Active leucocytosis, 142
Acute lymphatic leukÆmia, 170
—— —— —— marrow in, 118
Acute swelling of red corpuscles, 23
Administration of iron, 16
Agony leucocytosis, 146
Alexines, 139
Alkali distribution in blood, 47
—— test for in blood, 46
AnÆmia, 1
—— bothriocephalus, 65
—— definition, 2
—— hÆmoglobin in, 49
—— iron in blood and organs in, 16
—— isotonic point of corpuscles in, 25
—— leukopenia in, 189
—— pernicious see Pernicious anÆmia
—— platelets in, 193
—— posthÆmorrhagic, 49, 51
—— —— erythroblasts in, 51
—— —— platelets in, 193
—— pseudoleukÆmica infantum, 77
—— pulse in, 3
—— retinal vessels in, 3
—— specific gravity of blood in, 18
—— volume of corpuscles in, 23
AnÆmic degeneration of corpuscles, 49-52
—— leucocytosis, 146
Arsenurietted hydrogen, leucocytosis from, 145
—— eosinophilia in, 150, 158
—— sputum in, 157
—— suppuration in, 160
Atypical leucocytes, 77-80
—— in leukÆmia, 179
Basic double staining, 38
Baths, leucocytosis from, 144
Bioblasts, theory of, 128
Birds, eosinophil cells of, 107, 130
Blood, quantity of, 2
—— —— in anÆmias, 3
—— specific gravity of, 17
Blood corpuscles, enumeration of, 5, 6
—— —— enumeration of in anÆmia, 12
Blood corpuscles, estimation of, 12
—— —— red see Red blood corpuscles
—— —— volume of, 13
—— —— white see Leucocytes
—— count, factors in, 11
—— crises, 62
—— dust, 193
—— platelets, 190
—— —— alkali in, 47
—— —— in chlorosis, 193
—— —— origin of, 192
—— poisons, leucocytosis from, 145
Bone-marrow, 105, 112
—— carcinoma of, 178
—— cells of, in various animals, 106
—— changes in anÆmia, 117
—— changes in lymphatic leukÆmia, 118
—— changes in pernicious anÆmia, 117, 129
—— connection with leucocytosis, 155
—— connection with leukopenia, 189
—— development of leucocytes in, 108-110
—— giant cells in, 107
—— of dog, 114
—— protective organ, 111
—— tumours of, 115
Cachectic leucocytosis, 146
Camphor, eosinophilia from administration of, 154
Catarrhal jaundice, volume of corpuscles in, 23
Charcot's crystals, 151
Chemiotaxis, 139
Chemiotaxis, positive, 139
—— negative, 140
Chenzinsky's fluid, 43
Chloroform narcosis, leucocytosis from, 145
Chlorosis, platelets in, 193
Coagulation, rate of, 23
—— connection with platelets, 192, 193
—— in purpura, 193
Coagulometer, 23
Compensatory eosinophilia, 154
Congenital syphilis, leucocytosis in, 147
Corpuscles, at high altitudes, 8
—— enumeration of, 5
—— influences on, 7
—— red see Red corpuscles
—— volume of, 21
—— white see Leucocytes
Crisis, blood, 62
—— in infective fevers, 145
Diabetes, glycogen in blood in, 75
Differential count of corpuscles, 31
—— staining, theory of, 37
Digestion, leucocytosis of, 102
Diphtheria, myelocytes in, 78, 146
Dog, bone-marrow in, 114
Dry preparations, 32
—— substance of blood, 20
DÜhring's disease, eosinophilia in, 156
Electricity, resistance to, of corpuscles, 25
Enumeration of corpuscles, 5, 31
—— —— —— in anÆmia, 12
Eosine-methylene blue methods, 43
Eosinophil cells, 78, 185
Eosinophil cells after splenectomy, 89, 94
—— —— development of, 109
—— —— in birds, 130
—— —— in leukÆmia, 176, 177
—— —— in malignant lymphoma, 163
—— —— in mammary glands, 163
—— —— origin of, 160, 161
—— —— secretion in, 134
—— leucocytosis, 148
—— —— causes of, 165
—— —— distinction from leukÆmia, 178
—— —— occurrence, 150-154, 158
—— —— origin of, 154
—— myelocytes, 78
—— —— in leukÆmia, 174
Erythroblasts, in leukÆmia, 180
—— in spleen, 99
—— nuclei of, 57, 61
—— origin of, 55
—— varieties of, 55, 56
Exercise, leucocytosis from, 144
Ferrometer, 16
Fevers, complication of leukÆmia, 177, 181
—— leucocytosis in, 144, 146
—— spleen in, 98
Fixation of films, 34
Formalin as fixative, 35
Giant cells in bone-marrow, 107
Gigantoblasts, 56
Glycogen in gonorrhoeal pus, 46
—— in platelets, 192
Glycogen in polynuclear leucocytes, 75
—— stain for, 45
Gonorrhoeal pus, glycogen in, 46
—— —— mast cells in, 160
Granulation, absence of, 118, 129, 182
—— chemical nature of, 134
—— ripening of, 108
Granules, 121
—— connection with emigration, 132
—— distribution of, 130
—— function of, 127
—— history of, 121-130
