing. of stem miehe.

[165] Gen. sing. of mieli, with affix of 2nd pers. sing.

[166] Part. sing. of stem vÄhyyte (after oi), formed like hulluus, above, from vÄhÄ, little.

[167] Abessive sing. of syy, cause; tauitta (from tauti) is same case.

[168] Allative sing. (after tulet) from maja, a habitation.

[169] Nominative of stem parempa, comp. of hyvÄ, good.

[170] For constr. v. p. 138.

[171] 1st infin. and root to return, conjugated like luvata.

[172] Adessive plur. of oma, own.

[173] Adessive plur. of maa, land.

[174] Adv. and adj. much.

[175] Part. plur. of stem tullehe (nominative sing. tullut, p. 40), 2nd part. act. of tulla, to come.

[176] Adv. much.

[177] v. 175; this is corresponding form from palata, to return.

[178] Nominative sing., an old woman.

[179] Ablative sing. tie, a way.

[180] = kÄÄntykÖÖn, 3rd sing. opt. of kÄÄntyÄ, reflex. form of kÄÄntÄÄ, to turn.

[181] Nominative of compar. of paha, bad (p. 42), with adv. affix kana. N.B. As ei is indic. and not imper. the line must mean ‘the meanest man will not.’

[182] Nominative sing. stem uroho (p. 38).

[183] Nominative of compar. of untelo, sleepy or dull, from untua, to be sleepy.

[184] 3rd sing. imperf. of viedÄ (rule 4).

[185] saatella, pÄÄstellÄ are derivative forms from saada, pÄÄstÄ (p. 111).

[186] Abessive of 3rd infin. of kuolla, to die.

[187] Nominative sing. good.

[188] Nominative sing. (gen. emÄnnÄn), mistress or hostess.

[189] Adessive sing. of tuoppi. The inessive would seem more natural.

[190] Part. sing. of olut, beer, stem olue; cf. kevÄt, p. 39; for part. v. p. 135.

[191] 3rd sing. of kantaa, to bear.

[192] Adessive sing. of kaksikorvainen, formed of kaksi, two; korva, ear, with adj. ending inen, two-eared or two-handled.

[193] 2nd sing. imperf. of juoda, to drink.

[194] 3rd sing. imperf. of katsoa, to look.

[195] Prep. governing partitive tuoppiansa (p. 204).

[196] Nominative plur. of sammakko, frog.

[197] 3rd sing. (for plural) imperf. of kutea.

[198] Adessive sing. of sisÄ, interior (cf. p. 214).

[199] = madot, nominative plur. of mato, worm.

[200] = laidoilla, adessive plur. of laita, side.

[201] = mateli (which perhaps should be read), imperf. of madella (sing. for plur.), to creep (connected mato).

[202] Accusative plur. of malja, a cup.

[203] Illative of 3rd infin. of lakkia. For the construction of this and of juomahan, v. p. 192.

[204] 3rd pers. plur. pres. of juopua (p. 111).

[205] Nominative plur. of juoja (p. 45).

[206] Genitive sing. of kannu, a cup, or can.

[207] Nominative plur. of appaja, formed from appaa, to eat or drink greedily.

[208] 3rd plur. pres. of stem katota, 1st infin. kadota, conjugated like koota (p. 104).

[209] Part. of mitÄ, used adverbially, why.

[210] Part. of kuka, here used like mikÄ.

[211] Allative plur. (after tulit) of tupa, house.

[212] Adv. before.

[213] Abessive of 3rd infin. of tahtoa, to wish. There is here a confusion of two ideas, without the will of Tuoni and before the bidding of Tuoni.

[214] Ablative plur. of maa, land.

[215] Abessive of 3rd infin. of kutsua, to call.

[216] Inessive of 2nd infin. of veistÄÄ, to cut, from veitsi, a knife, v. p. 189.

[217] Part. sing. of uusi (stem uute), new; part. because action was not complete.

