Causal, temporal and consecutative sentences offer no special peculiarities, being introduced by the conjunctions given in the accidence and having the verb in the indicative mood. The particle ettÄ is generally combined with the negative verb: etten, ettet, ettei, etc. Concessive sentences, introduced by vaikka, vaikkapa, or jos kohta, have the verb in either the indicative or the conditional. HÄn oli niin kÖyhÄ ettei ollut mitÄ syÖdÄ, he was so poor that he had nothing to eat. Vaikka nÄin hÄntÄ usein, kun olin Pietarissa (or Pietarissa olessani), emme kuitenkaan ole tutut, though I often saw him when I was at Petersburg, we were not well acquainted. Vaikka hÄn vannoisi en sittekÄÄn uskoisi, though he should swear I would not believe him. The first member of a conditional sentence is introduced by jos, or, if negative, by jollen, ellen (jollet, jollei, etc., ellet, ellei, etc.). The second is often introduced by niin. In such sentences as if I go, he will come, where the realization of the condition is considered as certain, the indicative is used—Jos menen niin hÄn tulee. But where the realization is doubtful the conditional present is employed, and where it is no longer possible the conditional past. If I were to go, he would come, jos menisin, niin hÄn tulisi. If I had gone, he would have come, jos minÄ olisin mennyt, niin hÄn olisi tullut. Final sentences are introduced by ettÄ or jotta, or in the negative form by etten, ettet, ettei, etc. The verb is in the conditional. As has been described above (pp. 192 and 198) final sentences can also be rendered by infinitives and participles. Ilmoittakaat minulle ettÄ minÄkin tulisin ja kumartaisin hÄntÄ (S. Matt. ii. 8), tell me, that I may come and worship him. HÄn kÄvelee ettei vilustuisi, he walks that he may not catch cold. |