CHAPTER | PAGE | I. | A Stricken Corsage | 9 | II. | Owen Kilgariff | 29 | III. | Evelyn Byrd | 50 | IV. | The Letting Down of the Bars | 59 | V. | Dorothy’s Opinions | 70 | VI. | “When Greek meets Greek” | 79 | VII. | With Evelyn at Wyanoke | 102 | VIII. | Some Revelations of Evelyn | 118 | IX. | The Great War Game | 144 | X. | The Law of Love | 152 | XI. | Orders and “No Nonsense” | 167 | XII. | Safe-conduct of Two Kinds | 178 | XIII. | Kilgariff hears News | 185 | XIV. | In the Watches of the Night | 210 | XV. | In the Trenches | 216 | XVI. | The Starving Time | 224 | XVII. | A Gun-pit Conference | 242 | XVIII. | Evelyn’s Revelation | 269 | XIX. | Dorothy’s Decision | 277 | XX. | A Man, a Maid, and a Horse | 283 | XXI. | Evelyn lifts a Corner of the Curtain | 294 | XXII. | Alone in the Porch | 302 | XXIII. | A Lesson from Dorothy | 318 | XXIV. | Evelyn’s Book | 327 | XXV. | More of Evelyn’s Book | 345 | XXVI. | Evelyn’s Book, Continued | 370 | XXVII. | Kilgariff’s Perplexity | 386 | XXVIII. | Evelyn’s Book, Concluded | 390 | XXIX. | Evelyn’s Vigil | 418 | XXX. | Before a Hickory Fire | 424 | XXXI. | The Last Flight of Evelyn | 432 | XXXII. | The End of it All | 434 |