[218] Inessive of 2nd infin. of puuhata, like luvata.

[219] 1st pers. sing. of uupua, to fall asleep, to lose; cf. No. 243.

[220] Part. of kolme, three, followed by part. sing. of sana (p. 172).

[221] = perÄpÄÄ, lit. end-head, i.e. extreme part.

[222] Inessive of 2nd infin. of pÄÄtellÄ, derived from pÄÄttÄÄ, to finish.

[223] = kokkaa, part. sing. of kokka, prow.

[224] Inessive of 2nd infin. of kohottaa, transitive form of kohota, to swell or rise.

[225] 1st sing. imperf. neg. of saada, with adv. affix kana.

[226] Part. plur. of tuo used after negative.

[227] Ablative plur. of ilma, air. maailma (earth, air) means universe, and the present expression, in which the two elements are declined, has much the same force.

[228] Nominative sing. 2nd part. active of tavata (root tapata), conjugated like luvata; en must be understood with this participle.

[229] 3rd sing. imperf. of pitÄÄ (here impersonal, oportere).

[230] Illative of 3rd infin. of saada. N.B. This infin. does not depend on piti, but denotes the purpose of the action; v. p. 192.

[231] Part. plur. of ongelmo (derived from onki), a crooked saying, a riddle.

[232] Illative of 3rd infin. of oppia, to learn.

[233] 3rd. sing. pres. neg. of antaa, to give (p. 69).

[234] Negative form (understand ei) of jaella, derived from jakaa, to divide or distribute.

[235] 2nd pers. sing. concessive negative of pÄÄstÄ (like nousta).

[236] Essive of se.

[237] Essive sing. of ilmoinen, derived from ilma (the open space or air) and apparently meaning long.

[238] Essive of ikÄ, life. For temporal meaning of essive, v. p. 157. The whole expression apparently means in this long life, i.e. as long as you live.

[239] Illative plur. of koti, home, with affix of 2nd pers. pron.

[240] Illative of 3rd infin. of kulkea, to go.

[241] Allative plur. of maa, land, with affix of 2nd pers.

[242] Illative of 3rd infin. of madella.

[243] 3rd sing. imperf. of uuvuttaa, to tire or throw to sleep.

[244] = uneen, illative sing. of uni, sleep; the illative is used on account of the idea of change of state in uuvutti.

[245] 3rd sing. imp. of panna (like tulla), to put.

[246] 1st infin. of root makata (like lupata), to sleep. The expression panna maata is generally used in an intransitive sense, to go to bed.

[247] Acc. sing. of matkalainen, a traveller, deriv. from matka, journey.

[248] Allative sing. (on account of motion in lying down unto) of compound noun composed of talja and vuode, both meaning skin, or fur.

[249] 3rd sing. pres. of makaella, derivative verb from maata.

[250] Part. sing. of uni.

[251] Derivative verb from ottaa, to take.

[251a] 3rd sing. imperf. of valvoa, to watch. The expression is a proverb, and means he slept with one eye open.

[251b] Nominative sing. of compound adj. formed of kÄykkÄ, prominent, and leuka, chin.

[251c] Genitive sing. of compound substantive formed of rauta, iron, and rihma, thread.

[251d] Noun of agency formed with affix ja from kehrÄtÄ, to spin.

[251e] Genitive plur. of vaskilanka, compound of vaski, brass, and lanka, twine.

[252] Noun of agency from valaa, to pour or make by casting.

[253] Accusative sing. of satainen, hundred-fold, here meaning complicated or large.

[254] Accusative sing. of nuotta, a large net.

[255] Accusative sing. of tuhantinen; v. satainen, above.

[256] 3rd sing. imperf. of tuuritella, to knit (from tuurittaa).

[257] Essive sing. of , night (p. 157).

[258] Essive sing. of yksi.

[259] Essive sing. of kesÄinen, adj. from kesÄ, summer; kesÄisenÄ, contracted to kesÄisnÄ.

