PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 Definition. Clinical methods of investigation of the blood 1 The quantity of the blood 2 Number of red corpuscles 4 Size of red corpuscles 12 Amount of hÆmoglobin in the blood 13 Specific gravity of the blood 17 Hygrometry 21 Total volume of the red corpuscles 21 Alkalinity of the blood 23 Coagulability of the blood 24 Separation of the serum 24 Resistance of the red corpuscles 25 THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE BLOOD 27 A. Methods of investigation 29 a. Preparation of the dry specimen 32 . Fixation of the dry specimen 34 ?. Staining of the dry specimen 36 Theory of staining 37 Combined staining 38 Triacid fluid 40 Other staining fluids 41 Recognition of glycogen in the blood 45 Microscopic determination of the distribution of the alkali of the blood 46 B. Normal and pathological histology of the blood 48 The red blood corpuscles 48 Diminution of hÆmoglobin equivalent 49 AnÆmic or polychromatophil degeneration 49 Poikilocytosis 52 Nucleated red blood corpuscles 54 Normoblasts and megaloblasts 56 The fate of the nuclei of the erythroblasts 57 The clinical differences in the erythroblasts 61 THE WHITE BLOOD CORPUSCLES 67 I. Normal histology and classification of the white blood corpuscles 71 The lymphocytes 71 The large mononuclear leucocytes 73 The transitional forms 74 The polynuclear leucocytes 75 The eosinophil cells 76 The mast cells 76 Pathological forms of white blood corpuscles 77 The neutrophil myelocytes 77 The eosinophil myelocytes 78 The neutrophil pseudolymphocytes 78 Stimulation forms 79 II. On the places of origin of the white blood corpuscles 81 a. The spleen 84 . The lymphatic glands 100 ?. The bone-marrow 105 III. On the demonstration of the cell-granules, and their significance 121 History of the investigation of the granules 121 Since Ehrlich. 123 Methods of demonstration 124 Vital staining of granules 124 The Bioblast theory (Altmann) 128 The granules as metabolic products of the cells (Ehrlich) 130 Secretory processes in granulated cells 134 IV. Leucocytosis 138 Biological importance of leucocytosis 138 Morphology of leucocytosis 142 a. 1. Polynuclear neutrophil leucocytosis 143 Definition 143 Clinical occurrence 144 Origin 144 a. 2. Polynuclear eosinophil leucocytosis, including the mast cells 148 Definition 149 Clinical occurrence 150 Origin 154 . LeukÆmia ("mixed leucocytosis") 167 Lymphatic leukÆmia 170 Myelogenous leukÆmia 171 Morphological character 187 Origin 187 V. Leukopenia 188 The blood platelets. The hÆmoconiÆ 190 Index To Literature 195 Index 209 Plates