—— intravital staining of, 124
—— intravital staining of by neutral red, 125
—— reaction of, 126
—— secretory nature of, 134
—— specificity of, 133
—— survival staining of, 125
Guinea-pig, leucocytes in, 85, 112
HÆmatocrit, 21
HÆmatocytometer, 4
HÆmatoxylin-eosine mixture, 42
HÆmoconiÆ, 193
HÆmoglobin, amount of, 13
—— connection with specific gravity, 18
—— equivalent in anÆmias, 49
—— estimation of, 14-17
HÆmoglobinometer, 15
HÆmorrhages, acute, 51
HÆmorrhagic small-pox, pseudo-lymphocytes in, 79
Hayem's solution, 5
Heat as fixative agent, 34
Hedgehog, splenectomy in, 107
Helminthiasis, eosinophilia in, 150
High altitudes, erythrocytes at, 8-12
—— —— poikilocytosis at, 9
Hodgkin's disease (malignant lymphoma), 101, 102
—— —— eosinophil cells in, 165
Hyaline cells see Large mononuclear leucocytes
HygrÆmometry, 20
Infectious diseases, leucocytosis in, 146, 147
—— —— myelocytes in, 77
—— —— splenic enlargement in, 99
Intestinal diseases, leucocytosis in, 102
Intravital staining, 124
Iron, administration of, 16
—— connection of, with hÆmoglobin, 16-18
—— in blood, 16
—— in eosinophil cells, 134
Isotonic point of corpuscles, 25
Jenner's stain, 44
Kresyl-violet-R, metachromatism with, 76
Kurloff's researches, 85
Lactation, eosinophil cells in, 163
—— mast
cells in, 163
Large mononuclear leucocytes, 73, 112, 185
—— mononuclear leucocytes in measles, 113
Leucocytes, 71
Leucocytes, atypical forms, 77, 179
—— enumeration of, 5
—— in birds, 131
—— in guinea-pig, 85-87, 112
—— places of origin, 81
Leucocytosis, 138
—— active, 142
—— agony, 146
—— cachectic, 146
—— chemically produced, 189
—— classification of, 142
—— diagnostic importance of, 146
—— eosinophil see Eosinophil leucocytosis
—— function of bone-marrow, 110
—— in anÆmia, 146;
congenital syphilis, 147;
measles, 113, 145, 189;
parotitis, 144;
pneumonia, 144, 174;
rheumatism, 144;
tumours of bone-marrow, 116;
typhoid, 146, 189
—— mixed, 143, 167
—— of digestion, 102
—— origin of, 146
—— passive, 142
—— physiological, 144
—— polynuclear neutrophil, 143
—— theories of, 138
LeukÆmia, acute lymphatic, 118, 170;
chronic, 170;
suppuration in, 105
—— myelogenic, 169
—— —— atypical cases, 182
LeukÆmia, myelogenic, atypical leucocytes in, 179
—— —— characteristics of, 174-181
—— —— complicated with other diseases, 174, 181
—— —— contrasted with eosinophilia, 178
—— —— contrasted with pneumonia, 174
—— —— diagnosis from blood, 171
—— —— eosinophilia in, 176
—— —— mast cells in, 179
—— —— mitoses in, 180
—— —— mononuclear eosinophils in, 152
Scarlet fever, leucocytosis in, 146
—— —— lymphatic glands in, 110
Separation of serum, 24
Serum, specific gravity of, 20
Sex, influence on red corpuscles, 7
—— —— specific gravity of blood, 17
Shock, effect of, on specific gravity of blood, 18
Size of red corpuscles, 12
Skin diseases, eosinophilia in, 150
Small-celled infiltration, 105
Specific gravity of blood, 17
—— —— —— —— connection with hÆmoglobin, 18
—— —— —— —— in anÆmias, 18
—— —— —— —— influences acting on, 18
—— —— —— —— of serum, 20
Spleen, 84
—— as blood forming organ, 84, 99
—— enlargement of, in fevers and phosphorus poisoning, 98
—— excision of see Splenectomy
—— functions of, 98
—— in guinea-pig, 91, 93, 99
—— tumours of, 97, 98
Splenectomy, effect of on blood in hedgehog, 107;
in guinea-pig, 88;
in man, 93, 95, 96, 113
Staining, theory of, 36
—— vital, 124
Stimulation forms of leucocytes, 79
Stroma of corpuscles, influence on specific gravity of blood, 19
Suppuration in lymphatic leukÆmia, 104;
in myelogenic, 177;
in pemphigus, 157
Survival staining, 125
Thyroid, changes after splenectomy, 84
Time of life, influence of, on corpuscles, 7
Toxic leucocytosis, 145
Transitional forms of leucocytes, 74, 112
Triacid stain, 42, 131
Trichinosis, eosinophilia in, 152
Tropics, influence of, on red corpuscles, 12
Tuberculin injections, eosinophilia from, 152
—— —— lymphocytosis in, 103
Tumours of bone-marrow, 115
Typhoid fever, leukopenia in, 146, 189
Urticaria, eosinophilia in, 150
Vital staining, 124
Volume of corpuscles, 21
White blood corpuscles see Leucocytes