[260] = yhdellÄ (p. 51).

[261] Adessive sing. of compound subst. formed of vesi, water, and kivi, stone.

[262] Nominative sing. an old man.

[263] Nominative sing. compound of kolme, three (N.B. in compounds the e becomes i), and sormi, a finger.

[264] Genitive plur. of rautaverkko, compound of rauta, iron, and verkko, a net.

[265] Noun of agency from kutoa, to weave.

[266] Genitive sing. of vaskinuotta; v. Nos. 251 and 254.

[267] Noun of agency from valmistaa, to make ready.

[268] 3rd sing. imperf. of kutoa.

[269] 3rd sing. imperf. of tuikutella.

[270] Essive of sama, the same.

[271] Nominative sing. (gen. pojan), a boy.

[272] Compound adj. koukku, a hook, sormi, a finger.

[273] Compound adj. rauta, iron, nÄppi, finger tip.

[274] 3rd sing. imperf. of vetÄÄ, to draw or spread.

[275] Elative sing. of joki, river; alatse, lÄpi, poikki, yli, sometimes take the elative instead of partitive in the Kalevala.

[276] sekÄ ... jotta = both ... and, but the third jotta introduces a final sentence with the verb in the indicative, not in the subjunctive, as is more usual.

[277] Illative sing. of vita, crosswise.

[278] Negative pres. of pÄÄstÄÄ, to let go.

[279] Negative pres. of selvittÄÄ, to liberate (from selvÄ, free or clear).

[280] Essive of kuu, moon.

[281] Genitive sing. of kulta, gold.

[282] Essive of walkea, bright. The meaning of these three words is clearly as long as the moon shines, but their exact relation to each other is a little obscure. Kullan is apparently an attributive genitive belonging to kuun, and the essive is to be taken in a temporal sense. Literally, in the moon of gold shining. Cf. XLIX. 116. PÄivÄ-kullan paistamahan.

[283] Elative plur. of koti, home.

[284] Elative plur. of ikimaja, compound of iki, always, and maja, dwelling.

[285] Compound concessive of tulla; lie = lienee. For use of the concessive in questions, v. p. 177.

[286] Nominative sing. with affix of 1st person.

[287] Compound of hÄtÄ, straits or danger, and pÄivÄ, day.

[288] Allative sing. of pÄÄ, head.

[289] Adessive plur. of majanne (stem -tehe) formed from maja (p. 47), a poor dwelling.

[290] Genitive of pika, swiftness, used adverbially.

[291] Translative sing. of muu, other; for use of the case here and in toiseksi after verbs denoting change (v. p. 158).

[292] 3rd pers. sing, imperf. (v. p. 109) of muutella, derived from muuttaa, to make other (muu), or change.

[293] Genitive of rutto, rapid, used adverbially.

[294] 3rd sing. imperf. of ruveta, to begin or become.

[295] 3rd sing. imperf. of mennÄ, to go.

[296] Illative of meri, sea.

[297] Essive of sarva (or saarva), an otter. For the case of this and mustana, etc., v. p. 157.

[298] Illative sing. of saraikko, formed from sara, sedge; cf. No. 9.

[299] 3rd sing. imperf. of matoa, to creep.

[300] Essive sing. of rautainen, iron.

[301] Essive of kyinen (stem se) adj. from kyy, a viper.

[302] Essive of kÄÄrme (stem kÄÄrmehe), a serpent.

[303] Preposition with elat. v. No. 280.

[304] Part. plur. of verkko, net; cf. No. 5.

[305] Adessive of aamu, morning (p. 150).

[306] = varhain, adv. early.

[307] = sadan, accusative of sata, hundred.

[308] 3rd sing. pres. of saa.

[309] Part. plur. of taimen (stem taimene), a kind of fish (salmo fario or trutta, LÖnnrot).

[310] a thousand, p. 52.

[311] Emon is gen. of emo (= emÄ), mother; alvehia, part. plur. of alve (stem alpehe, a young fish). The phrase seems to mean fry that follow their mother.

[312] Part. cases of VÄinÄmÖinen and Uvantolainen, after negative verb.

[313] Nominative sing. adj. originally muddy; thence soft or light; explained as meaning here kevytmielinen, light-minded.

[314] Also called Ahti and Kaukomieli. The most fascinating and adventurous of the heroes of the Kalevala, but sadly deficient in moral sense. He was much attached to female society, which led to his being killed, apparently very thoroughly, in book xiv., but in xv. his mother resuscitates him; he did not, however, learn wisdom. Books xxvi. and xxvii. recount his struggle with the people of Pohjola, with whom he was on bad terms owing to his not being invited to the marriage of Ilmarinen, and in xxix. he had to fly to Saari, whence however he was expelled (owing to his light conduct with a thousand brides and a hundred widows), and has further adventures in xxx. In the rest of the Kalevala he plays rather a secondary part.

[315] 3rd pers. sing. imperf. (p. 227) from pyÖrÄhtÄÄ, to turn (pyÖrÄ, wheel or circle).

[316] Postposition governing venosen; the allative is used because motion is implied.

[317] Adessive sing. of hako, timber floating in water.

[318] Genitive sing. of hauki, pike.

[319] Genitive sing. of koira, dog.

[320] Adessive plur. of konkka-luu, compound noun.

[321] Part. plur. of joki, various.

[322] = on.

[323] Part. plur. of hako, v. 317.

[324] = vedÄ, 2nd pers. sing. imperat. of vetÄÄ, to draw.

[325] Adessive (p. 152) sing. of miekka, sword.

[326] 2nd sing. imperf. of katkaista, to break or sever, stem katkaise.

[327] Nominative sing. a fish, direct object of katkaise (p. 128).

[328] = kahdeksi, trans. of kaksi, two (for case, v. p. 158).

[329] Nominative sing. adj. merry.

[330] Adj. formed from stem vere, blood, with suffix va (p. 48), vigorous or youthful.

[331] Ablative sing. of vyÖ, a girdle, with affix of 3rd pers.

[332] Acc. sing. of compound subst. with first member (luu, bone) in gen. and second noun of agency, formed from purra, to bite.

[333] Ablative sing. of puoli, side, with affix of 3rd pers.

[334] Part. sing. of meryt (stem merye), dimin. of meri, sea.

[335] Preposition governing laian, though generally a postposition.

[336] 3rd sing. pres. of laskettaa (trans. form of laskea), to smite.

[337] 3rd sing. imperf. of vierÄhtÄÄ, deriv. verb (p. 112) from vierrÄ, to roll down.

[338] Instr. plur. of koura, palm of the hand.

[339] 3rd pers. imperf. of kohahtaa, onomatopoeic verb representing noise of bubbling water.

[340] Elative sing. of se, used adverbially, then.

[341] seppo or seppÄ, nominative sing. a smith.

[342] The magic smith of Kalevala and forger of the Sampo; after many trials he married the maiden of Pohja (xix.), and the marriage is described in xx-xxv., but in xxxiii. she is killed. Ilmarinen then forged himself a wife of gold and silver (xxxvii.), who did not prove entirely satisfactory in all respects.

[343] 3rd sing. imperf. of tarttua, to stick or cling to.

[344] Illative sing. of tukka, hair.

[345] Part. sing. of uros, used as genitive. This use (which is hardly found in prose) is chiefly used of things which form part of something else.

[346] 3rd sing. of nostaltaa, deriv. verb from nostaa, to raise.

[347] Nominative sing. all (p. 170).

[348] 2nd part. passive of kyhÄtÄ, to form; this word and pantu are followed by translatives to indicate the end for which a thing is made (p. 159).

[349] Trans. sing. of lisÄ, an addition.

[350] Allative sing. of sataluku, hundred number (luvulle is now the usual orthography, p. 14).

[351] Allative sing. of tuhat (stem tuhante), a thousand.

[352] Trans. sing. of tÄyte (stem tÄyttehe), a complement or supplement (tÄysi, full).

[353] Elative sing. of tuppi, sheath, with affix of 3rd person.

[354] Accusative sing. of tuima, fierce.

[355] Adessive (p. 152) of joka, here used in sense and with it.

[356] = kolhaisti or kolkkaisti, 3rd sing. imperf. of kalhaista, to strike or split.

[357] 3rd sing. imperf. of lÄimÄhyttÄÄ (deriv. of lÄimÄtÄ), to smite.

[358] Trans. sing. of murska, a fragment (p. 158). N.B. The word is not in the plural and is almost adverbial, piecemeal.

[359] 3rd sing. imperf. of mureta, to break (stem murene, p. 94 F and 107).

[360] = tietÄnyt (p. 226, ix), 2nd part. act. of tietÄÄ, to perceive or know, with adv. affix kana.

[361] v. p. 141, vii.

[362] Part. sing. of puoli, half (p. 34); for use of part. v. p. 122.

[363] Part. sing. of kolmannes (stem -ekse), a third part.

[364] Adv. when, used with kun to mean as soon as.

[365] Nominative sing. (stem tarpehe), need.

[366] = vaaditaan, passive of vaatia, to demand.

[367] Adv. then.

[368] Inessive sing. of melkeÄ, moderate (? Russian ??????); for use of inessive v. p. 140, iii. The expression seems ironical, is in a very moderate state.

[369] Nominative sing. business, duty, capacity; cf. for use here ei ole hÄnellÄ tointa.

[370] Adessive of toisia, another place; cf. muualla, and our expression to be all abroad.

[371] 3rd sing. imperf. of vedÄltÄÄ, deriv. verb from vetÄÄ.

[372] 3rd sing. imperf. of tyÖntÄÄ, to thrust or smite.

[373] 3rd sing. imperf. of langetella, deriv. verb from langettaa, which is the causative form of langeta, to fall.

[374] Compound of kala, fish, and hauki, pike. The usual form would be haukikala (cf. valaskala, a whale).

[375] 3rd sing. imperf. reflexive (p. 227) of luottaa, to send through or drive, a factitive form from luoda, one of whose meanings is to cast (v. No. 496).

[376] Illative sing. of luja, firm.

[377] Illative plur. of kitanen (stem -se, diminutive of kita), the gills of a fish.

[378] 3rd sing. imperf. reflex. of kiinnittÄÄ, to fix, derived from kiinni.

[379] 3rd sing. imperf. of katketa, to break or fall asunder; cf. 326.

[380] = pyrstÖ, nominative sing. a tail.

[381] Illative sing. of pohja, bottom or shore.

[382] 3rd sing. imperf. of pudota (like luvata), to fall.

[383] 3rd sing. imperf. of kavahtaa, to leap forth or fall.

[384] Illative sing. of karvas (cf. oas, p. 40), a small boat.

[385] 3rd sing. imperf. of ottaa, here used intransitively, to start or begin.

[386] 1st sing. of stem juokse (cf. syÖkse, p. 107), to run or speed.

[387] Elative sing. of puutos, a hindrance (puuttaa, to hold or fasten).

[388] 3rd sing. imperf. act. of luottaa, v. 375.

[389] Allative sing. of luotonen, dimin. of luoto, island or shore.

[390] 3rd sing. imperf. of ravahuttaa, fact. form of ravahtaa, which is itself a deriv. of ravata, to move quickly; cf. ravakka, quick.

[391] Illative sing. of rantanen, dimin. of ranta, shore.

[392] Part. sing. (p. 127) of pÄÄpala, compound of pÄÄ, head, and pala, a piece.

[393] Int. pron. (p. 60).

[394] Elative plur. of sulho, a young man; for use of case, v. p. 143, viii.

[395] Illative of 3rd infin. of halkoa (halki), to cleave. The verb on which the infinitive depends is omitted, but some such words as ‘let him come’ must be understood.

[396] Instr. plur. of vipla (or viipale), a strip. For the nom. hauki, v. p. 128, iii (2).

[397] Illative of 3rd infin. of viiltÄÄ (fact. of viillÄ), to split open.

[398] Illative 3rd infin. of pahkoa, to cleave.

[399] 3rd plur. pres. of puhua, to speak (original meaning to blow).

[400] Ablative plur. of laitanen (stem -se), dimin. of laita, shore.

[401] Genitive of saaja, noun of agency, from saada, to take (p. 45).

[402] Nominative plur. of sulin, superlative of sula, flowing, active, or dexterous.

[403] Genitive sing. of pyytÄjÄ from pyytÄÄ, to catch; cf. No. 401.

[404] Nominative plur. of pyhin, superl. of pyhÄ, holy.

[405] Accusative sing. of veitsi, knife.

[406] Elative sing. of huotra, a sheath, with affix of 3rd person.

[407] Ablative sing. of kylki, side, with affix of 3rd person.

[408] Accusative sing. of kylmÄ, cold.

[409] 3rd sing. pres. of halkaista (halki), to split.

[410] 3rd sing. pres. of No. 398.

[411] Nominative sing. superl. of nuori, young.

[412] Elative plur. of neitonen (stem -se), dimin. of neito, woman.

[413] Illative of 3rd infin. of keittÄÄ, to cook; v. No. 395.

[414] Trans. plur. (p. 158) of murkinainen, adj. of murkina, the midday meal.

[415] Trans. plur. of muru, fragment.

[416] Trans. plur. of kalainen, adj. formed from kala, fish.

[417] Trans. plur. of lounas, midday meal.

[418] Instr. sing. of kilpa, strife or rivalry.

[419] kymmen, ten, with affix ki.

[420] Pres. passive of keittÄÄ.

[421] = murkinoidaan, pres. passive of murkinoita from murkina, breakfast.

[422] Essive plur. from muru, a bit.

[423] 3rd sing. imperf. of jÄÄdÄ, to remain, with affix , followed by allative (p. 156).

[424] Part. plur. of luu, bone.

[425] Allative of kallio, rock.

[426] Elat. sing. of pron. tuo, with suffix ki.

[427] Elat. plur. of same.

[428] Elative plur. (p. 143, ix) of hammas (stem hampaha), tooth.

[429] Elative of leveÄ, broad.

[430] Elative of leuka-luu, jaw-bone.

[431] Inessive of paja, a smithy.

[432] Essive of luo (p. 210), here prepos. with genitive.

[433] Genitive of 1st part. act. of taitaa, to be able or skilful.

[434] Genitive of takoja, forger, from takoa, to forge.

[435] Genitive of mahtava, powerful.

[436] Elative of tyhjÄ, void or emptiness.

[437] = mitÄÄn, v. p. 219 and 122.

[438] Elative sing. of ruotta, mouth (of a fish); ruota or ruoto is the usual form.

[439] Part. sing. of kalu, an instrument (p. 122).

[440] Dimin. of kantelo = kantele, a kind of harp with five strings.

[441] = osaajaa, part. of osaaja, noun of agency, from osata, to know or be skilful.

[442] Genitive sing. of soitto, a musical instrument.

[443] Part. of laatija, noun of agency from laatia, to make. The part. is used because the sentence is practically negative.

[444] 3rd sing. imperf. reflex. of luoda, to create or make.

[445] Translative (p. 158, iii) of tekijÄ, noun of agency, from tehdÄ, to make.

[446] 3rd sing. imperf. reflex. of teennellÄ, deriv. of tehdÄ (stem teke), to make.

[447] 3rd sing. imperf. of suorittaa (from suora), to prepare.

[448] Accusative sing. of ilo, joy.

[449] Accusative sing. of ikuinen, from ikÄ, life.

[450] Elative sing. of kuka, meaning here from what (p. 144, ix).

[451] Nominative sing., the body or frame (of the harp).

[452] Part. sing. of kantele (stem -lehe), harp; for use of part. v. No. 345.

[453] Genitive sing. of suuri, great.

[454] Nominatives plur. of kieli, tongue or string, and naula, a nail.

[455] Elative plur. of hivus = hius (stem hiukse), hair.

[456] = Hiiden, genitive sing. of Hiisi, the genius of evil.

[457] Genitive sing. of ruuna, poetical word for a horse.

[458] Essive sing. of 2nd part. passive (= suoritettuna) of suorittaa.

[459] Essive sing. of valmis, ready (stem valmihi).

[460] Compound word; first member in genitive, second adj. formed from evÄ, a fin.


HyvÄsti[461] kultaseni[462], hyvÄsti kultani,
Mun[86] lÄhteÄ[1] nyt[463] tÄytyy[464] pois[465] kotimaaltan[466].
Mun[86] tÄytyvi[464] nyt[463] mennÄ[294] merille[295] kulkemaan[240]!
Ja sinua en tieÄ[466a] jos[102] nÄen[466b] millonkaan[467].
Lahella[468] laiva[469] pieni[470] minua outtelee[471]; 5
Se mulla[472] kotimaani[466] ja tuttavani[473] lie[285].
Se kotimaani[466] mulla[472] ja tuuli[474] kultani[462],
Ja aalto[99] armnhani[475] tahikka[476] surmani[60].
Jo[12] ennen[477] monta[478] miestÄ[164] se meri[295] petteli[479],
Ja monen[478] kullan[462] silmÄt[480] vesille[481] jÄtteli[482]. 10
Vaan[483] ellÖs[484] mua[472] surko[484], jos[102] ehkÄ[485] kuolisin[486];
[487] suotta[488] kaottaisit[489] ikÄsi[490] kaunihin[491].
Kun[50] kuulet[492] kuolleheksi[493], tee[494] risti[495] rantahan[391],
Ja aallon[99] luomat[496] luuni[497] ne peitÄ[498] santahan[499].
Ja ota[385] pieni[470] ruusu[500] ja laita[156] kasvamaan[501], 15
KÄy[7] sitte[502] kesÄilloin[503] vÄlistÄ[504] katsomaan[193].
Kun[71] ruusu[500] kaunihisti[491] kesÄllÄ[503] kukostaa[505],
Se rakkauteni[506] kuvan[507] eteesi[508] muovostaa[509].
HyvÄsti[461] vielÄ[107] kerta[108], hyvÄsti ystÄvÄ[510]!
Ei[512] suremaan[511] nyt[463] auta[512], vaan[483] tÄytyy[404] lÄhteÄ. 20

Farewell, dear love, farewell, my love,
Now must I set forth from home.
Now I must go to wander on the seas
And know not if I shall ever see thee.
A little ship awaits me in the bay: 5
It will be my home and friend.
It will be my home and the wind my love,
And the wave my darling or my death.
That sea has lured many men ere now,
And filled many a lover’s eyes with tears. 10
But grieve not for me, if perchance I die:
Thou wouldst waste thy fair life in vain.
If thou hearest I am dead, place a cross on the shore,
And my bones cast up by the wave, hide them in the sand.
And take a little rose and set it to grow, 15
Then go sometimes on summer evenings to look at it.
When the rose flowers gaily in the summer
It will form a picture of my love for thee.
Farewell once more, farewell, friend,
It is no good grieving: I must start. 20

[461] Adv. of hyvÄ, good (p. 117), used to mean good-bye.

[462] Dimin. of kulta, gold or darling, with affix of 1st person.

[463] Adv. now.

[464] Impers. verb it is necessary, followed by 1st infin. (p. 187); tÄytyy and tÄytyvi are identical (p. 226, viii).

[465] Adv. away, also used in inessive poissa.

[466] Compound of koti, home, and maa, land; v. No. 65.

[466a] = tiedÄ, negative form of tietÄÄ, to know.

[466b] 1st pers. sing. of nÄhdÄ (p. 108).

[467] = milloinkaan (v. pp. 117, 169).

[468] = lahdella, adessive sing. of lahti, bay.

[469] Nominative sing. a ship.

[470] Nominative sing. little.

[471] = odottelee, 3rd sing. pres. of odotella, deriv. from odottaa, to wait.

[472] = minulla; cf. mua = minua.

[473] 1st part. passive for tunnettava, from tuntea, to know. Here used as substantive with affix of 1st pers., friend.

[474] Nominative sing. wind.

[475] Nominative with suffix of 1st pers. from stem armaha (nom. armas), dear.

[476] = taikka, or.

[477] Adv. (gen. of ensi), before.

[478] Part. sing. of moni, many, taking a partitive after it (p. 171, iv.).

[479] 3rd sing. imperf. of petellÄ, deriv. verb from pettÄÄ, to deceive.

[480] Accusative plur. of silmÄ, eye.

[481] Allative plur. of vesi, water.

[482] 3rd sing. imperf. of jÄtellÄ, derived from jÄttÄÄ. For the use of this verb with the illative or allative, v. p. 156. The sentence means literally has abandoned the eyes of many a lover to waters; i.e. has filled with tears.

[483] Conj. but.

[484] 2nd sing. negative opt. of surra (like tulla).

[485] Adv. perhaps.

[486] 1st sing. conditional of kuolla, to die (like tulla).

[487] = sinÄ.

[488] Part. sing. of suosi, pleasure (not used); used adverbially to mean for mere pleasure, without serious cause; hence in vain, uselessly.

[489] 2nd sing. conditional of kadottaa, to loose, trans. form of kadota, to fall.

[490] Accusative sing. of ikÄ, life, with suffix of 2nd pers. N.B. k is not weakened.

[491] Accusative sing. of kaunis, beautiful, stem kaunihi; the adv. is used in l. 17.

[492] 2nd sing. pres. of kuulla (like tulla), to hear.

[493] Translative sing. of 2nd part. act. of kuolla (v. 486). For use v. p. 201.

[494] 2nd sing. imperf. of tehdÄ, followed by illative; v. p. 156 ad. in.

[495] Nominative sing. cross, obj. of tee (p. 128, iii).

[496] Accusative plur. of 3rd infin. of luoda, used as a past part. (p. 191). For luoda, meaning to cast, v. No. 375.

[497] Accusative plur. of luu, bone, with affix of 1st pers. sing.

[498] 2nd sing. imperf. of peittÄÄ, to hide.

[499] Illative sing. (p. 156) of santa, sand.

[500] Nom. sing. rose, object of ota (p. 128).

[501] Illative of 3rd infin. of kasvaa, to grow (p. 192).

[502] Adv. then (p. 117).

[503] Compound of kesÄ, summer, and ilta, evening, instr. plur. (p. 161, iii).

[504] Elative sing. of vÄli, interval; here adverbial, now and then.

[505] 3rd sing. pres. of kukostaa, to flower, from kukka, a flower (p. 114).

[506] Genitive sing. with affix of 1st pers.; from rakkaus (stem rakkaute), love.

[507] Accusative sing. of kuva, picture.

[508] Illative sing. of esi, with affix of 2nd pers. (p. 146).

[509] = muodostaa, v being a dialectical variant for d; 3rd sing. pres. (with future signif.) of muodostaa, deriv. verb from muoto, form.

[510] Nominative sing. (p. 134, v), friend; LÖnnrot suggests it is for ysÄttÄvÄ, derived from yskÄ, bosom.

[511] Illative of 3rd infin.; cf. No. 484.

[512] Negative pres. of auttaa, to help or avail.


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